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mco86 (profile) wrote,
on 3-29-2005 at 4:05am
Current mood: grumpy
Subject: End of Vacation
Here it is, my first posting.

I just got back from Los Angeles. A GREAT spring break. My only ever good spring break. Now I'm suffering from Vacation Withdrawel.

My fiance took me out there so that I could meet all of his friends. He went to film school out there for a year so he was the perfect tour guide.

We stayed with his actor friend, a well established actor ya'll probably seen numerous times in a movie, whether you recognized his name or not. Doug is like my California dad now. I asked him if he wanted the part and he said yes. So its official.

We did some touristing..... tourising.......touring. You know, Hollywood Blvd, Santa Monica Blvd, Venice Beach, pretty much usual stuff. There was even this one homeless lady that stood perfectly still staring at everyone draped in a clear tarp. The wind was blowing slightly so the tarp conformed to her face. Oooooh, creepy. I took a picture so I could post it, possibly.

Ugh, I didn't want to leave.

The plane ride sucked. Four hours. Oh well, right? At the end we encountered some major turbulance. I dug my nails right into
Morgan's arms. I've never been on a flight where literally everyone screams. Literally.

So I get back, and it starts hailing. I clean, do laundrey, stop in to see my aunt and watch some movies. I need to call about a package UPS tried to deliver while I was gone, before they send it back to sender. But my phone has locked me out and I need to call tech support for that. Isn't it amazing how dependant cell phones make you?

A car crash and a STOPPED train made me late to class this morning. And of course its raining. *sigh*

After all this bitching......all I can say is

Life is Good

Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I found out that a boy I knew from way back drove over a landmine in Afghanistan. Its the first time someone I knew died in the war.

So it could be worse. Rainy days and school in session I can handle.

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03-28-05 2:38pm

First, definitely post that picture.
Second, I'm glad your break was good. I took a few little tiny planes over break, and none of them were that bad. O.o

Who was it that died?

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Re:, 03-29-05 9:51am

Once morgan's computer is working properly I will post the picture. The guy who died wasn't anyone you would know. I can't remember his last name but his first was Kyle and he was my dad's college roommate's psuedo stepson.

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