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justplainolemica (profile) wrote,
on 7-29-2003 at 6:59pm
Current mood: disappointed
Subject: -----
I just sent out my last life line. What are you supposed to do when one of your best friends decides you arent friends anymore? Me personally I dont know. I wish I did know what to do. Heck I wish I knew why. Pretty much eveyone in the group has said "oh well she isnt missed" But I disagree I miss her terribly. This is someone I would go to dances with and spring break and party and everything. I miss her so much and I dont know what I did. All I can say is that I went on vacation and apparently something happened then. So today I sent out my last life line my last letter of trying to understand. I hope it works cuz it sucks to not have your best friend with you.
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hey, 08-01-03 1:00pm

That happened to me in fourth grade!! I know how it feels

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