2008 28 January :: 6.17 pm
:: Music: Dreams - the Cranberries
Hm. I really have no clue why I'm updating because I have nothin' overly exciting to talk about.. as usual. But hey, what the heck? I almoooost have the hang of the Flash program in multimedia class. That thing is definitely not for me. I made the typical flower growing out of the ground, but it's actually kinda neat for my first little clip. I really am not looking forward to doing much more of it, but hey.. gotta do what'chya gotta do.
Anyyyways, I'm taking my last makeup exam tomorrow for pottery. I'm gonna be glad when it's all done. It's really weird getting out at the normal 2:30 time now. It feels like the school part of my day just takes for-absolutely-everrr. 'Cause they do.. err, feel like they do.
I got some of my grades in the mail, and I actually did pretty well for myself. I am actually happy with it for once. Then again, I've actually been concentrating on doing better in school. I mean, hey, it's the last year. I have to have something to show of my time in high school, right?
Soo, I totally forgot to clock out of work yesterday. I really hope they got that message I left them. Oops. Ohhh! oh! and everyone, I had a perfect drawer yesterday in drive-thru. I totally got cookies.
By the way, if anyone gets a chance.. you really really NEED to have a chocolate turnover. They taste like amazing, giant, fudgy, brownies. Amaaazing.
Well, I 'spose that's pretty much it. Yep.
12 blurs |
smear it |