2003 20 December :: 11.02 pm
:: Mood: ecstatic
:: Music: Hooked on your love in my head and aim
I've got problems and I'm proud
haha Tiffi! ...shit I was playin the game so well..and I fell for it* ... again..dammit!!!! ...no pookie...if Ashley Taylor found out she'd eat mah head alive..besides... I'm with ...him*.......well anyways
I was chillin wit mah babi from like 3:3o-1o:0o!!!!! woooo yesss! my mom's sleep...oh my...I had a lot more fun @ tha movies than the mall..but I didn't kiss no one..[yet..keyword!]..but I had soooo many opportunities. woo wee! sexy sexy! ..aahh got some gifts..part of my mom's present..and we walked to the mall. lol we were funny crossin the street like that. I coulda walked ahead..but he's a slow walker and I wanted to savor every moment so I walked with him..and he waited for me and stuff....aahh!
omg... he has freckles...black boy with freckles...I do like him.. I mean really..not enough to screw him really..just ..yeah lol..hope it ain't lust ..wait why did I strike it out..lust is good! lol but yeah..convo during the movie and after was good...he kept trying to take mah stuff..and i was playin with his hat and pattin his puff ball hair. javonne + tiffy thought i was patting something lol but I wasn't! i'll talk about the mall and my day more later...but yoo i was kickboxing and doing tae-bo...and my tummy looks so tiny now...and woo! i tell ya ima get to my desire. ..."i don't like this" "i don't know what kinda stuff u like chuckie.." "you should" "aiight whachu like" "you"... =D!!!
i've moved on jewelz..so kiss my ass!
<33 alwayz,
c.p.N.c.j. ...da boo of Chuckie*
4 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 20 December :: 2.21 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: en vogue* hooked on your love
I'm about to go to tha mall with Tiffy, Erroll, Ant, and Chuckie*!! yayyyy! just thought I'd let y'all noe...woooo! I'm sooo happppyyy!
no she didn't! |
2003 19 December :: 10.09 pm
:: Mood: hopeful
:: Music: Mary J. Blige* Real Love* ----> Jumpoff Remix
Happy Chanukah!
Well yeah...my mom appologized to me and wouldn't let go of my neck until I said I love her too. Then I told her I'm goin shoppin w/ Erroll tomorrow and she said that was fine so I guess we cool. And she said I could go wheneva she got home after her test. But I'm still thinking of what I could be doing with chuckie*...dammit! lol
Yo let me tell you how I took two knives at the drawer..turned around and faced her..walked a lil bit and got sooo ready to throw it and she still didn't noticed..then I just walked back in the kitchen and started slicing newspapers..hehehe...I'm a nutcase..that's why I say "don't mess with me I'm crazy"... I literally am...hehe... [don't call no one..please =D ]
all I need...all I need...all I need is you..baby your everything everything, everything that's you..all I need all I need all I need is you..baby you're everything that's you..-aaliyah
utt oh! rite thurr remix PORKCHOP TIME!
Hmm I'm watchin the Pistons vs Paces and it's..uhm...48-41... I like dem both.
Whoa Dang! you are such a band nerd. Sometimes it's
nice to see what the world has to offer every
once in a while!
Are you a band nerd? brought to you by Quizilla
whats your aim sn?: lushuzXanjel : babisistah421
are u on it often?: on X more
whos your fave person to talk to on it?: .. lot of ppl
whos your least fave person to talk to on it?: can't say.. =D
have u ever made an sn just so u didn't have to talk to some1?: what?
who do u talk to most on it?: prolly ATP / Erroll / Edmond
who do u talk to least?: Aaron Hall
how many people are on ur bl?: 180
do a lot of people have there away messages up?: about half...
whats your fave thing about aim?: talking to people
least fave thing?: connecting is annoying..it keeps screwin up lately
how many sn's do u have?: 3
why do u change them?: coz my personality changes
do u ever stalk people online?: nah
do they know?: ^
what do u think they would think if they found out?: ^^
Questions for Pondering
What would you do if...
you woke up and were a different gender?: go f*ck someone
you woke up and were the opposite sexual orientation?: hmm...
you woke up and had gained 40 pounds?: track back what I ate
your shampoo made all your hair fall out?: get some weave and call ppl and cuss them the hell out
you could speak only after being spoken to?: give sum1 the finger so they'd yell and i could talk
you could halt time at will?: man ppl would be dead
your family and friends suddenly forgot who you were?: ...peace out!
you could only have sex once a year?: ..i'm a virgin yo..
nothing that came out of your mouth made any sense?: write it down!
you became stricken with a disease that kept you from going outside...ever?: ...hmm... as long as i'm rich by then
you were able to change bodies at will?: ..power to that
you had to wear a mask for the rest of your life?: ..the man in the iron mask..not good i'm to pretty! lol
you were unable to speak to your lover?: write him notes!
whenever you flirted, you emitted an unpleasant odor?: lol eww...body spray
you were magically able to change one body part without surgery?: ..oh hell yeah! big boobs for me! sike nah.. prolly cheek reduction lol
you were able to fly unaided but were deathly afraid of heights?: ..sounds like me..i'd still do it
food tasted like cardboard?: get some alcohol and get drunk
you inherited a large sum of money but could only spend it on someone else?: ..could i be the someone else
we got a smoked turkey...smoked turkey is the bomb aiight..you have no idea! wooo once a year and we get it in the mail for someone....ooh can't wait! Chanukah started at sundown tonite...soo happy Holiday #2...Winter Solstice is next! ...aiight now to my day.
