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spud (profile) wrote,
on 7-26-2003 at 2:56pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: queen - bohemian rhapsody
you know. i noticed that i no longer have a fanbase.

i mean, i've been saying it for years. it's no secret that i'm not worth listening to, but now that i'm not on anybody's freinds lists anymore, and the only reply's i get, i rebuke.

it's just a very rude awakening.

i wish i could go back to sleep.
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07-26-03 6:51pm

well erm... YOu're still on my friends list. I still like you.

I will try not to hit you with a cymbal this year.

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07-26-03 8:45pm

Who's my sunshine!

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Re:, 04-26-04 12:41am


i've missed you dustin.

i should really follow through the next time i threaten to come see you.

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07-27-03 10:44am

dude there must be something wrong with your profile.

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Re:, 02-05-04 12:38am

i wish i had fans

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