2008 24 January :: 3.59 pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: Still Waters Run Deep - 69 Eyes
I don't know if it's just me or not.. but school has felt like it's been draaaaagging. Seriously, if it doesn't speed it up I'm going to rip out some trach's.
Anyways. I just added another donation to my car fund, yay! Though I think I'll probably spend a little of this check. Oh well, gotta have a little fun too. :D
Do you know what sounds amazing right now? That cheese cake that I had in Florida with Leesh and Joey. Oh my god. I would kill to have some of that in front of me. Though I'm just gonna have to settle for some marshmallow lover's hot chocolate, which is good too. I don't know how good of comparison it is to any type of cake, but hey.
I am so happy that tomorrow is Friday. I wanna sleep in this weekend, and be laaazy. Yeahhh, sounds good.
Well, I'm gonna go. I hear that hot chocolate callin' my name.
8 blurs |
smear it |