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xMiyavixFanx (profile) wrote,
on 6-1-2004 at 4:33am
Music: ...
Subject: It's here~
Alright peoples, this is me without the Pink streaks in my hair. x3 Thank you Goddess Althena for paying those 2 dollars~ ^-^

-Adrian <3

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06-01-04 8:33am

That's so cute ^_^

Thanks so much! -cuddles it-

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Re:, 06-02-04 7:01pm

^__^; You ish welcome~


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Uummmm............................, 06-02-04 12:13pm

Interesting picture...did you draw it?

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Re: Uummmm............................, 06-02-04 7:01pm

o.o' Why yes, I did.
...Using a mouse. T.T' I don't have one of those...thingies. >>'
-Adrian <3

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...rubs chin and ponders for a minute..., 06-02-04 12:15pm

wow. that's pretty good. was it done on the comp?

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Re: ...rubs chin and ponders for a minute..., 06-02-04 7:00pm

Yeah, it was done on the computer. e.e'' I don't have any other way to do it, for the lack of a scanner or anything. ^^;

-Adrian <3

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06-14-04 5:06pm

Hey lookit who's still here! I thought you were gone. BUT LO AND BEHOLD, YOU REMAIN! Huzzah!

Ooo i likesh the picture. Very cool indeedio! Well I better be off. Tootles!

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^-^; I know I'm kinda late..., 06-16-04 12:00am

::carefully inspects masterpiece:: I like it! I can doodle stick figures, you know. ::sigh:: I used to be YellowPagian, however, I was too lazy to pay the $2 fee. But I wanted to let you know I still read your journal! ^-^ ::lurves you:: If you ever wish to be an anonymous commenter on my journal, I'm at ::shares cookies with you:: Like double chocolate chip??

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