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:: 2004 17 July :: 4.22pm
:: Mood: tired

The past 24 hours...
Last night fuckin rocked, everbody was there......no one pissed me off....everyone looked good and it just all feel into place which is rare(except for the fact i got open mic night and jazz night messed up but it turned out ok)! Well I drank too much cafieen (sp?) and was up till at least 4 and kept Ali up w/ me lol! Sorry babe im a bitch! Anway we get up at 7 oclock to get ready go around town for shiz and get to Auto Zone and it raining and the ppl in my car were like "we should still do it because the rain will stop in a really short period of time (suprise suprise its florida!) and when the rain dyes everyones cars will have weird looking water spots and the rain is going to make it muddy!(and it will make things cooler for us)" ....NOT TO MENTION i came back and talked to ppl that were like "omg i needed my car washed so bad" and all i could do was cringe. So nonethless the band that we were doing it for didnt want to do it in the rain, because it didnt make since and that we were just wasting our time......so we called it off or rather "postponed" it.

Anyway....chatting w/ an unknown guy that is a cousin of a friend, im just asking for trouble all over again arent i? He is very.....lol black. Talks it and definatly seems to act it so yea.....and he is my age and i dont like that, i like a lil older preferably.....gimmie advice before i start gettin into this guy!

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:: 2004 16 July :: 11.26pm
:: Mood: crazy
:: Music: dip it low

To describe tonight you only need one word-haawesome.


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:: 2004 16 July :: 4.37pm
:: Mood: stressed

I'm soo stressed out right now. I want to kill at all who cross my path even if you are innocent. I just want to scream and kill someone.

I have no clue why I am like this right now. I'm just am ok bitch? so stop nagging me! I don't even feel like going tonight.

I don't want to go tonight if tonight is gonna be like how it was last time w/ the how to pay for the food ordeal. Like we all agreed but then once time to pay for the check came...it all went up in flames.

I swear to u all bitches, if someone plays that again tonigth or something like that I will kill.

Thats a promise.

beware bitch.


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:: 2004 14 July :: 9.53pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: DMX

Sooo I hung out w/ Anne, Amanda, Kelsey, Rich, Kyle, Adam, and Chris. It was all fun.

We went to Taco Bell and made a wet mess in the bathroom b/c Amanda and Anne decided to have a water fight...Then Adam spilt Chris's drink and he skidded on it. Yea...teh place wasn't clean n e more after we left.

Then we went to Anne's dad's house. We just hung out and talked. It was ok. I was a lil bored. Then Amanda left, so we left rigth after and I went to Anne's mom's for dinner. It was fun i guess. The food got a lil destroyed, but it was all good.

So I am home.

Ok I'm done. Lata.


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:: 2004 13 July :: 3.42am
:: Mood: grateful
:: Music: silence

well.....its 3 in th morn and im home, it was a good trip but im very grateful to be home again! i missed everything! :-) xoxox love you guys byes

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:: 2004 12 July :: 8.27pm
:: Mood: curious

just thinking
Well I was just thinking about how long Alan and I have been goin out. I counted and it came out to 30 weeks which equals 7.2 weeks which also means 7 and a half weeks. I mean damn. That is a long time. It doesn't really seem that long though. I think that's a good thing, but i think it only feels that way b/c I don't see him very often b/c of our scheduals or b/c of our location.

i really think w/ us not being able to c eachother all the time is a good thing b/c we wont get tired of seeing eachother or for my case, he wont get annoying.

But the only thing that seriously bites right now is that we never talk b/c of scheduales. i hate it. but i only have to deal w/ it for a a lil while longer b/c our scheduales will be back to the norm once school starts and thats the only reason i am looking forward for school. Ok i'm gonna go. ta ta.


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:: 2004 10 July :: 5.39pm
:: Mood: Pissy (literally)

It was pissy (literally)
ok I just sat in dog piss. enough said dammit.


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:: 2004 9 July :: 11.39am

Hey! I created a new journal! It's a live journal i dunno which i'll be using more but yea check it out it's gay at the moment cause i need to figure out how to do stuff 2 it but yea! LOL! ttyl luv ya's byes!


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:: 2004 8 July :: 11.25pm
:: Mood: curious
:: Music: Smile Empty Soul......and alot of it

Okay....well Chicago was good.....shopping.....Northwestern.......Culunary Arts Institute or something (my cousin's choice). Great food! I compared Northwestern and Madison and shockingly I like Madison soooo much more!! But then again Madison was shown to me by family and i got inside storied about streaking,egging, frat houses, what buildings to climb, best places to drink, best parties, best places to eat, and stuff like that. For Northwestern no one was there and it was very pretty but it felt.......cold. I just didnt like the feel of it, which is odd. Anyway thats my lil update, alot more occured but i care about you guys and i dont want to bore you TOO much.....lol too late i know :-) Love you guys! Ill be back Monday! Hopefully we can all get together before everyone leaves again. XoxXoXo byes

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:: 2004 8 July :: 8.24pm
:: Mood: Happy...sorta.
:: Music: 311: amber

What put a smile on my face...
Today I went to Joe's house. Joe....Joe..Joe is a swell of a guy. we played video games the whole time. It was fun. i also played on his drumset. He's a funny guy.

Let me tell u, He has gotten hott. well he was hot before, but now he's hotter. He just needs to do something w/ his hair. It's not bad, its just..big. He has the V body shape going on. I love it! I love him!

