2006 19 March :: 8.34pm
:: Mood: Giggly. Arroused. XD
:: Music: MSI - Shut Me Up
On a rainy day in the wizarding world, within the dungeon-like confines of Hogwarts, school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Severus - the potions master - leant heavily against his desk. He pinched his sinuses with a quiet groan of dismay. It was amazing how much these children caused him stress. The man held his pale face in his hands, black hair shading him from the din of the room. Atleast classes were over for the day.
The other man was aging handsomly but his noble features were carved in a grimance. His ridiculously long blonde hair was tied back save for the bangs. He was dressed in a black suit. "I suppose you know why I am here" he said in a toneless voice. His eyes were the same color as the grey stormclouds outside.
Severus started some at the sound of the cold voice. He frowned a bit himself, standing up from his desk. "Lucius," he said quietly, more to reassure himself as to who it was. "I can't say that I know why you're here," he answered, letting his arms fall to his sides.
"I'll get to the point then" the figure in the black suit looked like a man who had nothing to lose. And he diddn't he was as thin as a pole. "I don't have much time..I'm here about the promise you supposedly made to my wife" he said codly stepping foward towards the man who had always been somehow associated with his life. His co worker his friend and once..his lover. "And I want to know if you aim to keep it".
Severus rose his eyebrows some. Promise to Narcissa, promise to Narcissa.. The pale man racked his brain in an attempt to remember what this was. Maybe it was a bad thing? Snape's arms snaked together to cross over his chest, his gaze locked on Lucius's steely stare. "Don't think me a fool, Lucius, but.. what promise do you speak of?" A flash of a past promise dare blind Severus for a moment, the memory of looking up at a younger Lucius, blond hair mussed from just moments before. Severus blinked it away, quietly wishing to muss that pretty blond hair again.
"The promise you made to protect my son of coarse" said Lucius looking away for a breif moment "When you were made his Godfather" he closed his eyes for a minuite "Severus..you have not been keeping your promises on both sides..I know where you alleigences lie..i could never turn you in..but if you intend to endanger us" he said raising his eyebrow "Then stay away from my son".
Severus masked his surprised with scary ease. "I've kept him under my wing since birth," he said coolly, matching Lucius' sobriety. "It has never been my plan nor goal to endanger one member of your family." Snape took a quick glance at over Lucius before locking eyes with him again. "How has it seemed as though I haven't been keeping my promise..?"
"By continuing to keep a foot in both worlds" said Lucius his voice was calm his eyes furious. "Don't lie to me..You know you can't." his voice wavered "At least I thougth you never could". he grasped his cane impusivly as if wanting to have someone to keep his temper under control. His temper and his growing lust.
"Perhaps you underestimate me," Severus said lowly, his head cocking to the side slowly. Noir hair brushed over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed a bit. The fire in Lucius' eyes sent a pang of excitement through Snape - he remembered that fire. "Are you going to be alright, Lucius?" Severus quirked a brow, glancing towards the man's hand on the cane. He was sure if Lucius wasn't wearing gloves, his knuckles would be white.
"Oh...bullshitwith the formalities and secrets..You frusterate me so" said Lucius bitterly almost backing off. "And yet.." His eyes seemed to say.
Severus took a slight step forward, smirking slightly, righting the position of his head once more. "And yet what," he said lightly, sounding like he was just toying with poor Lucius.
Lucius' expression looked like a cross between scared, happy, and totally furious. "Stay out of my head Snape" "Snape" He never called him that except when..
Severus' smirk widened into a grin, a white, odd grin. He chuckled as well, advancing a couple more steps, his arms falling from the protective hold against his chest.
Lucius stepped back almost looking a bit scared. No! ..no..I'm married..not again.. his thoughts were weak and they released into other thoughts more sweet. Ah..Lucius..you can not hide it... you can not hide..what you really are.. These were strangley in Severus's voice. Lucius hated the fact that Severus had the power to read his thoughts. But his hate only made the tension weigh down more on him. He wanted to snatch up the equsite dark man. Like he had so many times before.
Severus was almost against Lucius now, staring deep into the man's eyes as Malfoy's mind worked at 20 miles a minute. A smile, almost cruel, curled over his pale lips. "Do it," he said softly, the words echoing in his own ears though he had uttered them barely above a whisper.
"Not..now..not...ready..married" he panted. Clawing the wall with no hope of escapign the intoxicating potions master. Narcissa.. Lucius had respected her. And done his duty to her. But he had never loved her.
Severus could not help the icy laugh that bubbled up as Lucius mumbled out rather incoherently. He leaned slightly closer his mouth just a breath from the man's. "Shut up," he said rather firmly with a smirk, resting his hand against the wall next to that pretty blond hair.
