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Im Just that kinda Girl

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:: 2005 15 August :: 6.36pm
:: Mood: depressed

I love you Grandma!

Do u ever have one of those night when ur scared and u cant sleep and u know something back is going to happen like a feeling but deeper cause thats how i felt last night the night before my grandmother passed.... wow it's scary

my aunt is a stupid low life bitch who is gunna have something coming for her i hate her!

and u know what sucks the most besides the last grandmother i had passing is that i have to walk around and act like everything is ok i smile n go out n i actually picked a fight with my mom so i could go to school today even tho i didnt go i have nothing right now n it sucks u know i was the only one my grandmother wanted to see the only one she was nice to when someone came to see her the only one she told her secret to the one she always asked about n called n sent things to on important days and now shes gone but im gunna go lay down n shit cause this is to much i just wanted to dully note that

I love you Grandama! n i miss u so much words cant tell...
rest in peace

1 touched my heart | love

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