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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 8-20-2003 at 12:05pm
Current mood: calm
Subject: lol
Hehe last night me and Jess stayed up till 4 in the morning talking about "remember when" God I love it. It's so great having someone you can look back on all your memories and they know because they were there. I feel so bad tho. I was such a mean little brat when I was little, I would have never of been my friend. I love you papiiii!!!!
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08-20-03 12:49pm

see u say it that and we say it pope lol its confusing i will hafta like say it actually to your face so u can hear the difference lol. peace

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08-20-03 12:58pm

haw haw haw. DITCHED!

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Re:, 08-20-03 9:02pm

What a bitch.

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