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allyson (profile) wrote,
on 8-24-2003 at 12:31pm
Current mood: gloomy
My mom called me ally like three or four times on friday, so did the post office lady deb (that was at our house) and my grandpa calls me ally all the time.... weird
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08-24-03 4:26pm

why is that weird?

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Re:, 08-24-03 4:27pm

Because my family has always called me allison. Always.

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Re: Re:, 08-24-03 4:30pm

if your grandpa calls you ally all the time, i dont think he would apply to that? i dont think your related to the post office lady either hahaha.

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Re: Re: Re:, 08-24-03 4:32pm

okay, my grandpa calls me ally all the time.. now he never used to. And I don't know how the post office lady even knew my name and yeah... it was weird

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