2006 17 April :: 4.40pm
:: Mood: Tired, nonchalant
:: Music: Master of Puppets - Metallica
My brothers. Are stupid asses.
They get in the car after school and David had apparentally gotten a referral. I don't know if those of you who go to schools out of Florida ( supposing there are people out of the state of Florida that read this ) have referrals, but basiacally they're worse than detentions and often get you Saturday detentions, so on and so forth.
So David, the middle child ( I'm the eldest ) got a referral from his science teacher because apparentally he's terribly unruly in class. So he spends the whole car ride home denouncing each of his 'crimes' committed in the class, how he "doesn't even have toys" and "the class talks ten times more" than him, so of an so forth.
So we get home and Jeremy, the youngest, says,"Her handwriting is about as crooked as her hip." David does the whole "Ooooh, burn" bit and goes inside. JJ goes to get out of the car and my mom snags him by the collar and yanks him back into his seat - she is simply aflame. "What did you say?!"
Now for all of you who know my mom, this honestly was not a smart thing to say infront of her. My mom has a limp as well for she is missing part of her upper leg and so one leg is shorter than the other. Mrs. Speer - David's Science teacher - limps about as well. I don't know her story, but this comment hit the bees nest right on.
My mother was furious. And now the boys are digging up some large accumulation of plants in the backyard that my mom always wanted to remove.
So there you have it.
Stupid asses.
Sometimes I hate middle schoolers.
Well.. most of the time. o--O;;
6 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..