health* ..yeah got some info before I went to health. A.Plashette...lol.. [oohh snappp Spurs about to play!] [66-72 pacers :( ].. yeah in Health..we did our stuff and watched a movie on drugs our president's Daddy was on it. See..the people havin seizures and stuff was dey fault [..mainly black people ..hmmm lol ] ...but the part that brought tears..real tears Javonne saw me..were the crack babies..this lil baby in Philly's mom was abandoning her..and she was just so skinny [wasn't a black baby might I add]..and it was holding on and crying..and it just broke my heart... Info tech* yeah..we had fun...were talkative and stuff..Mrs. Bird's sweater was very festive.. I can't even count how many times I got called a crackhead and slow lol. And Nookie and Sha to tha Ne` were makin fun of Chuckie*'s name in a southern accent lol. Evilness! Band* geez...we had a sub...we had to play..got done early...thank goodness. Why couldn't we just watch a dvd..but no we gotta play the same 3 damn songs every frickin day and it's annoying as hell! Art was being such a dummy but it was funny! "This is why...!" [lol that will neva get old] lunch* more basketball talk.. I will get my point across to them fools who say Carmelo is a child & is crap! He is sexy, is a man and can play him some ball!!
But yeah.. me, Simone, & Boo were on chill mode in lunch. Layin down singin the sun'll come out...tomorrow... lol it was fun. yeah... some other stuff happened but no comment on that! [aww is ben wallace crying because his team is losing AGAIN?!...poor baby..] geometry* no strikeout because ms downes wasn't dere! yeah I got my work down and me & Ashley Taylor figured out the last formula for the hexagons! we were basically like "i got it" at the same time. woo woo woo! then Edmond came during sixth and then we talked about me being "confused" and he made a game plan for me. it was funny. if he hadn't come my butt prolly woulda fell asleep. le francais* yeah...we did some stuff on contractions..we got a new black boy named Johnny i think he a freshman.. he's a lil skinny 1 but that negro's voice is deep for his size yo! lol "i got my eyes on you...baby let me tell you that you* are the truth" [75-80 final ::tear::] yeah...after ppl finished you could help people out. so I helped Matt B + Johnny it was fun. I was like a teacher!
aahh...when I got on the bus* I figured out that our bus driver is a jerk! He made Aaron get off the bus! Stupid! Crystal was like "white people man!" it was halarious. ...well that and when he walked in front of the bus. bus our bus driver...aahh punk. Yeah..when I got home* I watched my soaps, played NBA Live 2oo3 [want o4 for xmas yo!] ..and then Tiffaney, Anthony, and Chuckie* called me! We all talked for like an hour and 20. It was fun stuff. And I fell asleep like twice coz I was under my blanket on my bed in my robe watchin Dr. Phil [good show!]. But yeah.. some ..uhm "interesting".. "nasty" "mean" "freaky" stuff was goin on! lol "you horny bastard.." "i know he ain't talkin to me!" "omg coco is he talkin to you!" "nah..chuck"..that was scary lol..yeah I can't say the convo on here... =D ...
And yeah... I've been talkin to Erroll for like 2 hours or some stuff like that. Hopefully Chuckie can come to the mall with us when we go shoppin. It's gonna be fun fun! But...stupid black ppl are gonna start stuff when they see us watch..so note: we do not go out! AHAHA! u missed ur dunk bitch! lol sorry about the language in the last entry too..uh..hehehe lol. aahhh...tony parker! i am in love with that man yo! give me a poster of him for Xmas too! ooooh weee! <333 him. and now it's time to send Ms. Penny my AVON order! Good nite!
*Happy Chanukah!!*
gooo spurrss! 5-1! woot woot! kings game on xmas vs mavs...can't wait yo! let's count!
-----> 28 dayz until The [january] Jumpoff <-----
-----> 6 days until Xmas, 1 week until Kwanzaa, 13 dayz till 'o4! <-----
-----> 4 months and 2 dayz until my burrthday! <----- .
yo yo yo Ginobili!
no she didn't! |
2003 19 December :: 8.12 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: en vogue* hooked on your love
... ::shiver::...caution..language...
i was looking forward to this all fucking week too...one frickin nite...hopefully i'll get a glimpse of him on Tuesday.. I am SO mad at her...
and I was thinkin of suttin rite. I am pretty good at darts and archery and junk. Like 1/4 of the time I'll get a bulls eye.. so I was thinkin ... if I just threw a knife [one of dem stainless steel ones we got]...and if I'm good at darts and junk..she'd be gone..but then I thought about it more.
ugh...tears are all streamin down my face..
If i did..toss the knife at her and if she died..
a. I'd have to be adopted into a new home
b. i'd be charged..and go to a juvi service for like until I'm 25..which is a like 1o years four months..
c. i'd prolly slit my wrists and die so i wouldn't go to jail...which ain't too hot..
d. too many people would find out
e. i don't wanna clean up the blood and her body is too heavy to drag into a closet or suttin..and there's no way i'd chop it into pieces...
all i fuckin wanted was to see Chuckie* is that so HARD?!
i'm callin Edmond soon...ahh I could really hurt her..or break all of her dead mother's glasses...like I have threatened before. Yeah...all this anger from everything..sick of it all... I'm done.. I just want to give up..I mean like
really give up
do ya understand me? ... ooh i could hurt her...i'm never gonna be a horrible mom like her..at least she could give me a reason..and don't give me a "she's your mother she doesnt have to explain anything to you" coz I'll shoot you with Jerry's gun too.. or my grandmother's..I kno where both of them keep theirs. I just wanna walk out..and go somewhere. Man if she leaves this room I'm grabbin her car keys and I'm the fuck out.. I could handle driving on 541...and I'll just sit in a parking lot or something..and pull an Eddie of the temptations... i'm so pissed off..
it scares me when I say stupid shit like that because the old me comes back..ya noe..that really angry me..that.. I don't know if I wanna tell the whole frickin internet world what went down in 6th grade..but yeah. Yup...I'm just like one of them dudes in the crack movie...and I'm all shaking and junk. It's anger and the fact that I'm cold coming out all at once.
