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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 6-12-2003 at 7:52pm
Music: I love the 80's ~ VH1
Subject: Hit list
Okay, You know what makes me angry? When your best friend has only been to your house like 5 times... the whole time you have been friends. I go over to hers all the time but she NEVER wants to come over. She only comes over if I tell her we have food. It's like I have to bribe her to be my fucking friend... It's homosexual.
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06-12-03 8:49pm

For one, your mom like hates me, and scares the piss out of me. For two, Ive been to your house more than 5 times. For three, if you knew the mood i was in, and what i was doing when you called (no its not sexual) then you'd understand, but instead you got all mad..

What made me angry was when you asked jayme to do something, and didnt ask me to hang out with you guys. Because, Ive really wanted to hang out with her, but she always says no, or cant. And it makes me angry, because when she cant or says no to you, to always come to me, and it makes me feel like a back up.

But i never say anything about it. I keep it all in. Just like everything else. Because I hate fighting/arguing with you.

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Re:, 06-12-03 8:54pm

Okay, my mom shouldn't matter. Your mom scares me too. I still come over. I doubt you can name more than five times you've come over you've only stayed the night 4. And I am not just talking about this time when you say the mood you are in. Umm all the time when I ask you you say no.

And about jayme. Just because I ask her to hang out doesn't mean I DON'T want to hang out with you. I need to have more than one fucking friend. And if at some time I am just hanging out with her it was because you were doing something else and I don't have favorites sorry. How do you think she feels when I ask you to hang out all the time and not her? Yeah, exactly the same situation you have to give a little too.

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06-12-03 9:19pm

try having to pay for everything, always have paid for everything. its ok at first but then it becomes a pain in the ass.

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