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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 7-22-2002 at 9:25pm
*************Fuck you Jessica Hazen, I can make my words go sideways too.I'm going to write this entire entrie like this, because I can. I went over to Jess' house, I was on trial. *does pinky in mouth thing* We watched the patriot. Now i'm playing pool with gunnie and I was just talking to Robby about a shallow person. Hey, you aggrivate me too, I still love ya, but you had no right to do that to two different people, and their not going to be there whenever you need to go to someone for comfort. That just makes me mad. I don't want you to hate me, but as a friend, I'm telling you that you should not use guys like that. It's just not Right, and yes you were leading them on, and you know it. Well that's it for now, later*********
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07-22-02 9:38pm

dear god kevin that was the longest most annoying way to read a journal entry in the world.

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Re:, 07-22-02 10:02pm

hm, i thought it was fun. You passed the trial with flying colors Kev. Good Job. :) Even though I'm not sure what it was all about.

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07-22-02 10:31pm

Honestly guys, I think that this would have been better had you taken care of it/confronted her in person. Not over the internet where everyone and anyone can see/read it.

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yup, 07-23-02 12:07am

some poeple just havent woken up from their dreams. and i would have done it in person if i would have had the chance. I think we didnt handle things half bad

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Re: yup, 07-23-02 10:35am

Fuck you too, Kev. Mine looks better, and it wasn't as annoying hehe :) wink wink Spanky.

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Re: Re: yup, 07-23-02 11:10am

Oh, and how many times do I have to state, it's Jessi, with an I? hehe it's okay spanky! :)

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