2008 10 March :: 10.14 am
:: Mood: cheerful
Here I am. Eating Life cereal. I love cereal.
I went to Holland for the last few days, and just got back last night. Ohhh man, did Leesh and I have fun. :) haha, we love to shop, lemme tell ya, especially at TJmaxx. And we even got some pictures in before we passed out on the floor, haha. Ohh well, we'll get some more later. We sat at Panera Bread eavesdropping, too, which was hilarious. "Asia, Burma!! DUNG!" ohhh man, ahaha.
I did spend a lotta money, but I don't care anymore! It was amazing and so worth it. Plus, Leesh and I now have the same jeans! :P
Chris took me out for dinner at 84East, and I had this really good alfredo, but I only finished like.. the top layer and got full (there was a ton).. then Chris ate that too, haha. After that we went and got some coldstone. It was realllllly good. :) He's good to me :)
Good weekends put me in such a good mood. I love feeling like this. Especially when the sun is shining, too. It feels really warm instead of blistering cold, like usual. I really hope Spring is coming soon, no more snow storm crap, and no more cold weather. I can't stand it anymore! I want to walk around in t-shirts and stuff, c'mon!
Anyways, I really need a shower.
3 blurs |
smear it |