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Higher Chewie, Just a lil Higher!

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:: 2003 16 June :: 4.05am

"every second she laid in his arms, time seemed to stop. "Look, its 2:28 just like yesterday" he said...she couldn't help but smile."

I want pancakes... bad.

Had a great night, No Parking boys rocked my world + Adaptation w/Weston & Gregory Luke. Igby tomorrow!!

"its hot hot" <3

12 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 13 June :: 7.42pm
:: Music: new pornographers-letter from an occupant

I am leaving on a cruise tomorrow. Should be fun. Hopefully.

Quick recap of summer so far is as follows:
-Haven't seen anyone, sav for Heather at Wendy's and when Vivi delivered music to my house.
-Had my family act like asses to me most of the time, specifically about how I dress and why I have no job.
-Picked up the Malkmus and the Jicks new album, an Elvis Costello greatest hits collection, The Microphones' The Glow pt. 2, Jeff Buckley's Grace and two Nick Drake albums. Burned a Django Reinhardt double disc collection from my brother.
-Have read a few books already. Slaughter-House Five, Perks of Being a Wallflower, and Mirth of a Nation. Am going to read The Fountainhead while on my cruise.
-My sleeping schedule is now 4:30 am to noon. I need to change that when I get back.
- Have been writing a lot more, as evidenced from my last two entries. It's more to help build my skills, but it also is kind of relaxing.
-Am going to go thrifting with Austin when I get back. Holla.
-I have missed Noah, seriously. It's not the same without him. Heather and Krystal could give a long speech about this.

Well, I'm gone. Maybe I'll be able to update on the cruise ship, but I'm not sure, and it's not one of my top priorities. If anyone wants to drop by tonight to say goodbye, go right ahead. My mom will kill me, but that's after you leave.

And oh man, The Even Stevens Movie is tonight.

Later babe

7 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 13 June :: 6.38pm

The Twins + Emmy rock my world!!!...

Mayra made me the best shirt in the world (pics will come shortly!)

today was the best, you girls rock!!


thanks to Emmy <3

13 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 13 June :: 11.05am

sleepy lady here :0(

i forgot to write about the horses!!

i went up to Wellington to see Steve yesterday, it was "muy muy bueno" (wow. that was lame) except for the hitting the tree part.

His neighborhood is SOOOOOOOOOO pretty and humungous lol He gave me the tour of his house and then outside to see the horses, Mo and Jade <3<3

Jade was HUGE! but she let me pet her lots and all that fun stuff. She kinda scared me but shhhhh

Mo put his cock out, it was scary lol

when i left i hit a tree. It sucked. lol thats all.

I had a good time :0)

oh man i forgot about Felix, the alien cat!!!

okay.. i don't want to sound mean but it was the scariest thing i've ever seen practically lol

imagine Mr.Bigglesworth but scarier. It was wrinkly and it had a crazy alien head

6 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 13 June :: 3.30am
:: Music: Fairport Convention

It suddenly occured to me that a hunger had built up inside my stomach. So I continued walking down the sidewalk, until I found an old-looking diner. It seems as though that's the only kind of diner these days. The door was already ajar, either for customer's convenience or out of laziness. I walked in and noticed that the whole place was rather dirty and unkempt. I wasn't in the mood to be seated by some stranger, so I took a seat in a booth by the corner. I quickly noticed that I was the only patron in the diner. Sort of a turn-on. I waited for about five minutes, not hearing a sound in the place. I was going to call "hello?" out, but I wasn't a fan of raising my voice. Which wasn't a major help during my high school Glee Club days. Finally, an elderly woman of African descent, or maybe European descent, I don't really know, came from the back to take my order.

"What will you be having tonight kid?"

I mentioned to her that a menu would be helpful.

"Believe me son, unless you plan on buying a stairway to heaven tonight, you'll be wanting the egg salad," was her reply.

Quite unsure of what she meant by the whole stairway deal, I took her advice. She went again to the back to bring me some coffee. Or maybe she was going to smoke a cigarette, I can't say for sure. I perused the walls of the diner, seeing if I could count all the holes in the walls and ceilings. I was up to seventeen when the elderly waitress of African or European, or possibly Eskimo descent came back with a cup in one hand and pot of coffee in the other. She began pouring.

"So what's your story kid?"

I felt it was time for a Smiths reference, quite sure that she wouldn't know I was quoting the lyrical genius of them.

"Sixteen, clumsy and shy. That's the story of my life."

"Uh huh. Now would you like cream with your coffee Morrissey?"

