*real eyez.... realize...real liez*

2 days left til *16*..yay
LadiePerfection/Taylor Duzer: yeah whatever because u kno u cant resist his sexin.
all he gotta do it not give u any for 2 weeks
and u will b runnin to have his babies. "give it to me daddy!"

I vow to never break your heart, I'll never let you down, for better or worse,
I'll always be around


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So I'm spoiled & I'm rotten in a sinister way

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:: 2003 18 July :: 7.14 pm
:: Mood: mischievous
:: Music: da air conditioner runnin...

woohu...I feel lyke I'm doing suttin bad..tee hee oh well. I'm about to go out...lalala...and Chuck n Ant y'all owe me...big tyme...I'm rockin da New York jerz dress...holla! Naw but...I jus threw a lil tantrum dis mornin...I'm not pissed off @ no 1 no more good for me. I guess taking pictures of my bootay for Chuck n Ant calmed me down. :-) My family reunion is in 2 weeks...AAAHHH! I don't think Ima write again when I get home. Strike dat...I mos lykeli will. But I need to take sum pictures...woohu I'm a lunatic sumtimes...but ya gotta love me. I wish I could c dat episode of da Cosby's again "Justine! Justine!" ...lol u had 2 c it 2 undastand...oh well I'll bbl...buh bye!

*Mizz C*

no she didn't!

:: 2003 18 July :: 10.50 am
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: breathe remix- blu cantrell f/ sean paul

In the last 24 hours, have you:

01. Cried: nahh
02. Bought something: nope
03. Gotten sick: nah
04. Sang: of course
05. Eaten: mmhmm
06. Been kissed: nope ::tear::
07. Felt stupid: don’t remember…I waz “high”
08. Wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't: no
09. Met someone new: uh uh
10. Moved on:yes b/c I realized our friendship is FAKE ::smile::
11. Talk to an ex: yup but he don’ really count
12. Missed an ex: hell no
13. Talked to someone you have a crush on: nope
14. Had a serious talk: sorta…
15. Missed someone: hell yeah! ::cough:: emen, chuck, ant, b, mike, all DITCHED me! ::smile::
16. Hugged someone: does my all pink Pooh bear Pigooh count?
17. Fought with your parents: nope, surprisingly
18. Dreamed about someone you can't be with: yez…wait no I didn’t

Social Life:
01. Best girl friend: ??? (1 sayd she don trust me…and I have too many)
02. Best guy friend: Emen!, Ray (not da Rican hottie…), Boopie, Todd, n Mike possibly
03. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yup, B
04. If no, current dating partner: hehe…ima say Chuck n Ant
05. Hobbies: *me!* tyme, chillyn, n AIM (I admit it, it’s a hobbie)
06. Cell: yup but it’s all ghettofied..
07. Are you center of attention or the wallflower: usually –within- attention
08. What type automobile do you drive: I drive a scooter, a pogo, a jumprope, and a bike!
09. What type automobile do you wish you drove: a pink taxi from Wildwood..nah an all silver Toyota Celi (I call it dat) with leather interior and a sunroof!
10. Would you rather be with friends or on a date: I would rather b w/ guy friends if I miss a date
11. Where is the best hangout: dunno…
12. Do you have a job: nah
13. Do you attend church: depends on who I’m w/
14. Do you like being around people: hell yeah!

01. Have you known the longest: Tiffy, Tata, ‘Lyssa, Shawn, but really my mommi 
02. Do you argue the most with: my MOM
03. Do you always get along with: Emen
04. Is the most trustworthy: (speak of da devil..) umm Emen, he hasn’t broken a secret
05. Makes you laugh the most: my KFC buddi  , Jocelyn, my baby grl, or when me n Javonne talk about stupid stuff
06. Has been there through all the hard times: me…
07. Has the coolest parents: Celis mom..i love her!
08. Has the coolest siblings: I got 10…dey carazy..but Joce is cool too
09. Is the most blunt:…?
10. Is the smartest: Ashley D.

