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spoiled-kisses (profile) wrote, on 11-17-2003 at 3:11pm | |
Current mood: sick Music: ..So iNtO u--LuMiDeE .n. BuStA RhYmeS.. Subject: . DeTeNtiOnZ SuCk! . |
Hey Hey Hey!! Damn, last nyte was crazii. Me nd EriN talked for awhile nd i DEF cried for lyke an hour after we hung up cuz i relle dun want her to move. I care bout her s0o much nd i swear i dun think i could live here witout her. Now i kno how she felt wen i almost left for GA. But seriouslii, we're more than juss BEST friendz, we're .i.n.s.e.p.e.r.a.b.l.e. nd thatz y she DEF cant leave me here!! I luv u too much chica. So0o then i fell asleep nd forgot to call EdDy again. LoL, im afraid to call him cuz hez guna be pissed wen i do cuz we havent talked for awhile nd then another fite iz funa start nd blah blah b l a h. I gotz my report card todaii. LoL, i did good for never doin my homework. Well, todaii was crazii. CoLLiN kept makin funn of me nd all my shyt callin me a stoner nd makin fun of my fone..u big meanie. HaHa, i dun even member tellin u half the shyt u kno bout me..u stalker! LoL, iz all good tho cuz eLLiOt stood up for me. HaHa, wana fite me?! More lyke beat u up..not again. LoL, jk! Then, i found out GaGa lykez me (( LoL, i cant saii it s0o if u wana kno who it iz..then IM me )) which iz cool i guess but i dunno..waii too much hittin on me. OoO me nd KeL got into our verii first fite cuz she was bein a poopii head but we're good now, i think? Newaiiz, thiz wkend iz guna be off the wall..LoL, iz onlii Mondaii. AwW LoLo, im s0o0o sorrii bout wut happen thiz wkend but i kno it will get betta chica. U can get thru all the shyt! I luv ya gurl. WooHoo, HaRRiSoN iz back..LoL JaCki JaCk iz happii! Damn, i hate bein sick..LoL, but i gotta go to skool tomorrow cuz i promised my MoM i'd onlii miss 5 daiiz thiz year. Shyt, i got a detention tomorrow nd i got another one todaii..fuckin asshole. Well, imma go call my h0e..LoL, yea thatz AnDy cuz he juss called nd told me to call him back s0o i'll write lata. (( oNe )) | |
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babybcute | 11-17-03 6:35pm hi there, I dont know if I commented in here or not, but if I didnt, you added me as a friend? Thats ok I was just wondering if you found me on random or something :)
spoiled-kisses | . OoPz ., 11-17-03 7:06pm LoL, it dun show that i did that 0n myne..i dun member d0in it but if i did i musta clicked suttin. My bad. |
babybcute | Re: . OoPz ., 11-18-03 8:41pm its ok :] |