I should make a list of everyone that's gonna get shot one of these days:
There I'm done..hmm...I'll put up this quiz result..
my internet junk
'what xmas character are you test'
result was.....
1nce upon a time..
there was a girl who was unhappy..
she looked happy on the outside..
but she was pissed the hell off on the inside..
so one day she stabbed her mom
to make it long and drawn out..
and shot herself to make it quick..
the end
i finally saw the hey ya* video today..yeah and Hotel..but I'm gonna go now....sorry y'all had to read that.
fuck her...and everyone else who's pissed me off lately too
you got served,
wolves beat the mavs last nite 114-1o9..just thought i'd tell u
to whoever has a good relationship with their mother...lucky you
i'm really about to stab her..it's not even funny i'm shakin coz i'm so mad..
no she didn't! |
2003 19 December :: 8.05 pm
:: Mood: melancholy
my mom is a bitch..
..I hope she dies
and burns in hell
the end
*thanks bre
no she didn't! |
2003 18 December :: 5.48 pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: Dru Hill* Beauty ---> Cassidy f/ R.Kelly* Hotel
10 years ago I was... | 1): | four | 2): | rockin hotpink tights and pigtails | 3): | at my aunt joyce's house in buckingham on a daily basis | 4): | watchin nick jr + barney | 5): | afraid of Brandon [cousin's friend] | | 5 years ago I was... | 1): | 9 turnin 1o in a couple of months | 2): | in 3rd grade w/ mrs. shuman | 3): | in b.bernice young | 4): | singin Mr. Moss rhymes | 5): | playin jump rope | | 2 years ago I was... | 1): | 12 | 2): | in mrs. williams' class along with mrs. dunn | 3): | single | 4): | in 7th grade | 5): | friends with Ania | | 1 year ago I was... | 1): | 13 | 2): | reppin' 8th grade | 3): | happppyyyy | 4): | still in middle school for math and not HS yet | 5): | gettin ready for Xmas | | Today I am... | 1): | 14 | 2): | loving my life as a basketball manager | 3): | torn between people.. | 4): | saxilicious [lol] | 5): | a freshman! oh seven! | | Tomorrow I will... | 1): | be going to the movies w/ my baby | 2): | be glad it's Friday | 3): | recieving FUNNY ass notes | 4): | watching basketball games on the television | 5): | glad there's 1½ skoo' days left! |
Through the years brought to you by BZOINK!
so yeah..rite now I'm talking to Pooh & Emu as usual...::yawn:: ugh I'm cold brrrhh! so "wats really good" lol..yeah mah day was fun..it's so much stress-free now that..yeah but anyways ...Chuckie*'s a funny one but he still needs a nickname...so help...
you noe what strike writin about mah day now..Ima be back.. I feel like dancin/singin/video games/homework [i think not!] ...oh yeah got a box of chocolates..the chocolates that I was just gettin red-E to go out to tha store for..yeah and my mom gives it to me..and they in their nice lil xmas box..wooo! chocoLAT!
<333 alwayz,
8 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 17 December :: 7.31 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Loon ft/ Mario Winans* Down 4 Me
aahhh... i'm torn between..people..::tear::
"He said he was gonna cut it
like he was gonna let ya go
since U got someone"
no no no....oh well.. I just feel really sick to my stomach now..and my heart feels like suttin was just ripped from it.. So yeah.. I went to the basketball practice. i got a t-shirt..woo woo woo! Go freshmennnnn! i am not the one... i guess i'll tell y'all bout mah day..
oh yes.. me, myself, & I is on..the perfect song right now..
health* we worked in groups, took notes, and uhm... did the focus and stuff. I'm doin pretty good... all 1oo'z on mah stuff .. woo woo woo. info tech* [utt ohh! pass the courvosier part ii iz on!] ..yeah .. Matt started the whole crackhead bit thing again coz I'm wasn't cold. And Christine was catchin an attitude...watch it... But yeah..I saw this adorable picture of Ashley & Amber [Sha to tha Ne`'s lil twin sisters]!!! Wrote a note..crackin up from a note...haha fun stuff! band* uhm..same usual stuff..yup yup..my brother was bein a bad boy and was doin spanish homework..naughty naughty.. whoever wrote Old Brenton Carol can kiss my ass..it's easy to clap..but the way I have to play it..from G to A..AAHH! ..Uh yeah ..that's..it? lunch* fun times as usual... I'm a retard. Me, Bobby, and Erroll were talkin about who's the best player Kobe/LeBron/or Carmelo and then Bobby was like brandon [gardner]'s jersey wasn't cuttin it..and I was just confused. so i went ova dere and was like "whattt" and realized it was a carmelo jersey! hahaha! then they all called me slow...::tear:: lol then Javonne and Simone called me slow too! lol geometry* yeah..did problems again.. i actually participated..haha..my proportions are always different but i always get them correct so..yeah whateva. ..read my note again just for kicks coz it was halarious. le francais* had a quiz.. I was dreading it..but I think I got like a 97 or suttin...so yeah there were like 39 vocab words...my goodness! But yeah.. Jessica & Daniel were crackin me up again. Lindsay asked me to do the JV book on the 29th..and not for a scrimmage..for a REAL game!! aahhh!