01. Who is your role model: Oprah!...nah…I don’t have one I do me
02. What is some of your pet peeves: feet get on my NERVES n ppl who block the frickin hallway!
03. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with: -almost- liked Ray (da Rican hottie 1), and umm yes!
04. Have you ever cried over the opposite sex: did I cry over ::beep:: nah.. I dunno if I cried over Ray if I did it’s b/c he’s such a frickin loser it ain’t even funny
05. Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: tall…dark…bald…muscular…(Tiffy u noe who) nahh not really
06. Have you ever lied to your best friend(s): maybe in da past when I ain’t think she liked me…
07. Ever wanted to get revenge on someone because they hurt you: hell yeah!
08. Rather be dumper or dumped: none of em
09. Rather have a relationship or a "hookup": who would da hookup be w/…::cough:: ant n chuck ::cough::
10. Want someone you don't have right now: I will –always- want Jarrell
11. Ever liked your best guy/girl friend:mmhmm…
12. Do you want to get married: ta WHO?! Sike nah…after college…n after I get out of *Atlanta!* woohu!
13. Do you want kids: I don’t think I need da pain rite now…and I don’t know who could b da daddy..
14. Do you believe in psychics: nah
15. Do you believe you know the person whom you will marry at this point in time: Jarrell…nah…um…no
16. What is your favorite part of your physical appearance: teehe…
17. What is your favorite part of your emotional being: I can bounce back 1 day..
18. Are you happy with you: yup
19. Are you happy with your life: depends
20. If you could change something in your life right now, what would it be: live with my family..

Full Name: Courtney Nicole Cross
Nickname: Coco, Cori, Coray, CeCe (Renee…I miss u!), Yolanda, Mizz C, Mizz Coco, babi grl, babi, sweetie pie (ma..), babi sis, coutnay, court, court court, courty court (my cuz..), courty (didn’t jen call me dat..)
Age: 14
Grade: 9th (aahh)
Birthday: *April 21!*
People You live with: my mom who is technically my great-aunt
Ages of People: sshh…60..ahh!

Boyfriend/Girlfriend: yez..
Who: B
Crush: yez..
Who: Jarrell Houston..
Best Friend: 2 f*ckin many… 

What do you look for in a guy: eyes, butt 2 slap/squeeze/KICK, personality, intelligence, looks 2..
Have you found that in a guy yet?: I..pass..sike nah I really don’t know a bout 1 thing 
Started your Period Yet: yeah…but now I got tampons!! lol
How old were ya: I was 10 turning 11 in 3 days..
Do you want to get married:um…
Have children: ehh...
How many: 5… Sandra, Denise, Theo, Vanessa, and Rudy nah.. 3.. or if I have a jerk husband jus 1
with who: Jarrell..or sum1 who deserves me/ treats me right

Are your parents divorced: neva got married..
Has either one ever been in a previous marriage:I dunno…my papi had 8 otha kids go figure
How many siblings: *10*
Yall Get along: only met 4…but yez
Do you get along with your parents: my mom..no..my birthma..she lyke my sister
Do they punish you alot: nah..

--This or That--
Hot Dogs or Hamburgers: hot dogs (shut UP Devon)
Vegetables or Fruit: fruit
Radio or TV: radio
Boys or Girls: boiz
Pen or Pencil: pen (a pink 1..)
Beavis or Butthead: butthead
MTV or VH1: mtv
Video or DVD: dvd
Reality or Dreams: dreams
Boyfriend/Girlfriend or Available: b/f

--What do you think of when you hear this word--
Biscuit: KFC
Cell: phone
Booty: big azz
Friend: liarz..
Cheerleading: noise
Smoke: Ray
Destiny: 's child
Bible: Jesus
Book :cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs or georgia nicolson
Honor: grl scouts
Dark: closet game (lol…)
Girl: me
Boy: Jarrell
Basketball: boiz wit no shirtz on
Hair: weave
Pool: tampon

