2008 1 March :: 5.56 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Slide - Goo Goo Dolls
What you feel is what you are, and what you are is beautiful..
So just got out of the shower. I smell lots better now. I think I'm going bowling tonight with Kristi and Josh. Sounds like fun to me :)
I'm glad, 'cause I really wanna get out of the house like crazy and hang out with friends. I think I need it. But hey, everyone does once in awhile.
I've been thinking a lot lately, and honestly, I think I might have to wait to go to college for a little bit. I mean, I thought I was going to get a ton more from my FAFSA form, but I didn't at all. I only got about 4 grand that I DON'T have to pay back, and it's a little over 15 grand tuition. I hope my dad went to see if the VA coudl help out, he thinks I'll have the same benefits as he does - which means it would be fully comped. God, that would be so amazing. I mean, I basically have no income and my mom.. yeah, she doesn't much either. So, really, I don't know what I'll do going to school full-time and balancing work, and agggh. It's something I gotta deal with soon, though.
I just want to graduate and not think about high school anymore. I'm so done with the crap.
Anyyways, well, I might have a car soon. It's the one that's been sitting here in the yard for 3 years. The landlord says it needs a battery, and a checkup (we don't know what's wrong with it at all) and then I can have it for 400 dollars, which seems like a really good deal to me. I need a dependable nice one, and it seems like it sooo it's all good. It's a blue Grand Am, nothing special, but it'll run sooner than later. :D
Well, I'm gonna go blowdry my hair and all that junk. Yep.
Good god, Brutis just farted and it reaks so bad in here. I think I'm going to hurl all over the place. Nasty animal.
1 blur |
smear it |