home* i heard the bus, so i left the door open, got my umbrella, and was chillin wit Jess outside coz she's moving to Philly on Saturday.."i'm movin to northeast with all the white people courtney! and dorlorian raped me.. i feel so unsafe!" frickin retard! lol then i went inside her house and then i went home got my keys, and locked my door. so then i went back and we watched bringin down the house...funny stuff! the tae-bo ness...ahaha! lol the practice* yeah uhm..Ashley runnin! lol that was funny... I'm really pissed off at Adam Braswell lol..he dragged me on the frickin floor. I didn't mean to play out Brandon that much..coz I ain't noe he was -rite- thurr! lol [woah..i can't even spell my middle name..there's no R lol!] but yeah.. I had fun..them boyzZz are bad tho! thank god I don't sit in da back with them lol. oh well... now* i'm talking to emu & anty pooh and i'm chillyn..waitin for my cd player batteries to die out..waitin for da michael shawn [he's a ugly puerto rican! lol always talkin bout he so dayum saxi!] 4 blaze 5..[woo] [utt ohh naughty girl on da radio!] yeah..and ima go now..
let's start countin yo!
-----> 3 days until Chanukah, 8 days until Xmas, & 9 days until Kwanzaa* <-----
4 months and 4 dayz
until mah buuurthday
ut oh! hey ya* came on!
<3333 alwayz,
move bitch...get out the way...
no she didn't! |
2003 16 December :: 9.08 pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: en vogue* love don't love you ---> suga suga
well...lookin at the updates on woohu.. it don't look like ima be here for much longer..because like I said I've got a lj and uhm.. I'm getting busierrrr...and gonna start making money for our class [u know!]. but yeah, rite now I just got finished talking to chuckie* [he needs a nickname], cristina, and i'm still talking to emu. no two page letterss today thank god..got like 4 notezZz from mah friendzZz.
::cough!!!:: yeah... i guess i'll tell y'all about mah day...but i might go to the movies again with mr. McCoy ...and uhm do our "plan" haha... aahhh! he just asked me out!!! omg! [he's back] hahaha ima mess wit him for a lil bit.. thus of 9:o1 pm...i'm not single no mo...woo! i think! lol now to my dayyy..chuck got me screamin anotha language...
health* the class itself actually ain't that bad, i guess its coz i have fun. we did an age expectency..it said i should get up to 8o years old yay me. and we found out how old she was she's as old as Mastin is. yeah..andrew and james have drama..got in trouble the first couple minutes they sat near eachother..i'm in the back..woot woot! info tech* yeah...we had a quiz thing and then an assesment wit it. I think I did pretty good..she loved the colour scheme. Matt was being evil again! lil bad boy! well..he's a senior so...big bad boy! band* lol funny stuff "courtneyyy..." "whattt...." "ssshhhhh" lol. yeah uhm...i ain't passin out drum, timp, or trumpet music for a while lol. uhm...yeah tony's a bitch sike nah. that's my buddy now [i guess]. taylor wants me to go with chuckie lunch* lol...fun times there too... "can i have it?" "wait" okay... ::stay there:: "wait..." "she means go away!" lol steph that was funny..got some moneys again..ppls was bein loud..but so were we so it was cool. we were goin down memory lane. geometry* pookie stopped by until 6th block..uhm finished the rest of mah homework..go courtney! lol we spent the whole frickin period on a problem!!! lol stupid! so yeah i wrote a note..uhm..then slept..then paid attention..then wrote another note..then zZz..yeah lol. free period..woo woo woo! le francais* yeah period went by a lil slower then faster. ___ slapped ___..it was horrible! lol yeah we found out what foods ppls liked by working in groups.. robert's still mah brotha lol "oww...my shoulder courtney" "mah elbow hurts...no idea why..prolly from gettin it hit" ::rub:: ::glare:: "my boobie!"-that was robert haha "meeting" with o6* yeah...freshmen this..freshmen that...bitch!! lol yeah i wasn't mad at them like half of o7 was ..it's just that i wanted to be at the game..and i didn't go coz i thought this meeting would be important..but it was just chaos and them segregating us and yelling at us and saying "freshmen" so sara + sarah came to our room after we left and apologized...hmm... yeah but it was a waste of my time..and mrs. threadgill was yellin at folasade and everythang..drammmaaa! dennis was crackin up it was halarious. and diamond...grrhh i mean diamond..that's better =D ericson was hittin me coz he thought it was my birthday, then he was tryin to pimp me when we got off the bus it was funny and i was just glarin at him "is there a problem?" lol and aaron and i were talkin about me possibly joining the musical in spring..uhh...then they were both laughin at me when i was reppin marchin band alone , it was funny. home* yeah..took a nap..no real homework coz i did that mess in school..[most of it]..yeah..got online talked to mah favourite buddies xcept for Two... Emu, Chuckie*, Anty Pooh, Cristina, Jalysa, Ashley D, Tiffi, ari, + nookie.. I didn't talk to two important..oops 3 important ppls... javonne, ashley taylor [we must talk], and pookie ::sad face::
shoot it's o9:3o! wow... i need to update my diaryland and lj..but i do diaryland per week so that's all good..my layout for that is too f*ckin HOT!! ..yeah ant's like "u go out, deal with it!" and that dude from the movies is textin me..aaahh!!! lol so my fone's been off since Sunday..lol. chocolate drop...haha u loser it's too late now.. i think i got a man! lol yeah...so courtney's gonna go now..i wanna go be a girl a paint my nails and play with makeup since... I GOT MY AVON TODAY!!! woo and there's one more catalog left before kwanzaa so I gots ta bounce! woo..tomorrow ima be in mah athletic suit..someone join me! i'm not sure if I want pink or black tho..maybe pink on Thursday. Oh well... I gots ta go..so bye bye! emu our word is lila! =D
<333 alwayz,
2 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 15 December :: 9.03 pm
:: Mood: bouncy
hahaha...the scrimmage
wooo i had fun fun fun! we won every quarter. and there were Actually black people in Cherr Hill! I never knew that.
