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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 8-13-2003 at 2:53pm
Subject: surveys
Totally Organic

You, toxic? Not even close. As a friend you’re about as pure as Ivory soap. Your motto: I’ve got your back, and you’ve got mine. You’d lie down on train tracks for your buds, and know they’d do the same for you. And why wouldn’t they? You love and protect them no matter what – even if it means giving up something you want. Your reward for being such a fab friend? You’ll always have someone to share the half of your BFF pendant with.
Cool as a Cucumber
OK, stop reading this and put your index and middle finger on the underside of your other wrist. Is there a pulse? We’re just checking, because you don’t seem to react to ANYTHING. The good news is you’re not a stress case. The bad news is we’re afraid you’re comatose or something. It’s cool to let things roll off your back, but it seems like you don’t let anything affect you at all. Maybe you should start thinking about the consequences of certain situations instead of just shrugging and saying, “OK, cool.” There’s a big difference between not getting bent out of shape over every little thing and letting people step all over you because you’re dead to the world. Wake up!
Perfect Patty
No one would ever mistake you for "just one of the guys," but you've got the perfect hangout habits when it comes to your BF. You know there's a whole lot more to life than dating. You expect to spend plenty of time together, but you also expect to spend plenty of time on your own (not to mention plenty of time with your crew), which means you've got the perfect balance for a healthy relationship. You’re a great girlfriend, so keep it up!

Yeah...that'd be nice, if I was dating someone. Oh-well.

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08-13-03 7:06pm

I'm on a brakeing through two you;

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Re:, 08-13-03 7:43pm

Don't know who you are, clearly HOMSAR! And I don't care. Stay outta my journal.

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