--Do you know anyone named--
John: yes
Nicole: yup
Leslie: yez
Paul: yes..i think
Abraham: yes
Arnold: no.. wait da 1 on TV!
Abbey: nah
Alli: yes
Kelly: yes
Dustin: nope
Shelby: no
Roger: yes
Matthew: yes
Nathaniel: yes..he used ta be my dog
Scott: nope
Philip: yes
Carrie: yes..
Kaitlyn: yes…my sister!
Bob: yes
Fred: yes..i miss u

eaten sushi?: nah..
Been on stage?: hell yeah
Been dumped?: yep.n I had mad fun aftawards too!
Had someone be unfaithful to you? Possibly..
Gotten in a car accident? Yep..almost got in 1 diz week
Hiked a mountain? yup
Made homemade cookies?: mmhmm
Been in love? Uh uh
Seen the White house?: yes

--Either/Or... --
Cold or hot?: hot
Blue or Red?: blue
New or old?: old
Give or receive?: both
Wool or cotton?: cotton
Rose or Daisy?: rose
Private school or public school?: public
Chocolate milk or plain milk?: chocolate
Celsius or Fahrenheit? Fº
spring or fall?: spring
History or Science?: science
Math or English?: math
Who's your funniest friend?:depends on da situation usually Tata or Emen
Who do you e-mail the most?: my birthma, and da twinz
Who is the meanest?: me…no I’m jus ignorant..Boo…(lol)…n uh..Steph’s aggressive does dat count?
Who's the loudest: Tata!
Who's parents do you know the best?: javonne’s
Who has the best room?: ima say basement..and dat goes 2 javonne..but Boo has a cool room

--Within last 24 hours...--
Had a serious talk?: yes
hugged someone?: Pigooh!
gotten along good with your parents? halfway
Fought with a friend?: she hung up b4 we fought

--Do you like to?:::::--
hug?: yes
Give back rubs?: used 2..i like getting them now
Take walks in the rain?: i like to run n PLAY in the rain
If you got a tattoo, would it be a snake sliding down your spine?: a snake around a rose is what I wanted
Have you ever had that falling dream?: nah..i heard it’s annoyin tho
What color is your floor/carpet in your room?: brown
What was the last CD you bought? I don’t –buy- cds anymore
If you chew gum, what kind?: gum is GUM but my ma got me winterfresh
How do you plan on spending this summer? Chillyn n doin what I feel lyke doin

--Have you ever?--
Danced around naked: showa count?
Lied about your bra size: nope…erbody noe I ain’t dat big..ok maybe I’m –medium-
Gotten drunk: nope..i act it tho
Run away from cops: nah
Flip off you parents behind their backs: yes
Mentally undressed someone: yes…oh yes…(chuck dat’s part of eye sex)
Eaten crayons:? NO! I worship my Crayola crayons
Shoplifted: dun remember
Held a gun: my granma’s when she waz a cop..den I ran
Seriously injured yourself: all da tyme..

--When was the last time you....--
Sang out loud: rite now
Went to a porno site: umm..no
Threw something: I –threw- a tantrum dis mornin
Watched a cartoon: yestaday…gotta c Spongebob!
Did something you enjoy: umm I slept..and wrote in my journal thang

--Do you?--
Have a pager: nope
Have a cell phone: yes
Have a laptop: no
Have money in pocket right now: yes
Have clothes on right now: yes..dis lil dress thang
Have a mental disease: hell yeah I do..
Lie to people to make them think well of you: no..screw them if dey don’t like me!
Have behavioral problems: nope
Have a car: no not yet..
Have self esteem problems: used 2..not no more

dat calmed me down...a lot
*Mizz C

no she didn't!