Lucius almost gasped when Severus got even closer. He stared into the cruel grey eyes for a moment. No.., he thought as he finally submitted. He couldn't stop it if he tried. Not with him this close. He thought of that time they had first kissed. As he tasted the man's sweetness again. A young fourth year Lucius had thought Father's going to be mad Then he had stopped caring for a while. For a golden year.
Severus pushed his lips lustingly against Lucius', tangling his other set of pale, long fingers in the man's wonderfully bright hair, cupping the back of his head. It hadn't always been like this.. It was usually Lucius lunging upon him like a dog in heat, playing with him and getting in his head.
Lucius's nails dug into Severus's hand as he was led into this once more. He wanted more. He realized he wanted control. The control he had once had between them. He decided to excercise this. He let go and grabbed the buttun of Severus's robe in his teeth and tore it off slowly..the robe fell apart leaving Severus in only his shirt and pants. Lucius's eyes shined gloatingly as he ran his figners once mroe through greasy black hair.
Severus let out a slight gasp as Lucius found comfort in this domain again. He shivered a bit as the robe fell away, looking up into the blond's steely eyes. He took Lucius' hips, kissing him hungrily again. He could of sworn his hand was bleeding.
Severus' hand was indeed bleeding. But Lucius didn't care about that right now. He almost pulled away when Severus snatched his hips, a bit of fear contorting those powerful grey eyes. When Severus kissed him again he openly shared his thoughts. He was remembering..that night..long ago in the room of requirement.
Severus grinned against the man's lips as different images from the past flooded his concious. He stumbled backwards, letting out a short yelp as he hit the stoney floor hard, having yanked Lucius on top of him. He looked up at the man with slight confusion, fighting the impending blush that dare heat his cheeks bright red.
Lucius looked down at him mercilessly. And ran one of his hands across his chest. As he did, he used it to undo the first button on his shirt. "The past a bit to much for you my friend?", he panted, grabbing the super sensitive skin on his neck.
Severus gasped, his back arching at the feel of teeth, unconciously bucking his hips against Lucius'. It was like sheer heaven in a pinch, his eyes rolling closed from the sensation. Poor Severus uttered a small sound of wanting approval, pushing his fingers through Lucius' hair.
Lucius whined and scratched like a dog he felt the sensation briefly. But it only tickled his senses, he wanted so much more. He felt his crotch grow hot at the fabric of Severus's pants rubbing against himself. Lucius started to pull away not guessing why he was suddenly so scared.
Lucius' fear flooded Severus' senses, he quickly pushing the blond over, assaulting the man's mouth mercilessly with his tongue. Severus groped down Lucius' chest, yanking buttons open on the way, black hair hanging around Severus' face, tickling Lucius' cheeks.
Lucius struggled against the vivacious assault on him only breifly. He felt his chest grow bare and gave a small yelp as Severus pushed him over getting on top of him. So close, so wonderfully close. He felt Severus's brandy flavored tongue explore his mouth. Lucius's hands latched onto the potion master's back so hard they almost ripped his shirt. He started caressing the nape of his neck, careful to press hard on the pressure points.
Severus took a sharp breath through his pointy nose, pulling from the man's lips with a gasp. Sev kissed down Lucius' throat furiously, nipping at sucking at the too-pale flesh.
Lucius felt his teeth on his skin. He rolled over onto his back, panting. "Careful there, Sev", he taunted as he toyed with the hair on Severus's chest. Which was now as well bare as the shirt had been flung off in the roll. "I can't afford to be a vampire right now".
Severus grinned, shivering a bit at the sensation of the man's fingers. "You know I won't turn you," he growled lightly, taking up some of the beautifully pale flesh of the man's throat, sucking at it hard, leaving a blood-red mark that originated under Lucius' skin.
Lucius felt this developing he would have told sEverus to stop it because of his suspcious wife but it felt to good. He got a manevolent gleam in his eyes. He eyed the cane. And grabbed his cane and ran the cold heads over Snape's back.
Severus gasped, releasing Lucius' throat, arching against Malfoy. He contracted a killer case of the goosebumps, growling softly.
Lucius knew what to do instantly feeling control he pounced snarling as he kissed him again his cane landing over the potion's masters back with a a small smack!
Severus kissed at the man furiously, his eyes snapping open as he felt the sting against his pale flesh. He whimpered some as it stung, humping against Lucius unconciously.
Lucius threw down the cane carelessly as it dropped onto the stone floor. He gasped rocking under Severus's spasms. "Ah!"
Severus soon found the reality of what was happening and continued to push his hips against the other man's, grinning slightly in ecstacy.