"i wanna be a ref"
"no you don't!"
"yes I dooo! i wanna go like this.. ::hand motions::"
"u can be a mime doing that"
i think i'll be a mime! and den me and ashley were talkin about pastaaaa! wooo ..the wedgie...aaahh the wedgieeee! hehehe..and the players and their smell. we were sittin -rite- behind the varsity boys and den was all liftin their shirts and all..heheHE! =D yeahh...but dey smelled funny...::boy walks by:: ::weird face:: "aahhh!!!!" [me, ash, and nic nac] ..their team was aiight tho...we was just betterrrr
on the bus ride home i sat wit ashley and we shared mah headfones and sang hotel and pass that dutch remix. fun stuff. and the boys laughing..they sounds like girls who are trying to sing.
uhm ... school was fun fun fun the fire drill..erbody was in group. haha u losers were in gym clothes!! lol sike nah lucky me i had health! info tech was fun, matt kept bothering me again in a funny way. band, nothin. lunch, the usual fun-ness. geometry..blah. french..blah...then the scrimmage. "he wrote me a two page letter....and he enclosed it with a kiss" lol that's courtney's situation...u loser! u can't get wit me..give it uppp!!! oh i'm horrible..but ashley taylor said it's okay..sooo it is!
what about your friends... i'm making this friends only soon due to a certain situation in school ::gasp:: there's a stalker out there yo! but hey i got a live journal..and ima make that friends only coz some people piss me off! =D off to watch las vegas and da gauntlet.peace outttt!
no she didn't! |
2003 14 December :: 3.21 pm
:: Mood: happy
:: Music: avant* read your mind
dedicated 2 Emuuu
Emu I fucking love you too! I'm sorry! No more arguing ever brotherrrr. And good luck wit Neshaaaa and f*ck the otha dude! lol ..AAAHHH HEY YA'S ON!! uttt ooohhh!
heyyy yaaa...hey yaa..heyyyyyyyy yaaaaaaa......heyyyyy yaaaa... heyyyyy yaaaaa....heyyyyy yaaaaa.. hey yaaa...heyyy yaaa...
u think u've got it, oh u've got it!
den what makes..love the exception ...
aiight now fellas..what's cooler than being cool?!..ice cold!
woo....blah blah
aiight now ladies..yeah...now we gon break this thing down in just a few seconds, now don't let me break this thing down for nothin..
..shake it shake it shake it like a polaroid picture! hey ya!
heyyy yyaaa...heyy yaaa....sorry lol
no she didn't! |
2003 14 December :: 2.16 pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: xtina* walk away
someone's bein a bitch...and it's not my moms...
cat:: | dog | dog:: | woof | star:: | sky | bed:: | sex | soft:: | lips | hard:: | dick | yellow:: | banana | christmas:: | kwanzaa | halloween:: | devil | dance:: | sex | laugh:: | lunch | talk:: | fone | game:: | show network | computer:: | aim | eyes:: | wide shut | walk:: | away | work:: | school | drink:: | alcohol.. didn't i already do this?! | sing:: | ... | diamond:: | ... | year:: | ... | present:: | ... | heart:: | ... | simpsons:: | ... | friends:: | ... | black:: | ... | ring:: | ... | movie:: | ... | kid:: | ... | teenager:: | ... | future:: | ... | past:: | ... | read:: | ... | yell:: | ... | write:: | ... | whine:: | ... | hug:: | ... | kiss:: | ... | sleep:: | ... | light:: | ... | dark:: | ... | bright:: | ... | neon:: | ... | hot:: | ... | cold:: | ... | porn:: | nasty | sex:: | now | nudity:: | water | wink:: | flirt | bite:: | arielle |
Erin's Word Association brought to you by BZOINK!
courtney has decided that i just need to try and stop being sad like and junk even if I am. I don't deserve to force myself to cry anymore..I'll just have to write more...that calms me down easier...or I'll just sleep after crying. hence...crying yourself to sleep.
i'm watchin the steelers vs jets and it's o-3 and it's snowing. i'd love to play football in the snow. push people and they go farther. oh yeah...0 catch is screwin up so I have to transfer all of my stuff to freewebs...blah I'm still mad about that. i miss alika..that was the best friend i ever had...so i need $$ to go to england and i'm dead ass serious too.. aiight let me tell y'all about the moovies...
