They say this is the city of angels. All I see is dead wings...


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:: 2008 25 January :: 4.45 pm
:: Mood: full
:: Music: The Bad Touch - Bloodhound Gang

I just had some waffles, and they tasted unusually better today. I don't know. I'm kinda weird, you could say, when I make them. It's like a process; first I put them in the toaster and then when they pop up I quick put butter on them, and then some syrup, and then it goes straight into the microwave for 30 seconds. I have no idea where or when I learned to do it, but I can't remember when I didn't so I guess it doesn't matter.
I really have no idea why I went on about waffles like that, but oh well. Anywayyy, on to other things..
So apparently I qualify to get about 7,500 dollars paid of my tuition for college, which is cool. And thennn.. I'll have to take out some loans possibly, or just make monthly payments while I'm there.
God, it's so weird that I'm not going back to school next year.. it's like, well, everyone's so used to doing it. It's going to be so different. Having so much to do with college, and actually starting a career along with many other things. I mean, seriously, it's weird thinking that in about.. I don't know, 5 years I might be married, or have a kid, or be living somewhere new. ahhh! It's too weird to think about.

I think I need a nap today at some point. Maybe I'll take a bath to relax or something, 'cause it feels crazily cold in this house too. I'm surprised that my hands haven't fallen off yet.
..You sunk my battleship, please turn me on I'm Mr.Coffee with an automatic drip.. *sings* It's so sad that I love this song. hahaha
But c'mon, you can't deny that ya didn't like it at some point in your life. Like, in elementary when everyone was like *gasp* and cracked up and said "Ooohhhh!".
What good memories..

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