"Aaaaha haa"! he whimpered as Severus ground against him feeling burning heat and terrible joy against the fabric of the denim pants grey eyes wide.
Sev pushed a light kiss against the man's forehead, holding his hips close by the man's bum, snickering a bit as the movement continued.
WeirdVixen: "Sev-"
Lucius panted as it got hotter..and hotter..
Finally he got up enough energy he thrust forward rolling them almost in a flip on the floor. He snaked his tongue across the man's neck. As he began to unbuttun the potion master's pants.
Severus let out a throaty moan, exposing his man to the pale man above him. He shivered some as he felt the waistband of his pants go slack, beginning to grow hard in anticipation.
Lucius worked, feeling Severus's anticipation But Lucius had been waiting for this he jerked away at the last moment when he had but one buttun left to unbuttun on his own trousers. He growled his eyes saying Not that easy..catch me if you can.
Severus blinked, slightly confused as the weight against him let up. Catch me if you can rang in his head, he narrowing his eyes some, pulling himself up off the floor. He growled softly, pushing up onto his knees, snatching Lucius by the ponytail.
Lucius let out a cry and jerked as he brushed past Severus's crotch. Every hair on his skin was standing up. He was on fire.
Severus shivered, snickering a bit. Poor man. He pressed another flurried kiss, pulling him to his feet and leading him to the stock closet. Every student that passed seemed to run - they knew that Snape's stock closet screamed sometimes, but it was extremely loud tonight.
By Badfaith and your's truly
1 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 16 March :: 3.50pm
:: Mood: Warm. DR. PEPPEr.
:: Music: Blue Monday - Orgy
I remember when I corrected that 8th grader.. "It's or-GEE."
We good.
I hope.
You and I, we just like to hurt eachother.
Emotionally and physically.
I guess I was trying to tell you what you feel o--O
I never though you really cared that much.
If you had fuckin' TOLD me, jesus.
1 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..
2006 14 March :: 11.04pm
:: Mood: Hoarse.
:: Music: HIM.
This is how I feel.
Agent Blood Orgy: It has to be all about you, doesn't it?
Auto response from LotusLE98: Sometimes, don't you just hate to be you?
Auto response from Agent Blood Orgy: A cold heart is a dead heart.
Agent Blood Orgy: That's right. I'm accusing you now.
Agent Blood Orgy: I've cried my eyes out over you one too many times, Keith Alexander Merle.
Agent Blood Orgy: And I've found each time it's pretty stupid.
Agent Blood Orgy: It's not like you're doing it to me. Well. You pretty much are. you just don't know it, I guess.
Agent Blood Orgy: Let's weigh all these options.
Agent Blood Orgy: So. You drop acid.
Agent Blood Orgy: a - you have an amazing trip
Agent Blood Orgy: b - you have a terrible trip
Agent Blood Orgy: Let's say b happens.
Agent Blood Orgy: Next - a : you watch your legs run away and you start screaming like a small girl
Agent Blood Orgy: b : you decide to set yourself on fire the burn the bugs off
Agent Blood Orgy: Let's say.. A happens, yet again.
Agent Blood Orgy: a - you have a heart attack from over-heating and shock
Agent Blood Orgy: b - you have one of your little 'friends' - whom really aren't friends at all if they're giving you fucking drugs - chase after them and they get hit by a car.
Agent Blood Orgy: c - you call the ambulance and you get arrested for being on drugs
Agent Blood Orgy: Yeap. It's amazing. Let's go back to the beginning and pretend that A - you have an amazing trip.
Agent Blood Orgy: A - you could dance with the smurfs
Agent Blood Orgy: B - you could end up fucking some one and it'd be soooo great since you're high
Agent Blood Orgy: C - you follow the pretty unicorn off the side of a building, and then believe you're an airplane. Until you hit the ground.
Agent Blood Orgy: Alright - B happens.
Agent Blood Orgy: You get da HIV and you end up passing it to 7 other people at our school.
Agent Blood Orgy: But it wouldn't be me.
Agent Blood Orgy: Because I honestly don't think I'd associate with a druggie - one time or no. Sure. School friends can be druggies, I guess. I never see them outside and I wouldn't feel toooo bad if they died. It's their own damn fault.
Agent Blood Orgy: But part of me regrets ever wanting to know you in the beginning, Keith. If I had left you alone, you could have made bad choices with another crowd and have some other stupid little girl feel bad about your choices.
Keith. If you're reading this and you're offended by it, angry that I told everyone, I hope you are.
You deserve to be angry.
Just as much as I deserve to be.
As much as everyone deserves to know that you're stupid.
Really stupid.
3 ..accepted the challenge.. |
..you are to become a shinigami..