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1010101 (profile) wrote,
on 6-3-2003 at 4:07pm
Current mood: tired
Well there's been quite a bit of time between this and my last journal entry. I haven't done a whole lot, but I did finally change my journal from the standard format, so now it actually looks kind of cool. I have been extremely tired lately, and I'm sorry if I've been slightly antisocial with you all, It's just that every other thought that crosses my brain has been "must... sleep..." I almost gave in and passed out in the middle of biology, but somehow I managed to hold on.
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06-03-03 5:04pm

Meh, I call it shy and Brett-ish...not anti-social.

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06-03-03 5:19pm

meh, everyone can be like that once in a while...and i don't blame you about the biology incident, it can be boring in that class...

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Re:, 06-03-03 6:47pm

I almost went out in Algebra. I don't know why, I was so energetic that morning.

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06-04-03 11:11am

You mean you guys actually try to stay awake in class?! But what's the fun in that?! *smiles innocently* Btw Brett, I'm Esther, I know all the ppl that replied to this lolz.

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Re:, 06-04-03 4:05pm

Yeah i know, I've seen your posts on everyone else's journals.

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Re: Re:, 06-04-03 4:06pm

BRETT HOW COME WHENEVER I TRY TO CALL YOU THE LINE'S BUSY???????!!!!!!! If you're on please get off and call me. I gots somethin to tell ya.

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