:: 2003 18 July :: 9.46 am
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: can't hold us down & never leave u (rx)

fuq off...
Good morning 1st of all. 10 dayz until me n Todd's birthday I don't undastand y ppls always find a way 2 RUIN mygood mood!!! grRrRrRr to ALL u mo fuggiez who pissed me OFF last nite or diz morning. And of -course- I can't talk to any of my bestest buddies (all my boiz are gone)... girlz piss me the fuq OFF! Can't Coco b happy for 1 day and when she iz "what's wrong with you?" "why are you so happy today" "are you high?" "what did brandon do 2 make u so happy today" (sorry B...:-) i luv u) BUT! damn! I wish I could jus use one of them supa dupa sharp knives from da set my mommi bought from QVC on sum1 n just HURT them...grRrRrRr... ::tear tear:: oOo yeah HAPPY FRIDAY! teehee...I don't know if I wanna go out tonite anymore...I mite have ta kill/shoot/slap/fuq up/scream at/humiliate/strangle some ppls This is a f*ckin lie...
Your YELLOW you have a happy person but you have
mixed feelings about everything.

Which Color Are You
brought to you by Quizilla

And considering I took it twice... I get a quiz telling me I'm a happy person when I'm pissed da u noe what off...lyfe's a bytch sumtimes. Dummy spelled "really" wrong so I had ta fix it...


Are you street smart? (FOR GIRLS ONLY)
brought to you by Quizilla

I'm da bomb (I had 2 say something 2 make me feel better)

Ur in between, u love fun but not 2 much. That's

R u a gurly gurl?
brought to you by Quizilla

I freakin hate u ppl...Ima go eat and mess around with my mommy's knives and find a technique to hurt...etc sum "ppls" if I go out tonite...my mom is on dat hit list too...evil lil ::beep::

*Coco...da angry black chile who is VERY pissed da ::beep!:: OFF!*

no she didn't!

:: 2003 17 July :: 10.42 pm
:: Mood: giggly
:: Music: senorita- j. timberlake & crazy n lOve

i think I'm still a tad bit in the high mode...but now I'm in a giggly mood too! The Cosbys are so frickin FUNNY man! lol I'm jus a tad bit sleepy...but hey I <3 the nitetyme! *NiXi if ur readin' dis i freakin luv u grl! i miss u soOo damn much. And as 4 da whole pimp'N thang...we gon' have a good tyme up in high school grl!* Aww dang..it's ova. I think I wanna colour or draw...or paint...or make a cd...yeah dat's a good idea! I really love woohu I dunno why. my neighbors downstairs suuurrree r nois-e! hmm...maybe I should go to sleep now...no I must make a CD! wee! hol up plZ...

11:o5 pM- ANTHONY, EMEN, CHUCK, BOOPIE, B, OR MIKE where are uuuuu? ::tear tear:: How u gon leave ur babi grl lyke diz...(ThEo hUxtable is so naUght-E!) It's 11 suttin...and I'm lonelyyyy...I am so lonelyyy....i have no buddyyy....(dat song makes me cry sumtymes... ::tear tear::) wow...my CD iz *DONE!* woohu! teehe...I think Ima go take a quiz den a showa...so lulaby...sleep tight...go 2 sleep little babiez...ima miss u...for 10 hours...but i'll come again real soooon! haha...look at diz...hey y'all *C Nyce * is now...
You are Punk!

What Stereotype Have You Let Yourself Fall Into? (Includes Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

buenos noches...c y'all in my dreamz... ::wink:: sike nah...buh bye

*Mizz C*Coco*C Nyce*Cori*Coray*Courtney*

no she didn't!

:: 2003 17 July :: 7.04 pm
:: Mood: high
:: Music: in2 u rX- fabOlous n tamiA...n trade it all part II

lalala...i think i'm high

Are You Naughty or Nice?

soo far pplz have said i am
1. drunk
2. high
3. hyper
4. tired
5. energetic
...ain't dat weird. i'm talk'n 2 boOpie (halinscO) on da fone rite now...lalala. (noOo I am not in denial Ciera) And I'm checking out college websites, I am definately going to Clark Atlanta University it's just "meant for me". i'm not in da mood...i was but not no more..it's 8..

Which [Charlie's Angels] characters are you?

o8:1o pM- turn da lites off...turn da lites off...boi u ugly so woooo y don't u disappear..

