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xx\`~[Shinigami ;; Kawaii]~`/xx

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:: 2006 24 May :: 11.42am
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: AFI - Rabbits Are Roadkill on Route 37

..all i truly know..
Well.. this is has been a .. werid week. Kaitlyn came over the other day and we went over to Steph's house so I could get my dvds back.. well.. in the alley we saw like.. 5 little kids back there and they started following us and making fun of how "goth" we are. The one kid threw a bottle cap and a rock at my face and said to his friend "his them with your scooter!!" so I turned around and gripped the one up by his shirt and punched him really hard in the jaw and said "if you fucking do that again i'll fucking hurt you worse" and I turned around and continued to Steph's house. They threw one more rock at me before running away... but then I started talking to Steph so.. we're talking again. Uhh.. OH this was on Thursday. Okay.. lol. Then I went out with Eric, Lyndsie, Taylor, Daniel, and some other girl to Tom Jones.. me and Eric ran to the mall to see Dawn and she had left so we found her and Pete at the Chinese place near Tom Jones. Pete told us that he told them four, so we could help ourselves. Then we hung out in the Pathmark parking lot for like.. a half hour. Friday, everyone and their mom was at prom so I went to the mall by myself. Dawn left while I was there and I just hung out with Chad for like.. three hours. Ran errands for him and helped him close up. Went back on Saturday with Eric and let Chad borrow some DVDs (Foamy, Invader Zim, and some music ones). I don't know what I've done since then.. lmao. Uhhh... I think I hung out with Eric on Sunday or something.. and Kristyn.. I HOPE I CAN FUND A RIDE FOR TOMORROW NIGHT!!! GHA!@U$YEQ@&*%R BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE IS PLAYING IN PHILLY AND I WANT TO FUCKING GO!!!!!!!!!!! RAWR.

Oh yeah. AFI. June 24th. I'm so FUCKING there.

And.. I love J.R. <3

1 ..accepted the challenge.. | ..you are to become a shinigami..


:: 2006 23 May :: 9.38pm
:: Mood: Thoughtful

Jade and I don't want to be ballerinas when we grow up.
Jade: Um... She picks me up at about 4
Jade: So like... 4.20 ish?
Jade: Ha.
Jade: 4.20
Jade: The worst time of day
Jade: For Emily
Jade: =p

Emily: xD
Emily: Fuck you in the butt, kthnx.
Emily: <3

Jade: Why?
Jade: You like... hate stoners.
Jade: With a passion.

Emily: Yeah
Emily: I try not to, like.. when I think about it rationally, I know it's their choice and they're stupid asses
Emily: But I just get so.. angry..

Jade: Yeah.
Jade: I know.

Emily: I'm gonna grow up to slaughter stoners
Emily: I'm going to dissect them and try to find the stupid glands in their brainds

Jade: I'm gonna grow up to be a serial killer

Emily: That secretes stupidaphetamin

Jade: Well.
Jade: I think it's disgusting when people idolize serial killers.
Jade: So I'll give them something to idolize.
Jade: No
Jade: I don't think I would kill the people who idolize serial killers.
Jade: I think I would go after the people they love
Jade: And see if they still idolize killers.
Jade: Fucking bastards.

Emily: ECKS DEE.


3 ..accepted the challenge.. | ..you are to become a shinigami..


:: 2006 17 May :: 10.27pm
:: Mood: Terribly amused
:: Music: asdasasd

"We eat out too much."

Watch it.

Get on the floor.



..you are to become a shinigami..

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