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tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 8-2-2002 at 8:20am
Hey guess what, I don't have to work today. Hey guess what else, I'm still up at the exact fucking same time.

I have lot's of stuff to do today, it's gonna be cool. First of all we are going over to the joyride concert. After Joyride is done playing we are going to play our own concert at this little chindig that molly coffman is holding. Woo, and were getting paid. yes that's right, our first paid gig. I know what your thinking, we should be paying you, but we have some experience now, and it's ok. well, Later. Oh, and if anyone of you peoples talks to jess, tell her I said hi.
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weee, 08-02-02 9:36am

yay, a paid gig. go you. have fun and play good... or something. later.

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08-02-02 11:23pm

she won the "i wanna talk to kevin" award today at was cute. lol. :)

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Re:, 08-03-02 12:20am

She says hi. And if you didn't know about her necklace. She made a necklace with ur pick. :) very cute

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Re:, 08-03-02 6:23pm

no, it was the "can i call Kevin" award

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