They say this is the city of angels. All I see is dead wings...


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:: 2008 22 January :: 9.46 pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: JT - Sexyback

Well.. holy crap
It's been eons. Like, seriously. I can't even remember the last time I typed something here. At least 2 years it's been, I think. Thanks to Joey I'm back! :D

Anyways.. a lot has changed, good and bad. But that's the usual, right? Not like many people will read this anyway.. Hm, whatev.
man, I'm so tired. Yep, I just thought I'd let everyone on woohu know.
Tonight I went to the Aveda school downtown GR for an interview. I just need to get my letter of intent in and a letter of recommendation and I'm pretty much all set 'til July. :D I'm excited, actually. It was an awesome atmosphere all around.
I miss Leesh a ton. I need my own car to get back and forth to work, and back and forth to see Leesh, Chris, and my dad. I 'spose that's why I'm saving every cent I get.. I don't even care what it is - heck, I'll drive that damn old ice cream truck/ mail truck or whatever it was that was for sale a long time ago on that one street about 10 minutes away. I don't care anymore! I didn't really care then either.. haha.
But hey, everyone should be proud. I've saved 205 dollars so far from work, and I'm getting paid again tomorrow. yay :)
Oh ohhh oh! and I officially have my license now too. Even though I haven't driven once.. wow, that's dumb, isn't it? gosh.
Rockford had a snowday today. I wish it would snow some more 'cause another day off would be nice. I have exams to make up yet though. yuck. Ohh well.

Anyyyway, I best be gettin' to bed. G'night.

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