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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 7-10-2002 at 9:14pm
Current mood: loved
Music: Dave Matthews Band - Jimi Thing
Subject: *sigh*
Today was great. I went and hung out with Jess for awhile. I felt so bad for Jessie H. though, cuz Roman wasn't there. Oh well. I had a great time. and for once in my life, I gave a massage, and it was enjoyed. amazing huh, well, it helps to not have someone who wants to be brutally punished by hands. I'm used to being gental, and yeah, it's great. We watched Happy Gilmore. SOMEBODY"S CLOSER!!! all and all, a great day. *sigh*. yep, Life is sweet again. later.
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07-10-02 9:58pm

Don't feel to bad, I had fun! so it's all good!

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