Which [Rainbow Colours] are you?

o8:4o pM- well I'm kinda gettin excited b/c Ima have a frickin modeling show soon! woohu! Ciera your brother is so frickin funny! 5..4..3...2..1.. Houston we have a problem (teehee...lolz i am high...officially or drunk or stoned) I wonder if I get to get to wear some "Fly" clothes and jewelry and get my hair did for FREE (u hear dat) and get to strut my stuff and pretend i'm into a black boi on da runway! Wow! Attention: Chuck, Ant, and Emen why da hell aren't ANY of u back from being away yet?! mo fuggiez... ::tear tear:: i think I'll go make me some dolls...or suttin..I dunno or jus keep talkin to Todd and Ciera.

What's your usual [mood]?

Which [Finding Nemo] characters are you?

Which [5 Elements] are you?

Which [Smallville] Characters are you?

~*Mizz C*~

no she didn't!

:: 2003 17 July :: 11.36 am
:: Mood: indescribable
:: Music: my lOve iZ lyke...wO- myA

quizZy reZultZ
w3ll...aFtA my c0mp waZ b'N a cArazY mO fuGgiE...I toOk quizZes! I haD alsO sav3d sum quiZ rezultz from b4 c0z i aiN't hav3 a fricKin jouRnal! lol ...bUt I did a *U* jouRnal..but now i have WOOHU! (iz dAt spamMin'?)

I'm a Sex on the Beach, discover your ALcoHoLiC personality!

ima jus be pOstin my results...dere's a whole BUNCH! (why da HECK are U drinking Chastity Ciera White !! and u tellin ME how I shouldn't b smOkin..gettin drunk..or high..I'm jus hyper..and stuff) actually..I don't know what da hell my mood iz..i'm a whole BUNCH of tings hehehe...

What Do You Wear to Bed?

Brought to you by Faytrial

dey hit dat rite on da nose...but shirtz r coOl toO (2) h3adach3..mayb I beEn listeniN 2 toO much musiQ lAtelie! An h0ur and 18 mins Em3n will b back from sumMa skoO! I think I need 2 wet me weAve again to make it ~C~u~R~l~I~E~!~ yupp...

I took the fruity fruit quiz

made by rav-chan

Check out which fruit you are

Ima jus continue on rambling on and on and I don' feel lyke typin wit all dem capital lettas and #z anymore...soo here ya go. I need to update my *U* journal! Hmm...it's 11:50...I need foOd... (whoops) how about a cherry supa blow pop or an apple...first I'll get drezzed...

You come from an Ancient Civilization. Egypt,
China, Rome... a piece of all the greatest
civilizations of their time can be found in

Where Did Your Soul Originate?
brought to you by Quizilla


12:o3 pM- hehehe I'm back...ladadeeladeeda... now I'm listening to Gypsy woman (she's homeless) dat's a HOT dance song yo! lolz..I took a quiz rite and it sayd I'm the perfect g/f..this iz a lyne from da movie Where the Heart Is "That is such bull shyt! " lol...heyy I'm jus tellin da truth! look!

You're Perfect ^^
-Perfect- You're the perfect girlfriend. Which
means you're rare or that you cheated :P You're
the kind of chick that can hang out with your
boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy
placed. Hell, just hang out. You're just happy
being around your boyfriend.

What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

U c dat mess? Ask Ciera! lol dat's a bunch of crap and I was honestly jus answering da questions to what I thought. (now I'm listening to Rock ur Body and Neva Leave u rx) U noe wut...I think my boobs grew again...lol (sorry boiz..) but I lost weight coz I kept forgetting to eat (didn't I do dat yestaday?..) so dey grew and got small but now dey bigger again! Woo! lol not lyke I care that but I'm SO frickin out of proportion it ain't even funny which is why Simone sayd my butt is a DD in bra sizes...lol oh well. Hey...dis one's rite...

You Have the Power of Teleportation!