well..when I got dere it was me, Ashley, + Jalysa. Later up Gary + Ant [his bro] came so we watched da movie. Ant sat next to me. And he was aiight..but his teeth...aah! [ashleyyyy...lol] yeah and Jalysa told me to get wit him because "he's 16, a junior, got a job, lives in city, and wants u to go to the party wit him'...uhm..not wit him! he kept leanin on me...but he was warm..and I was cold...sooo lol yeah. lol afterwards we met up wit tiff, pooh, and chuck* [wooo tiffi..they were kinda cute! ..i mean really.. lol that was funny] tiffi recognized gary and started callin him a man whore and junk it was halarious and i was tellin her to shut up but..ya noe mah cousin lol. ant leaned on me to keep me warm, and then their friends from city showed up. they was loud..and the white guy was lookin a mess wit dat hair! booo..o-6 now.. great.... but yeah the black cop up in dere was an evil one. ashley's mama took me home. ima be goin out wit pooh, tiff, and chuckie more often! =D
Lets Start With The Basics... | Name?: | c.pla.nichole | Nickname?: | too many | Age?: | 1* | Height?: | 5.9 | Weight?: | forget | School?: | bths | Love Life | Straight/Bi/Gay?: | straight | Crush?: | sort of | Have a boyfriend or girlfriend?: | nah | If "Yes" how long?: | * | Favorite part of same sex?: | ... | Favorite part of oposite sex?: | eyes / chest / booT | Major turn on?: | kissin on da neck | Whats your "spot"?: | i don't have a spot | School Bullshit | What kind of grades do you get?: | a's yo! | Stereotype of hang-out group?: | ghetto black ppl lol but that's not da only type | Grades?: | all of em | Favorite part of school?: | gym ----> band ---> lunch | Friend who is... | Funniest?: | prolly pookie | Dumbest?: | we're all smart ish lol | Blondest?: | Boo | Tallest?: | Emu | Shortest?: | simmie / a.plashette | Hottest?: | ..nickel man..good Lord lol | Smartest?: | atp / me / steph / ashley | "Class clown": | dennis | "Next President": | ... I don't trust them | "Most likely to succeed": | me / steph | "Next in prison": | matt / alex buddy | Gotta have some stereotypes... | Punk?: | ... eric | Prep?: | chelsea | Nerd?: | ...johnny? | Pretty girl?: | brittany | Bitch?: | ..a lot of people | Computer nerd?: | johnny | Skater?: | ... | Jock?: | a lot... | Social outcast?: | dunno | Token black guy (or wanna be): | ..hmm... | Wigger?: | matt heckler lol | Clasic "Do You" questions and much more fun! | Drink?: | occasionally | Smoke?: | nah | Drugs? (Other than OTC): | nah | Sex?: | nah | Flirt?: | yup | Party?: | yup | Skip class?: | sometimes | Any bad habbits?: | ..not really | Are you... | {rude?: | when i wanna be | Mean?: | ^ | Funny?: | mmhmm | Attractive?: | some ppl say i am | LJ Stuff... | User name?: | woohu --> xobabiphatox | # of friends?: | 1 suttin | # of watched communities?: | none | # of joined communities?: | none | Final Five... | Was this any good?: | i guess | Could you do better?: | hmm? | Are you going to go sign up for Bzoink?: | already did | Do you play DDR?: | nah | Am I awesome?: | don't know u like that |
The common quiz brought to you by BZOINK!
it snowed...again today..but when I went outside in my robe it really wasn't that bad. I stayed out there for awhile. I want some hot chocolate. and that chicken alfredo and cinnamon raisin biscuits smell bangin! the trading spaces episodes were pretty good...ahh the cardboard on the walls was horrible let Hildi do that to my room and watch what would happen! lol
it's impossible...it's impossible to love you
if you don't let me know what you're feeling..
it's impossible...for me to give you what you need...
if you're always hiding me...
I don't know what hurts you
I just wanna make it right]
Coz boy I'm sick and tired of tryin to read your mind...
I'm not always there when u call,
But I'm always on time...
And I gave u my all...
Now baby be mine
mah deenerrr is off da hook and it's 2:41! lol oh Lord...baby boy is on...
baby boy u stay on my mind fulfill my fantasies..
i think about u all the time i see u in my dreams..
baby boy not a day goes by without my fantasy..
i think about u all the time
i see you in my dreams...
NOO000ooo00000OOOO 96.5 DIDN'T! DEY PLAYIN HOT IN HERRE! UH UH!!! lollllll
1. it's snowing
2. two summers ago
3. played out!!
..get up on dance flo..give dat man what he askin fo...
i am getting so hot, i wanna take mah clothes off...let it hang all out...
woah..this person who took mah survey's a..ya noe what. " i think mah butt gettin big..oh..it's gettin hot in herre..."....aahh i need to go hanukkah shopping! aiight ima go stroll down memory lane..bbs..
2 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 14 December :: 1.27 pm
:: Mood: pessimistic
:: Music: xtina* i'm okay

2 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 13 December :: 11.34 pm
i'm sorry that i'm not perfect..and i don't know where all this anger and frustration's coming from but i'm just seeing the light now and it hurts because i haven't cried everyday like this ..since the knife and i don't know i just don't wanna go back because it was a horrible time and i was just reading my old diaries when i was upset and i don't know what to do anymore. i just wanna run away so badly. and i wish pookie was here coz he'd sit and listen to me and not say some stupid shit like some "friends" do .. ALL THE FUCKING TIME!! some people are really horrible friends when i break it down all the way. telling me not to do somethin and then tell someone else to...fuck you...screw you..just go away. yes stephanie..coco needs a hug..badly..i'm gonna go to sleep soon..so yeah..bye..for good i'll talk about the moovies when i'm happier
now don't u hate them oh...lyin ass hoes... [that includes guys in this case]
no she didn't! |
2003 13 December :: 11.25 pm
:: Mood: uncomfortable
i know what's been wrong with me lately...
