2004 23 August :: 9.14 pm
So uggh the hurricane was fun.. i was outside watching it most of the time.. we didnt have any damage except a couple pool screens came off but ugghh wait now we dont have any of the pool cage?haha ya thats a long story..
Since we didnt have school for a week..i worked out in the yard for a few days cleaning up and then i went to my moms friends house and helped her and then went to my moms other friends house to help her because her house was pretty recked and then i went to Punta Gorda and helped out there..they got it bad =[
it was a very good break though..i had a lot of fun =]
started school up again today..wasn't bad..except the fact that my life pretty much sucks because of one thing..oh well though i guess life isnt really ever gunna go exactly the way u plan..there always has to be a bump in the road somewhere.. except the fact that my bump is pretty long and is never ending haha..ya so anyways
night time =] ..sweet dreams..
Love..? |