2006 18 June :: 10.05pm
:: Mood: Tired-ish
:: Music: nothing.
'Cause Naomi told me too.
P.S. YouTube is god. I'm on there. o--o Search for drpeppercrusader.
1 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 3 June :: 3.52pm
:: Mood: Hi.
:: Music: Chewing gum, rain, typing
Hallo lovelies
How are you all today?
It's raining outside my window and I'm contemplating popping in one of the movies I got the other day.
Creepshow, Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenger, or Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. I thought I got the first one with Johnny Depp in it, but I suppose I didn't.. I got all three for like.. 15 dollars all together.
Super fun time!
Anyways, I had a lot of fun at Jade's and I'm whipped mentally and.. perhaps physically. But not literally.
Did you follow that?
Good show.
I'm gonna go watch scary movies now, kthnx.
1 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 28 May :: 11.09pm
:: Mood: Stuffy
Jade - the fish who's still swimming.
Jade: I'm hooked, but there's no line.
Emily: Yeap.
Jade: Or perhaps I was pulled ashore, and then abandoned on the beach because I wasn't a good catch.
Emily: Tch. You just haven't unhooked the deadly hook yet, but the line broke.
Emily: You're still swimming, but you can't get the hook out.
Emily: 'Cause of the barbs.
Jade: Alright.
I don't think I could ever honestly stay mad at Jade for more than like.. 7 hours.
Because I love her.
That's the only explanation.
My head's all plugged up.
..you are to become a shinigami..