Never underestimate the musical knowledge of elderly waitresses of African or European or Eskimo, or possibly Japanese descent. Her name was Ava. Well, her nametag said that at least. And isn't that the point of nametags?

"Ava, I like my coffee like I like my women. Blacker than the heart of a Republican."

"I voted for Reagan. Twice."

She finished pouring the coffee to the brim, and returned to the back.

I wondered about two things in her absence, none more important than the other. First, why did I make that analogy? I don't even drink coffee, so how would I know how I liked it? And secondly, who over the age of 42 listens to the fuckin Smiths? Then I remembered that my 6th grade Social Studies teacher once did a lesson on the effects Hatful of Hallow had on the geo-political landscape of post-Cold War Russia. I read two years ago that he died from colon cancer, at the age of 76. I didn't do the math, and just figured he was older than 42 when I was his pupil. God rest his soul.

Ava returned to me, no egg salad with her. I had finished my cup of coffee, even though I hated the taste of it.

"I'm sorry, our one cook is drinking Jack Daniels in the back. Doesn't look too good. So don't get your hopes up on the egg salad."

"Ava, who is your favorite movie star of all-time?"

"Jimmy Stewart. He always played characters with great character and morals. I respected that. Who was yours?"

"Val Kilmour. I just liked him as Iceman."

She just stared at me.

"You know...in Top Gun."

Still staring.

"Remember...'I feel the need for speed'."

She gave me a smile.

"Tell me kid, you ever been in love?"

"Yes." This was not the truth.

"It's a great thing. My husband, Robert, he used to kiss my toes before we made love. It was sort of his ritual, or tradition. I never asked him why, for I never cared."

"My mom and dad stopped having sex after I was born."

"Don't take it too personally."

"Never did."

"Robert...he was coming home from the grocery. Bad snowstorm. There was no way to see in front of him. He got in an accident."

"He died?"

"No. No, he hit a person. 17 year-old girl. Didn't die right away, was in a coma for about two weeks. And now Robert is serving a life sentence. He could appeal, but what's the point?"

"Do you visit him?"


"Why not?"

"What's the point?"

"Don't you love him?"


I hated it when people asked me questions that I didn't want to answer.

I scrounged up some change, and handed her the money.

"If I may ask, what is love, to you?"

"When I first met Robert, he loved the Beach Boys. And I hated them, profusely. I couldn't stand them at all. And he kept playing their records, and I kept hating them. The years passed, he still played the same Beach Boys records, I hated them. And one day, not too long ago, he played that same Beach Boy record that I detested for so long, and I almost liked it. Almost."

I walked out of the diner, no longer hungry, even though I never did get that egg salad.

2 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 12 June :: 2.16am

Sr.Garbarino just left.

Confined to the house tonight cause I "got home too late" last night. pssft 3am isn't late :0P haha. well worth it anyways.

Ben came over and we chilled in my room and i organized my bead box then i had this craving for pancakes so to dennys we went.

11pm. call from home & yelling lol.

came home.. mom sat me down and we "talked" ended up with laughter and Ben & my brother thinks i'm the smoothest cat in the bunch haha.

watched Road to Perdition.... Greatlaker, Brandon... suggested the movie... good i think although between Ben and I it was highly predictable and us asshole critics, the movie was all laid out halfway through... and i laughed when he died at the end (what a sick bastard haha.)

that is all.

1 See you later boi | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 11 June :: 3.16am

Thank you Gregory Luke for a wonderful night <3

My twins, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! your party rocked my world!! + seeing all the peeps & unexpected surprises like Stef and Zack<3<3

Deli Ben + My twins!!

5 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 11 June :: 1.39am
:: Music: godspeed you black emperor- F#A#oo

The snow-covered ground caught my eye. I noticed this park had stopped bristling with energy as dusk approached. As I searched for an appropriate place for this meeting, I saw a kid, no more than eight years of age, slip and fall on the ice-bitten ground. A warm smile fell over my face, as I found humor in the fact that I found this accident comical. I sat down at a slightly frosted bench, leaving space for one beside me. As I waited, I would like to say there were thoughts running through my head, but it seemed as though the winter air froze the thought out of me.

Slowly, he appeared from the top of a nearby hill. His hair wasn't as thick, nor dark as I remembered it. I noticed that he walked without the same youthful swagger as we all did before we encountered the real world. I never did look to see if I had lost mine. He took his seat on his respective side of the bench. We were always against shaking hands, or any salutation in fact. For awhile we sat there, neither saying a word, taking brief glimpses at each other, as if we were trying to learn everything about each other's last decade and a half of living from the way we looked. From his finely tailored suit, exotic loafers, and wrinkle-laced face, I could gather a few hints at his life. Must be a lawyer, maybe even a partner. Unfaithful wife that craves more excitement than what her marriage has doled out to her. Two soccer-playing kids, still too young to be crestfallen with the typical cynicism and angst that comes with puberty. A maid named Bessie who makes their lunches, which they naturally trade with other kids on balogna sandwich days.