What's Your Magic Power?
brought to you by Quizilla

now I'm listenin to what a girl wants- b2k...what a girl wants..what a girl needs..lalala...X-tina made dat song..i lyked it! I think dat's all da quiz results 4 now...I think I need to work on my syte buh bye! (diz 1 came w/o a pic)

You love having a boy/girl as much as u love
hanging with ur friends. good on ya.

What type of Hunnie r u?
brought to you by Quizilla


no she didn't!

:: 2003 17 July :: 10.01 am
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: cAn't hOld Us dOwn- X-tinA f/ lIl kIm

i M awAkE!!!
Happy 14th Ashley and Arielle!!!!
dIz is 4 my grlz all ar0und da w0rld...newAyz rIt3 nOw i'm tAlkiN 2 St3phAnie. I dOn't knOw if i annOunc3d it yEt but! me and Todd's 14th biRthdAy is JULY 28!! get a *giFt!* pLz! (mOrninN st3phAnie) I hAv3 a h3adAch3!...p00r cOc0. (g00d mOrniN TiFfY!)

Y iz cOc0 cOnfUs3d...cOz dAt s/N iZ On agAin...n I waZ a dumbAzZ n I didN't iM dA pers0n n c iF 'tWaz MiK3 or hiZ brO...l0lz. SoOo..nOw I fe3l lyk3 a d0rk...i dOn wAn' hIm b'iN lyke "whO da f*cK iz dIz?!" n blOck m3! DiZ iz mY...4th h3adAch3 Of dA fricKin we3k! (i refUz 2 say soOo...iN a convO nEm0re!) hmMm...ImA tAk3 a quiZ! (1o:3o aM!)

eating people

what's YOUR deepest secret?
brought to you by Quizilla

sum1 cOuld tAke dat shYt dA wr0ng wAy!!!eWwWw n I'm a f*ckin gRl!!! hOw bOut anutha...hehehe yay I f0und da cOde but I'm still taking anutha! think I'm hyper again...

Urban / Sporty
URBAN / SPORTY : Stylin`? Definitely. Your fashion is strictly defined: a little hip hop, a little class, and a little sporty. Music is a lil` bit of hip-hop, both mainstream and underground. Music is your motivation, attitude, way of thinking, and way of life. There ain`t nothing stopping you from sitting on top of the world. Oh and thongs? Girl, you know it`s strictly brand names.

What Asian Girl Are You?

oOokay...sinC3 my c0mp. is b3in a mo fuggieEe...0k wut da h3ll... nawWw...I'll bBl...w0rkin on my syte..eatin co0kiez I made...or suttin


no she didn't!

:: 2003 16 July :: 10.32 pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: l3t m3 blo ur mind- eve n gWen