"...a bunch of stuff i work my ass off everyday to come home and get yelled at, whenever i'm happy somethin rips it away, some friends are two-faced, and everyone's happy and i'm one of the only ones alone and it .. i don't know i'm just a lot more upset about stupid stuff lately"
... i need a friend before i commit back to the knife again...and you know what..those who I'd expect to help me probably won't give a shit..they'll just sit there be like "haha bitch" and let me die...
screw you
no she didn't! |
2003 12 December :: 10.45 pm
:: Mood: flirty
:: Music: amanda Perez* angel ---> outkast * hey Ya!
go Kings*!!!!... the mavs vs losers/lakers are about to play...but i'm goin to root for da mavs yo! ...that is all..me and chuck might chill at da movies tomorrow..yeah..it'd be fun..or ima just chill wit emu and pookie..so yeah..buh bye.
BloodLine 9 7 3: U kno it's fast how U got over...
BloodLine 9 7 3: Your a strong Female
lushuzXanjel: thanks :-)
BloodLine 9 7 3: I look up to people for bein strong
BloodLine 9 7 3: usually other gurls woud still be cryin they eyes out
BloodLine 9 7 3: but U different
go me
no she didn't! |
2003 10 December :: 6.21 pm
:: Mood: blah
MiKeS LiL MaMi16: leave his ass in tha dark
i <3 u lee lee thank u :)
& thank u cris, pookie, + emu too y'alls are some real buddies...
bye now...and my finger's better...
2 ooh* |
no she didn't! |
2003 10 December :: 9.17 am
:: Mood: sad
i hate crying...crying really sucks..mrs. bird asked me what's wrong b/c I'm not talking..that's because the first thing Ima say is gonna make me upset. But hey... that's cool coz I'm still happy with myself. Oh lemme tell you about my dream... I got boobs! lol it was halarious then I went shoppin for a car and got a cheap price for a celica/eclipse..woot woot! I <3 how I can cheer myself up so quickly..yay for me. Yeah...bye now. Gotta do a lab.
blah blah..
*courtney p.nichole
no she didn't! |
2003 9 December :: 8.42 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Kelis* Milkshake
this is on tha way to my locker as soon as I come in...
"jean gonsalez!"
[who wants to shake their tailfeatherrrr!]
"yo yo come here"
"wats really good buddy...my stuff..?"
"yo ur gonna be a celebrity"
"your gonna be a celebrity when you're older!"
"coz u look like one, u gonna be famous"
... I miss him!! ::tear:: and when he come back for gym I leave..damn! lol dat's mah homie Jean Gonsalez!
*pookie nichole
no she didn't! |
2003 9 December :: 6.28 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: Beyonce`* Me, Myself, and I
Tralala..the jokes!
Ultimate Opposite Sex Survey (for girls)
--Your Favorite--
Hair Color:: brown/black
Eye Color:: green/brown
(Their)Music Genre Preference:: anything but country
Height(estimate):: 5.9 or +
Age:: 14+
Personality Type:: respect, trustworthy, funny, active, loving, and saxxiii
--This or That--
Older or Younger:: older
Romantic or Horndog:: ...horndog? wtf?
Smart or Stupid:: smart
Fat or Skinny:: in the middle
Skinny but Muscular or Big and Muscular:: WHATEVER and muscular
Punk or Preppy:: ...thuggin
The Big Picture or the Little Things:: a lil bit of both
Flowers/Candy or Big Expensive Present:: bep
Mixtape or Burned CD:: burned cd
Love or Lust:: it's always lust
Emotional or Just Not:: emotional
Sincere or Jokester:: both
Hott and mean or Ugly and sweet:: ugly and sweet
Sexy or Just "cute":: sexy
Arse or Abs:: abs
Hair or Hands:: hands
Dimples or Eyes:: eyes
Biceps or Calves/Thighs:: CALVES!!
Teeth or Nose(some people are just wierd) :: teeth
Clean Shaven or Scruffy:: don't matter
Rugged or Prim and Proper:: ..thugged outt
Countryboy or Cityboy: city
Date alone or With Friends: alonnneee
Mama's Boy or Rebel Without A Cause:: himself
--Have You Ever--
Dumped a guy because he liked you too much:: nah..
Loved a guy because he stalked you:: no..
Loved a guy because he hated you:: no..
Asked your friend's crush out:: nah..
Lead a guy on for kicks:: uh huh lol
Asked a guy out purely because he was hott:: nah
Flirted with guys even though you had a boyfriend:: oh yes!
Lied about not having a boyfriend:: nah
Lied about having one:: nah
Cheated:: not really
Been Cheated on:: don't think so
Had a crush on a gay guy:: hopefully NOT
--Their Clothing(yes/no)--
Boxers?:: yes
Briefs?:: nah
Hat?:: nah
Skater Shoes?:: nah
Pimp Shoes?:: ...
