2008 25 February :: 9.36 pm
:: Mood: tired
I smell like dirty fryers, and I thought I'd let everyone know. I accidently touched my arm with a fry vat at work tonight. I didn't even know I had to work until Steph called me. Thank god she did, that'd of been twice on a Monday that I didn't come in 'cause I didn't know. Ohhh well. 'Least it worked out.
Well, the roads are pretty icy. Maybe we'll have a 2 hour delay tomorrow. That would be sooo nice, I'd love some extra sleep.. or to just sleep in longer than 7 again. Buut uh, Rockford's Rockford. *sigh* I asked for the weekend after this one off, so maybe I'll go to Holland and stay with Leesh or my dad. I dunno, I'm hoping he's feeling okay by then so I can at least stop by. I think I'll stay with Leesh though, just because it'll probably work out better. We need that girly time, with no obligations, no interruptions, and time to just.. do whatever the heck we feel like. Then I can bring the camera along, 'cause Jim will let me borrow it. Ohh yay. That sounds absolutely amazing right about now - what do ya think, Leesh? :)
I'm feeling like that would make me feel a whole lot more alive at this point in time. I feel like the past week or so I've just been dragging on and on through school, work, and basically everything I do. It sucks, I really hate the feeling, but I can't help it. I think it's 'cause I need my medication again, either that or I was so used to it. I haven't gotten it filled for 2 weeks. Oh well, no big deal.
Anyways, Ooh, I also got my v-day present from Chris last weekend (since I didn't see him on V-day.. nor anytime since then) He got me some silver earrings, kissing dog stuffed animals, and a little jewelry box. They're cute. :)
I was excited. I got him a sketch book and some new sketch pens, which I personally wanted, buuut I'll go get one for myself. :) I need new pens anyway. God, I need to DRAW or something. That's what I need. Maybe that will bring me out of my slump. Gotta channel it all into a beautiful piece of art. Mmhm, sounds good.
Leesh - you, me, photoshop, camera, pencils, pens, props, etc.
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smear it |