2004 11 May :: 7.19 pm
:: Mood: Complete
:: Music: All That Could Have Been-NIN
::All Is Through, And Through All I Have Succeeded::
It's time to revaluate my life.
Put myself on the spot. Things are great now. Better than before. One stone fell from the necklace, and the ruined part of me has ended.
I didn't need her to help me. Best friend? Bullshit. She was never best. Never called a friend. I have forgotten her, and things are okay.
I'm finally okay with that.
::Find Yourself:: |
2004 2 May :: 8.45 pm
:: Mood: Believing
:: Music: Times Scar-Chrono Cross
::We're All Nothing And Everything At Once::
We some how always believe that we are...God sent. We believe that life is never better, when it couldn't get worse.
Why is it that people believe what they hear? Or why is it, that people are so...high on a ladder?
We discovered long ago that we are not perfect, so why are we made out to believe that individuals are? Who made us this way, and why did we sin?
Answers will never be questions, and questions will never be answered.
We must realize that we are not perfect, but perfectly flawed. And we must,also, realize that we are human beings.
2 ::Always Lonely:: |
::Find Yourself:: |
2004 29 April :: 6.06 pm
::I Close My Eyes::
Could it be any better? Or could it get worse?
This love. To have, to cherish. I will always.
I Close my eyes. And you, I see. You are there, protecting me. Always.
I close my eyes, and you, I see. You are there, kissing me. Gently.
I Close my eyes. And you, I see. You are holding me. Tightly.
Dreams are all I have. Hopes, are all I need to give up. You are all I cherish. You, are me. You....God, how I love thee.
::Find Yourself:: |