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allyson (profile) wrote, on 8-25-2003 at 2:55pm | |
Subject: I just wanted to waste time. |
series one - you -- Name: allison -- Nickname: ally, al -- Birthplace: Belding -- Current Location: Belding -- Eye Color: blue -- Hair Color: dark brown -- Righty or Lefty: Righty. -- Zodiac Sign: sag // series two - describe -- Your heritage: french? I think that's what it means -- The shoes you wore today: sketchers retro's -- Your hair: down blow-dryed -- Your eyes: no make up -- Your weakness: life -- Your fears: death -- Your perfect pizza: no such thing -- One thing you'd like to achieve: a career a good one // series three - what is -- Your most overused phrase on aim: hey -- Your thoughts first waking up: I don't want to go to school -- The first feature you notice in the opposite(or same) sex:eyes. -- Your best physical feature: eyes I guess -- Your bedtime: 10:30 - 11:00 -- Your greatest accomplishment: I don't know -- Your most missed memory: My birthday's // series four - you prefer -- Pepsi or coke: coke -- McDonald's or Burger King: Both -- Single or group dates: Jay dates ;) -- Adidas or Nike: adidas -- Lipton or Nestea: Both -- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate. -- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino. -- Boxers or briefs: I don't know // series five - do you -- Smoke: no -- Cuss: sometimes -- Sing well: Meh -- Take a shower everyday: Most of the time haha -- Have a crush: Uh -- who are they: meow -- Do you think you've been in love: hmm maybe :):) --Want to go to college: Yes for some stupid reason -- Like school: no -- Want to get married: hopefully -- Type w/ your fingers keys:If you are asking if I type with my fingers ont he correct keys then yes, I do. -- Believe in yourself: Not normally -- Get motion sickness: Sometimes -- Think you're attractive: -- Think you're a health freak: Yes -- Get along with your parents: Sometimes. -- Like thunderstorms: yes // series six - in the past month, did/have you -- Drank alcohol: no -- Smoke(d): no -- Done a drug: no -- Have Sex: no -- Made Out: mhm -- Go on a date: yes -- Go to the mall : yes -- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: never -- Been on stage: Yes -- Been dumped: No -- Gone skating: Yes -- Made homemade cookies: no -- Been in love: meow :) -- Gone skinny dipping: no -- Dyed your hair: yes -- Stolen anything: no // series seven - have you ever -- Played a game that required removal of clothing?:yes, hacky sack at school haha -- If so, was it mixed company:. yes -- Been caught "doing something": haha ! something but not IT -- Been called a tease: yes... -- Gotten beaten up: no -- Shoplifted:yes -- If so, did you get caught:yes -- Changed who you were to fit in: no // series eight - the future -- Age you hope to be married: whenever -- Numbers and Names of Children: oh I like... hailee or hannah Irene, chloe Kaleea and for a boy I like the name dauphin -- Descibe your Dream Wedding: Winter, Crimson red and Spring yellow for the colors. Nice... -- How do you want to die: In my sleep -- What do you want to be when you grow up: no clue -- What country would you most like to visit: Europe // series nine - opposite sex -- Best eye color?: blue -- Best hair color: RED!!!haha -- Short or long hair?: Don't care -- Best height : tall -- Best articles of clothing: none? -- Best first date location: Umm.. -- Best first kiss location: like a place to be kissed? like lips or.... in a car? haha // series ten - number of -- Number of boys I have kissed in my life: A few haha.... umm dont want to count -- Number of drugs taken illegally: 2 drugs but I have no clue how many times -- Number of people I could trust with my life: 1 -- Number of CDs that I own: over 60 -- Number of piercings: 4 -- Number of tattoos: I want one -- Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? a few -- Number of scars on my body: oh gosh I have a lot...let's see..around 15 -- Number of things in my past that I regret: meh :::6 Best Friends::: Rachel VZ, Kaleea, Rachel W :::05 Things You're Looking Forward To::: 01. seeing jay 02. seeing rach 03. No school 04. money 05. music at home :::08 Things You Wear Daily::: 01. bra 02. underwear 03. shirt 04. jeans 05. shoes 06. Belt 07. watch 08. nail polish? :::07 Things That Annoy You::: 01. annoying things :::06 Things You Touch Every Day::: 01. toothbrush/toothpaste 02. keyboard 03. clothes 04. face wash 05. medicine 06. food :::05 Things You Do Every Day::: 01. Eat 02. Sleep 03. Shower 04. Get on the computer 05. Go to the bathroom :::04 People You'd Want to Spend More Time With::: 01. Jay 02. Rachel 03. Kaleea 04. Jayme :::03 Movies You Could Watch Over and Over::: 01. Cruel Intentions 02. A walk to remember 03. here on earth :::02 Of Your Favorite Songs At This Moment::: 01. Rock wit u (aww baby) ~ Ashanti 02. boys of summer ~ the Ataris :::01 Person You Could Spend the Rest of Your Life With::: 01. Want to or could? //series 11-random ?'s --do you type really fast? I think so --do you/did you like high school? no --do you know anyone who has the same birthday as you? my principle. --favorite pen color? blue --what word do you constantly misspell when typing? day. I always type dady. --do you have trees in your yard? Yes |
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lilpothead420 | 08-25-03 4:24pm just go and copy my thing lol!! |
allyson | Re:, 08-25-03 5:25pm I havn't died my hair. |
chelsea_louise | 08-26-03 9:16pm wanna spend more time with ME!!! jokin jus*giggles* |
allyson | Re:, 08-26-03 9:18pm oh yes... considering.,.....