He no doubt gathered from my dirty corduroy jacket and seemingly invulnerable old Adidas that I had made a terrible mess of my life. Which would make my day. Finally he turned to me, wearing a sly-smile, and said it.

"I won, and you lost."

And I noticed that when I looked into the eyes of this once-familiar man, I saw contempt. I saw a victory-craving man. I saw a stranger. I just laughed to myself, finding this to be amusing.

"I am right, and you are wrong."

This is what he served up to me, seeing that his first statement didn't faze me. I returned his serve with a wide smile. So naturally, he began to let all of the past winter's frustrations show.

"And I never did like your face."

I unleashed a loud laugh. Tears almost streamed down my face with glee. I gathered myself together, and said the only right thing.

"My old friend, I have never had a job, because I never wanted one."

I leaned over and gave him a hug. Not a short one. No, the long, embraceful kind. I noticed he had given in, and begun to cry, not out of joy, but out of shame, sadness, grief. I let go, and got up. He raised his hand to say goodbye, but I shook my head, reminding him of our old rule. I started walking, not looking back at my fallen friend. Seeing that night was about to descend on the city, I gave a final smile, that one could only get when they knew that they were, in fact, the winner.

6 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 10 June :: 4.22am

drown in this hotness :0P

where ever to start...

day started off really crappy but ended quite delightfully...

i'm going to skip details cuz i don't wana talk about it and i know you don't wana hear about it so yeah.

after drowning myself in my sorrows and mac & cheese this morning got a call from Steve telling me all the crazy shit that went down w/Sean and his mom :0( (sorrrry sean, like Steph, my piss is all yours toooo)

bored bored bored then Greg called and decided to hang out so he told me to find some chics for Pete and Matt so I imed Sara B & Abby D and it was soooooooo triplin haha. Unfortunately, Abby D couldn't make it but we chizilled at her house for a bit....

met the No Parking boys at Dennys (Greg, Pete, Matt & Eric) decided it was too expensive so went to B&N where I had the chillin 50% employee discount. Then to Gregs house where we resided until almost 4.

Night @ Gregs owned soo hard.. Sara B will be providing us w/pics shortly :0)

then to McD's where they made us fattys 20 chicken mcnuggets and us going the wrong way so we took 95 home and now sara b's here and its sleep time.

goodnight world <3<3

Thanks to Sara B, pics from last night!!

18 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 9 June :: 2.52am
:: Music: nico-the fairest of the seasons

I've been wanting to do this for awhile, but I never felt up to the task until now. So here we go.

If there was ever a year to look back on and reflect upon in my life so far, this school year would be a front-runner. A lot of changes, occured, good and bad. But overall, it was a fun ride. I guess.

I came to the first day of band camp, a little taller, voice a little deeper, penis still the same size. Band camp...what a waste. That's the first moment when I thought to myself "why am I not a drama kid?" But it came and went, and soon enough it was the night before the first day of school. Now I'm not going to lie; I didn't really enjoy high school my freshman year. All of my good friends from middle school went to other high schools, I was a loser, and had no identity. The year went by fast, making lots of acquaintances, but no true friends. I also was not part of any group or clique, which I kind of wanted, like it was back in middle school. So I had a long summer, alone in my room, listening to the Pixies and Pavement.

But back to my sophmore year. I didn't know what to expect from this 15th year of my life. Classes began, and I felt more comfortable in them, knowing more people. I began to crack more jokes, like I did middle school. And through band, I started finding more of a group. I'd say the first seeds of any popularity came through Frugby. Going over to Andrew's before games truly was the best part of the week. Between hearing them jam and the actual game of Frugby, it was quite an experience. I realized that these were the kids I wanted to hang out with for the rest of my high school days. However, I sincerly doubted that the feeling was mutual at the time. I mean, they were all nice to me, but they didn't know me well.

So as the band soared into inadequacy, I began to have more fun. Hung out more, talked more, went to Denny's more, hated ryan merkel more, etc. I was also kind of owning most of my classes in one-liners. Mostly just the classes with a large amount of white preppy kids. I was also raping all of my classes, except ap history, but thats because i never read the stuff. So as I came to winter break, I was happier. I still wasn't totally part of the group, but I still hung out with them in school.

