2008 5 March :: 7.05 pm
:: Mood: excited
:: Music: Informatik - The World Belongs to Us
I am sooo excited. I'm going to Holland tomorrow and staying with Aliciaaa. We're gonna have so much fun, I don't even know if I can handle it!! ahh, all the pictures and makeup, and shopping and every other girly thing you can imagine that we'd do. :D
I also am very excited to find out I get out of school completely by the 15th of May. Ohh my gosh. How amazzzzing!! everyone - you're coming to my open house and eating food and cake. I like cake a lot, so it'll be there. Lots of it, too. :D well, hopefully.
Well, I'm just sittin' here talking to Christopher and we're chatting about how he's never read my woohu, haha. well, I just gave him the link so I'm sure he is now. :P I love that boy.
Years will come, years will go,
Kingdoms rise and fall -
The time has come to take control..
The world belongs to us.
18 blurs |
smear it |