2006 15 May :: 8.04pm
:: Mood: Victorious
Eli has found a new game on his cultsite which consists of a boy or girl telling their ex that they still love them, then saying "Just Kidding". Results don't vary often and are almost always amusing. Eli and I conspired against Robbie, the unsuspecting boy-child whom was targeted. Robbie's a nice kid, I suppose, but he did grope me that one day.. >---->
Emily: Robbie
Robbie: what
Emily: It's Emily. I've been meaning to tell you..
Robbie: oh ok
Robbie: lol
Emily: Eckk.. well..
Emily: Jesussss.. lemme JUST ASK. x---x
Emily: Will you.. er... go out with me..?
Robbie: woah, is this really emily?
Emily: Y-yeah.. <--<;;
Emily: Well.. er.. will ya?
Robbie: uh, sure, i guess
Emily: You don't know how long I've liked you.
Robbie: :3
Robbie: my devilish good looks
Emily: Yeah.
Emily: Well. I was just kidding.
Emily: Thanks, though. <3
Robbie: ouch, that was mean
Emily: Love you, Robbie ^-^
Robbie: i am so confused right now
Emily: xDDD
Robbie: i fucking hate this game
I will admit, that was pretty bitchy of me, but it was damn funny.
Eli: No that was Emily
Eli: But you just got pwned
Robby: uber-pwned
Eli: XD
Robby: that was creepy
Eli: More liek
Eli: Your heart skipped a beat
Robby: lolol
Eli: then was shattered like glass against the floor
Robby: moer like Emily is a bitch and i'm gonna pay fat disgusting people who hang out at lost realms to BRUTALLY RAPE HER
Eli: Aww poor robbby
Robby: theres gonna be cunt punting tomorrow
Uhh.. I'm scared?
No, not really.
Knock on wood.. >-->
7 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 13 May :: 5.15pm
:: Mood: Icky-ish.
:: Music: Shower sound
Friday Off
Yeah, so. I actually got up at 9 in the fucking morning without any sort of goading or incentive. Wow, right? I know.
The thrills don't end there.
So I got up, ate left-overs from the night before ( Keithander, his familia [sans papi], and I went to dinner ) while watching CSI and Naomi came over. So we're chillin'. We watched Amityville Horror - soooo good ^-^ - and then we went upstairs to get ready for our 'double date', persay.
We ended up both wearing spaghetti strap shirts, and for any of you who know Emily, this is a break-through. The only time she wore spaghetti-straps without awkwardity in public in the past year or two was that one time during last summer with Jade. Long live SYC..? XDD
I'll uphold that "legacy".
Anyways. So we get out and Emily's ALSO carrying a purse. Emily HAS lost it. Kthnx. We get to the movies and Keithander and Victor are already there - and Keith already had our tickets? WHAT? Jeez, it's like we're fucking going out or something. Though we all know that Keith and I are married. Kthnx.
So Keith and I walk into Ice Age II. It was pretty cute. What made it better was the little kid near the front who was explaining rather loudly how global warming worked - the whole theater chuckled. So's we get out of the movie and I find a fucking SNAKES ON A PLANE poster - I freak out, it's now my phone background - and I see Naomi in the bathroom.
And I'm like "So your movie's already over..?"
And she's liek "No."
And I'm liek "Then.. what are you doing in here..?"
And she's liek "... I donno." and walks out.
And I'm liek "... XD"
So Keith and I went into the game room and took our so-sweet-you-could-rofl-and-barf picture-booth shots just to consummate the date. Lollerskates. Then we played ze DDR. Gewd stuff. Other than I pretty much had to stay on standard .___. GHEY.
So we leave the game room, waiting for Na and Vic to get out of their movie, and there's good ol' Michan! I grope her a few times, get some odd stares from her male-companion-whom-she-probably-wasn't-dating, and she giggles at our disgustingly-adorable pictures from ze picture booth. They go about their way and Na and Vic get out of their movie and then we go to the beach.
You heard correctly.
Emily.. went to the beach.
Don't get me wrong, it was JUST at sunset, so I didn't ruin my hard-earned pale, but.. the beach.
Sand x---X;
Water X---x;;
Buggies .___.;;;
But it was fun, I'll admit.
I enjoyed myself.
The moon was beautiful, too.
Pretty much orange as the sun was setting, so it glowed nicely on the water. Then it turned white and still glowered against the sea.
Na and Vic were SO CUTE ^------^!!
They were allll swimmin' in the ocean together in the moon light and Keithander and I were just liek "Aww! They're so cute and young and not married like us!"
So that lasted 'til about 10:30 and Vic had to go home. Naomi made off with a pair of his swim trunks. xD He got a few kisses goodnight, I suppose. Keithander's parentals drove Na and I back to our house, and though we were DEAD tired, we found the will to have some sort of meal.
And it was DEFINITELY good.
Cold Publix barbecue chicken, DP/Sprite, bread, and "Dibs" or whatever they're called - little balls of chocolate-coated ice cream, omfg, soooo good.
Then we went to bed about 12.
'Cause we were REALLY TIRED.
Today, we got up about 11:30 am -- good stuff. I don't know what's possessing me lately, all this up early, to bed early nonsense. But we were up none the less. Omfg, I have HELLO KITTY POPTARTS. xD
We watched a couple more movies - Bless the Child and Stuck on You, which was pretty amusing.
We went upstairs and I went back down for laundry and some kitchen-cleaning 'cause I feel bad sometimes if I don't do it. Naomi just took a shower and here I am.
About yesterday's many break throughs.
Eugh, I think I have a hickie.
Thanks for keeping it below t-shirt level <3
Au revoir, mes petits!
J'adore vous.
3 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 27 April :: 5.38pm
:: Mood: Homeworkee
:: Music: Him - Sigillum Diaboli
Naomi's Party..
And it was better than you.
"Sorry, I have a boyfriend."
4 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..