Winter break was pretty good. Don't remember much from it. I do remember one of the best nights of the year though. The night of christmas when i was saved from my drunken in-laws by the Garbarinos. We went to go see Two Towers with paul h. also, but it was soldout. So we hit up boomer's and then we drove to Veteran's Park at about midnight. And the weather was so nice. And that's where me and noah and ben started talking about making the Lord of the Rings Garb/Rose joint. Quite possibly the best idea that never happenend.

So I came back from Winter break, and drifted along for awhile. Until Noah told me one day that him, Ben, Andrew, Keith, and nick had made a band. So, remembering that my video camera was drawing dust in the corner, i asked if i could come film them. We all know how that turned out. This was kind of a turning point. I hadn't really hung out with andrew the whole year, even though we talked in math class the year before. This was also about the time Keith and I had started talking more at lunch and becomign friends. So I've already talked about the whole adastra deal before in this journal, so I'll spare you the details. But hanging out with the band at andrew's house and going to shows really was probably the funnest point of this year.

So spring break rolled around, and it was eaisly the best one I've ever had. It started with Shane's party, which was seemingly one of the last times the whole group, subdivisions and all (god that sounds dumb, i'm sorry), hung out together. Then I got to do some riding around with the kerrs and noah going to see Fallen From the Sky. Because if you don't live for today...hey...hey...hey...you'll see there's no tomorrow. punk rawk. Then I had the shindig at my house, which was great. Showing donnie darko to the masses was nice, and just having all of my friends over was charming. Sort of was a defining example of how far i had come in one year.

The last nine weeks went by quite quickly. I guess i should mention the whole girl situation, but what is there to say? I shall never mention again to anyone if i find a girl attractive. Unless Queen Latifah shows up in my biology class next year. Then I might have to bring in the noise, and quite possibly the funk as well. I doremember how the last day felt so surreal. I just had the line "From the age of 20 to 22 I had 5 friends; none of whose names I can recall" from Spider in the Snow in my head all day. Kind of eerie.

So as I finish up this recollection, I think about all the people I met and/or became friends with this year. Cary is quite possibly the smartest kid I know, and also one of the few kids who shares any musical interest with me. He is also maybe the only kid who was consistently nice to me everyday this year, even when i probably acted like a douchebag to him. And yes, I listenend to all the tapes you made me. Ian is a great kid. Very hyper, but still a funny guy. The time he walked into the band room in a speedo and the look on ms stoneman's face was quite possibly the funniest thing of this whole year I saw. Sara B. and Abby. Good girls. Their emo shit is grating on my ears. But math class was awesome with you guys, and i enjoyed making mix cds for you sara and having abby cut my leg hair. Well, i didnt like that very much, but still. Devin would easily take the cake as nicest kid I've ever met. And he's a damn good Marty McFly as well. Holly...what a fatass. Krystal is crazy. But she is also smart and interesting to talk to. Her, Heather and Sammy K. are the best fanclub noah could ever have. I enjoyed leaving class to go hang with them at lunch. Lil Dan is probably the kid I acted like the biggest douche too this year, and I felt bad about it. But we kind of made up, and allow him to call me 20 times a day without hanging up on him that often. Brian Egan is my favorite 1970's date rapist ever. Seriously. Maria is a girl who was nice to talk to during the second semester. She likes Donnie Darko, which rocks. Keep that boyfriend of yours too; he's a damn nice guy as well. Ryan Nagel was already a friend from middle school, but i got to know him a lot better this year. I maybe never smiled wider than the day two weeks ago when we were walking to the buses and he told me that he didn't hate his life anymore, because of the friends he had gained this year. Austin pelalla...so hot. I was digging this kid before it was cool to dig him. Which doesn't mean shit i guess, except to me. Best freshman in my opinion. I should feel bad about always making fun of Lizzie McGuire in front of Shane, but i don't. He's a good guy though; I promise him that I will get him his Hilary by the time I graduate. Jake Biel...so money. Anca and Arianne both scare me. I think they would appreciate me saying that. A.J, band class was not the same without you. Keep up the heroin; if not for you, than for your kids. Vivi...you are still a good friend in my book. Even though the wasabi was a little harsh. Sharif could most definitely beat me up. Thanks for refraining from doing so for a large portion of the year. Twister10 is probably the best relationship sara ever thought i had. Dave, you are the only kid who loves Madden as much as I do. The Garbarinos and the Kerrs...what can i say about you. Andrew, you are one of the few kids that I like hanging out with, and definitely one of the only people who I can deal with being made fun of by. The fat joke war Keith and I had this year were classic. Thanks for all the rides Ben, and for not holding my Tenacious D liking from freshman year against me. And Noah is one of the few kids who has been a friend since my freshman year. The nights spent with you guys made my year, not kidding.