aahhh shyt...part II
oMg...(guyz pLz dun b grOssed out!...) but I th0ught i was b0ut 2 get TsS (tOxic shOck syndrOme) b/c i thOught i left da -lite- tamp0n in, n da fact that i'm done makez it even worse. i was b0ut t0 scream...BUT!...dere was no string..so i didn't leave it in. i'm sUch a d0rk! ::yAwn:: i'm fe3lyn sle3py...n I'm dun watchin making da band II soOo n0w i'm watchin ESPY awardz again...Jamie Fox is PLAYIN Serena..omg! he called her ass "da weapons of mass destruction" hehehe...aahhh...u had 2 c dat! i alsO made anutha cD! (heyy...Em3n's not idl3 nem0re!! hahaha..n0w i cAn hAve fUn wit mah carAzy bestest budDy of mYne!) I wAn' g0 2 sle3p but i dun wAn' Mik3 cAllyn @ lyke midNit3 ( again ) & t3lL m3 2 gEt 0nlyne rite afta I get off...but I did c0z dAt'z hOw much I lOv my fri3ndzZz! I'm in da mo0d to writ3 sum poemz! (onc3 up0n a tym3 not long ago...) ::yAwn:: so fuQn zZz-y! :-( U n0e wut..pPlz ne3d 2 buy KnOcked 0ut by my nUnga-nUngaz (s) it'z by Louise Rennison...noOo! My blAck sistaz! u'z have GOTZ ta get The Just Us Girls by Evelyn "Slim" Lambright! dat shyt was 22222 funny, sad, good, it was da perfect combO..but don't skip a thing or u'll ruin da storee! I kn3w i would be hyper ev3n thO i'm zZz-y b/c I'm alwayZ more alIv3 duriNg da nIte tYme! (heyyy Emen!!!! i love uuuu! i'll come soon) (Todd...we'll find sum1...and he ain't -dat- dumb lol) Dannggg...it's almost 11...lyke dat's late..but um..still r3Ading...listenin 2 musiq n chillyn (don't b sO quik 2 walk awa..) TodD...i -will- remain a virGin wit dem 2 wild boiz named Chuck and Ant!!! lol (i love u two tho!) hahaha...me and -u- are TwinzZz now! move ova Ash n Ari! lolz...okay now I feel lyke I'm hyp3R n hiGh!...hehehe (where da f*ck did u GO em3n?!) ::yAwn::...hmmm...aight it's lyke 11:11 (woooah...) and I need to get dis "highness" out of me...okay I hOpe i dun have tSs...ima take a showa..ni nite all!

no she didn't!

:: 2003 16 July :: 7.23 pm
:: Mood: creative
:: Music: lyke A pImP

st00p kid's afraid 2 leave hiz st00p...st00p kid's afriad 2 leave hiz st00p! I'm feelyn cr3ativ3 b/c i'm workin on mah syte...and i'm learnin stuff i used 2 noe..man i waz da shyt back in da day when i made websytes! I'm list3nin 2 lOv3 @ 1st site again...luv dat s0ng! ChUcK...wut if u get me pregnant?! ::gAsp::...i want my s0n's name 2 b Deion Jarrell...and d0ez it -have- ta be da m0vi3z...it's so..dirrty dere...0k..n0 m0re talkin about dat ...I'm tryin to figure out if dis s/n is Mike or his brotha...maybe I should do da -smart- thing and IM him and found out...hehehe.

LOVE is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yeah...!...all m3! :-) 0K..so i jus took a what cola is ur heart quiz and it's so frickin true..well not wit da "love" a lot thing..i "like strongly " but da playa part is true...since all u blackees in W-b0rO, CiTi3, n Twnshyp R cAllin c0cO a playa!
Orange info
Your Heart is Orange

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla
hehehe...Ciera (chastity...)..lol ..ooh dis is depressing...
Moon Goddess
Goddess of the Moon. Beauty, yet a sadness lurks
about you at times. But hey, pain is beauty,

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
brought to you by Quizilla
but it's kind of true...u pPl d0 ask me what's wrong when i'm hAppy (Hi BoO!)...no mo quizes for now..I lyke Children's Story..woOoo.. hoOo..ooh Gypsy Woman (she's hOmelesS) is on!! hot shyt!
xObAbIPhAtOx...cOc0...C nIc3...bAbi gRl...
yup dose R sum of my nycknamezZz...dis ChiCk fIl a..waz NOT good taday! (r0cK ur b0di..) aiight...fUll dedicati0n t0 my syte n0w..buh bye
*won luv*
~Miss C *Coco ~Coray *Cori ~C Nice *baby grl ~babi

no she didn't!

:: 2003 16 July :: 5.34 pm
:: Mood: energetic
:: Music: l0v @ 1st site- Mary J/

hMmMm...n0w I'm talkin 2 Ant/Chuck + Tiffy 0n da f0n3...n I'm tryin dis woohu thang...and now I'm listenin to Children's Story by Slick Rick (!) n i'M still talkin 2 jav0nn3..ic3 cr3am...lalalala...I want my chiCk FiL' a!...wahhh...now I'm hungry! I'll bBl...takin some quizes and checkin dis new thang out...

no she didn't!

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