Band Shirts?:: nah
Vintage shirts?:: nah
Southpole/um..other thug clothes..?:: yes
Dixie Outfitters/Big Johnsons?:: nah
Independent/DC?:: nah
Skavenger/UGP?:: nah
Fox/Thor?:: nah
Jeans or Shorts?:: jeans
--Be Honest--
Would you ever date a guy for his money?:: maybe
Would you ever date a guy for his social status?:: maybe
Have you ever liked hanging out with your bf's friends more than him?:: yupppp
Have you ever pretended to like somebody to make them feel better?: ..don't think so
Have you called a girl a whore, when you were screwing lots of guys?:: nah
Do looks matter?:: to a degree
Are you honestly scared of being dumped?:: single
Does size matter?:: depends..
Do you avoid 'situations' with ugly guys?:: sometimes
Are you ashamed to be seen with your ugly friends?:: nah.. i have no ugly friends! we're all beautiful women!
Are you ashamed for being ashamed?(you better be):: nah i'm not ashamed
Do you hide things from your crushes/guy friends/bf?:: sometimes
Do you lie about masturbation for attention or false innocence?:: nah
Do you really want a guy to say if those jeans make your butt look fat?:: ..never ask
Are you dissapointed when your bf doesn't say I love you right away?:: nah coz i don't <3 him!
Wanna be a virgin till marriage?: yeah ima try
Do you really love the guys everytime that you say it?: nah
Do you dream about your crushes/bfs/guy friends?:: mmhmm...
Would you makeout with a guy friend just to get it over with/curiosity?:: prolly
Does this survey suck nuts?: ...it has a mouth?
XxLaDyC89xX: hey
lushuzXanjel: yoooo
XxLaDyC89xX: was good in da hood
lushuzXanjel: nuttin u noe u noe, jus doin mah thang, g unit! wats good witchu yo
XxLaDyC89xX: lol. jus chillin. bein me. the OG that i am
lushuzXanjel: yeah yeah i feel you!
lushuzXanjel: i feel like blazin sum niggas u up to it
XxLaDyC89xX: u kno it
lushuzXanjel: go to the club, get me sum gin, wooo!
XxLaDyC89xX: tru tru
XxLaDyC89xX: fosho
lushuzXanjel: aiight aiight i'll meet u at the "xyz" at 4
XxLaDyC89xX: koo
lushuzXanjel: yo...don't bring ya means
lushuzXanjel: *mans
XxLaDyC89xX: y?
lushuzXanjel: ..because we gon blaze sum niggas!
XxLaDyC89xX: aight then aight
lushuzXanjel: u thought i only meant grindin? girrrlllll
XxLaDyC89xX: lol
lushuzXanjel: lol aiight lemme stop
Emu's not mad at me anymore and vise versa woo woo woo! I had a pretty good day! Got out early [when i'd usually be in French]. Uhm..notes galorey! lol... and uhm.. I guess I'll say it consecutively. But yo... me, Monie, & Boo were on the fone and it was halarious. "call jasmine i want a laugh!" and then later I was reading Monie jokes from a website [look forward to that in lunch girls!]. Oh it was fun stuff!
Wells.. uhm... gym* we played basketball.. I did good..we didn't even finish our knockout round... I did a decent amount of pushups..and I woulda done more but Pookie did all of her scissor kicks! Wooo! Omg... ASHLEY AND ARIELLE were halarious they were all hittin and pull eachother and runnin with the ball. Me and Ashley A were dyinnnnn! info tech* Mrs. Bird said I coulda stayed during 7th but there's no way Madame would let me. Matt swears I "snort crack". It was halarious and he gave me some chalk dust and said that I was in paradise when I saw all that white power outside. le francais* uhm..we did the warm up for over an hour..and then the rest..did vocab..so me, Lindsay, and Emily did our homework..ain't we smart! Wrote notes..got online and checked the BB schedule for Lindsay also.
band* Mastin was bein a jerk in the beginning all yelling and junk. But wooo...no site reading! yayyy for me and Taylor! I can play my solo again...yayy.... I wanna conduct yo! But I can't coz I gotta play some stupid part in both songs..but hey..maybe I'll get Old Brenton Carol someday! lunch* oh myyyy! lol it was carazay! First thing I did was sit and talk to Eric buddy because he was sad and was sitting at his table alone. =( Poor friend! I was scopin out $$..which is what I always do =D...but I seriously wanted it for tomorrow..so I guess I gotta search again tomorrow! I cut in line...like I always do..lol ppls don't be noticing. But yeah... Tony took my dollar..so we were fightin to get it back..but I was on the wall holdin it..so he'd try and get close and ugh..and Art was like "Tony's in paradise right now..get her in the corner and he'll really be happy..look at him smilin" "art shut up and help meee!!"- that was me lol. We were fightin for it for awhile. [far away from here...far away from here...-kindred] geometry* ..uhm yeah the period went by kinda fast. Took a quiz.. I thought it was real easy. I'm gonna be real depressed if I don't get a 1oo% on that... I mean really depressed [prolly for like 5 mins lol] Then we went over homework.. I was so close on getting #24 right! Oh guess what.. no homework woo woo woo! the bus ride home was fun. talkin about ericson not being a slave no mo' it was fun.
Like I said earlier when I got home [laaa!]..talked to ppls online. Worked on my site...changed my journal look as thou' can see! Uhm.. got on the fone...omg Boo + Simone + I are funny. Oh I even talked to Frankie with Simone lol. Ima go talk to Emu, Pookie, and Taylor now, Buh bye!
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( .•´
no she didn't! |
2003 9 December :: 5.40 pm

no she didn't! |