Well, now that I mentioned every kid ever, I can wrap it up. Am I happier now than I was a year ago? More so than you could imagine. And that's what counts, right? Well, actually, money, penis size, and hair are what really count. But happiness would definitely be in the top-ten things that count. It might sneak into the top-5, but that's doubtful.

much love

drew r.

8 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 8 June :: 2.39pm

**some pics from the night @ Sara B's journal... www.woohu.com/lastplacechamp <3**

what a fun night :0)

*Ian + 4 boxes of Mac & Cheese
*Theres not enough foooddd!!
*Me: Time to bring the beer back in
Stev-o: Man, you bring the beer back in after the partys over
Me: haha.
*Dennys @ 5am.
*Bagel Run!
*OMG dont' light my house on fire!
*I broke your brothers lamp...
*Theres hair on the cheerio!
*Pretty Woman!
*That dip looks funky!
*chocolate chip macarroni
*Its a five iron frenzy!
*Purpleee glitterrrr everywhere!!!
*"You're beautiful"

awesome time... wish everyone else could have been there...


oh. and Wizzley, don't think I don't love you.. just I KNOW you're grounded and I just forgot to call :0( Thinking of you though....

3 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 7 June :: 6.54pm

party party party party party party party!!

movieeeeeeeeee party at Vivis tonight!!!!!

call if you wana come, must bring food (or as Greg would say "BYOE" bring your own everything lol)

fun stuff. gimme a ring!

Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 6 June :: 9.34pm

like the pink hair????? lol its just streaked in the front so far... want to get opinions before i go pink happy all over my head :0P

guna c 2 Fast 2 Furious tonight!!! weeeeee!

9 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 6 June :: 3.30am
:: Music: smiths

I really need to stop listening to the Smiths late at night, or I'm going to kill myself.

I Know It's Over

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
and as I climb into an empty bed
oh well, enough said
I know it's over still I cling
I don't know where else I can go, mother

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
see, the sea wants to take me
the knife wants to slit me
do you think you can help me?

Sad veiled bride, please be happy
handsome groom, give her room
loud, loutish lover, treat her kindly
although she needs you more than she loves you

And I know it's over
still I cling
I don't know where else I can go
it's over, it's over, it's over

I know it's over
and it never really began
but in my heart it was so real
and you even spoke to me and said:

"If you're so funny
then why are you on your own tonight?
and if you're so clever
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very entertaining
then why are you on your own tonight?
if you're so very good looking
why do you sleep alone tonight?
I know because tonight is just like any other night
that's why you're on your own tonight
with your triumphs and your charms
while they are in each other's arms"

It's so easy to laugh
it's so easy to hate
it takes strength to be gentle and kind
it's over, over, over

It's so easy to laugh
it's so easy to hate
it takes guts to be gentle and kind
it's over, over, over

Love is natural and real
but not for you, my love
not tonight my love
love is natural and real
but not for such as you and I, my love

Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head
Oh Mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head

2 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?


:: 2003 5 June :: 12.43am
:: Music: smiths= paint a vulgar picture

Goals for the summer:

- Read more books. Stuff by Camus, Vonnegut, and Steinbeck. Tackle some of my dad's Asian books.

- Work out more. Get buff.

- Kick start the South Florida noise rock scene.

- Listen to a great deal of blues and jazz. Already stole my dad's Miles Davis and Robert Johnson albums. Have purchased Blind Willie McTell cassette off ebay for $.97 also.

- Figure out the whole Thriller music video dance routine. Then bust out the skills at Band camp.

- Write that "Advantages of Being a Music Nazi" novel I've been wanting to.

- Expand my Django Reinhardt, Nick Drake, Curtis Mayfield, and Velvet Underground record collection.

- Beat the game Bust-a-Move. 99 levels. Should be fun.

- Get rough draft done of my 80's New Wave play.

- See more old French films.

- Throw a shindig at my house at least once every two weeks.

- Start that Oi punk band with Cary and release first single "Enemy of the Skate" by end of summer.

- Drive around, bowl, and mini golf more.

- Two words: Substance abuse.

- Be a better friend, hoping that reciprocates back.

- Buy a Delorean.

- Find a good job where I might actually enjoy working at.

- Party like it's 1999.

Drew R.

5 See you later bois | Why you gotta be so complicated?

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