***Joe, if your reading this cuz i know sometimes you read my journal, I hope you feel special b/c u damn should. lol***


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:: 2004 7 July :: 1.00am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: 12 Stones

ok quickly (one computer and a cousin that needs it too!). Ok......saw 12 stones and they kicked ass and Three Days Grace was pretty good, we met some pretty cool ppl but ya know nothing could progress because we dont live there. Anyway my cousin and i played soccer which was fun, i went to Madison today and i want to go to college there(more on that later). Im talking to April again which is interesting. The James shit is kinda continueing but not really...thank gawd. Im going to Chicago tomorrow which is frickin awesome, college hunting and shopping, my two fav things! :-) G2G love you all xoxoxo byes!

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:: 2004 6 July :: 12.59pm
:: Mood: busy
:: Music: Joss Stone

woo...4th of July...monday....today....hoo
hello there folks. I hope ur making ur time fun as much as it can be w/ any situation u are in.

My 4th of the month (july) was good. It was better than last years. My dad, hot sis, and I went to my dad's friend, Buddy's house. It was fun. His house was built in 1920 so it was a neato house. Well from his house we walked to down town Ft. Myers at that park. we had V.I.P. passes, so we got to eat free food and free beer and got to stay underneath a tent the whoel time if we wanna. I didn't see anyone that I knew, but that was ok. Earlier I called Casey to come w/ me and he said he'll call me back at 4:30. He never did, so i thought he went w/ Jared to the CC one b/c Jared invited both of us to go w/ him. Well long story short. It started to rain at 9 pm, so the fire works did start untill 9:30 ish. Then later I found out that Casey fell asleep and that's why he didn't call me. Poo Poo. O well. well umm...the fireworks were awesome. I loved it.

On monday i worked my bum bum off. I cleaned the whole house by myself and then i cut the whole yard, u know that back, the front and the sides, then I cleaned the jacuzzi which was a real mess. It had mildew on it and rust and sum green weird stuffd on it and water stains. It took me an hour and a hlaf to clean it. I was pissed off when i was cleaning it b/c my sisters didn't do shit taht day they hung out w/ their b/f's or friends and then just went to work. Its gay. When I was cleaning my jacuzzi Joe called, casey called, Nick called, Jared called. i felt special b/c everyone kept callin me. yaya! hehe. Well around 5 I went over to Nick Howards house and Devon was there and Curtis. We had fun. we played Nick's dancing game. u know those arcade dancing game things? well he got one on playstation2. It was neato. I went home around 10:30.

Then 2day. I woke up at 9 and i was like ok i'm getting u. i'm getting outta bed. here I go. I'm going. well I never went. Never even took my sheets off me. so I layed there and tryed to get out but i never did. I looked over at the clock and now it was 10:30. I was like I have to get out. I have a lot to today. I got my foot out of the sheets. Finally! Progress! Praise the lord! amen! well..it found its way back in. damn it. Well around 11:30 the door bell rang. I shot out of bed and raced to the door. Before i got there Dave let himself in. I stopped in my tracks and told him I was soo happy he rang the door bell b/c he got me outta bed. FinallY!

well today i picked up the house, wash the dogs, chase JoJo down the street, got the garbage down to the street and i have to play drums, but i don't wanna! U can't make me! nooo!

Ok i'm gonna go play now. But i don't wanna!


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:: 2004 6 July :: 12.44am

Hey! LoL Yesterday was awesome!! I went to Kelsey's dad's and we chilled and had fun! and then today we went to adams house and gave him get well presents since he got shot in the eye w/ a roman candle lmao! I had a blast even though he doesn't understand y but anyways ummm yea i'll ttyl byes

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:: 2004 4 July :: 12.24pm

UPDATE!! Yea Cali was fun too much to type....in simple...guys were hott...Kels was awesome to take..... the surf was choice...the shoppin gnaRly....and it was sad to have to come home! ok ttyl byes!

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:: 2004 3 July :: 11.50pm
:: Music: Aphasia and Trapt

Well party today and concerts last night and tomorrow night! Ok lets start w/ last night, i saw Aphasia(www.aphasiaonline.com) totally loved them! My cousin and i went to see them because they were on before Trapt and they were pretty damn good! Really hot bass plaier!So ya go to their site and listen to their music, their cd comes out really soon. Then we moved up after listening to them and got to like the 7th row and listened to Trapt which was fucking amazing! They are one of my favs now which is slightly suprising. Lead singer is the only hot one though. But there was two really trashed guys that someone let in towards the end of the show and they kept falling off the bleachers and making everyone around them fall. At the very end they threw the drum sticks and my cousin almost got it! She touched it and the guy in front of her grabbed it! Dammit! Anyway we got home pretty early( 1 ish) and we had gone w/ my aunt and uncle so they gave us a ride home. Next, today my grandparents had their 70th B-day party and ppl were all around and i didnt wake up till it started lol! Anyway, the high points were getting along w/ my cousins and my cousins kinda hot friend which i was contimplating messing around w/ but he was too young. Anyway, it was a good bonding time lol. Then tomorrow my cousin and i are going to see Three Days Grace which should be pretty damn fun considering its the last day of Summerfest (meaning its going to be crazy) so yea.....ill update it once i see them of course. Nothing else too special, kinda errr about the car wash being moved all around but oh well, i cant do to much about it now. Love you guys! Cant wait to see you guys! I still haev to get another week of Madison and Chicago lol! Lots of shopping and colleges....wow so perfect hehe! Mwah xoxoxoxox byes

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