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Rina (profile) wrote,
on 11-17-2003 at 3:21pm
Current mood: okay
Music: none at the momento
Subject: nnnnnngggghh
i am at my mom's office. you can imagine the happiness and wonder that is filling me at this very moment. considering how LAME it is. ok, here's a rundown of today i guess.
alrighty. i woke up at like 6, so that's cool. ate breakfast, blah blah blah. lisa was a little, shall we say... grouchy? no, that's an understatement. more like on the brink of spontanious combustion. ok, we leave the house at 6:55. get to school in 10 minutes? no flippin way. it is physically impossible. to make matters worse, they decided to close off cypress from summerlin. guess where we're coming from? daniels!! anyway, we took a detour from college to winkler and finally got to cypress after everyone going extremely slow. almost like going backwards.(har har har very funny) i got to school 15 to 20 minutes late, but ms. roeder doesnt notice. i walk in, throw my stuff down, get a chair, and sit down. she just keeps on-a-talkin. yay. we have a new assignment in there.. guess what its about? our self portraits. kill me now.
second wasnt bad. everyone was outside working on canvas, but me, tiffany, jesenia, and ana *cough*stubs*cough* got to keep working on our tiles because we so cool. and slow. stubs left after a little bit, so me and jesenia were left to fend for ourselves. and i had to study for my bio quiz. grrr. but i still love ana ;D ok, third period was flute choir and it was ok. we're playing a cool song called Chit-Chat (Trisch-Trasch) ummm fourth period.. people are still slow. we learned about fraction exponents. like.. 27 to the two thirds power for example. its the same as the cubed root of 27 squared. easy!! clearly, you can see that the answer is 9. ;D whoa- i amaze myself sometimes. ok, the big one.. Biology... we had a test. but since my friend had the test i had on friday and i had the test that she had, we went over eachothers' tests. haha. BETCHA DIDNT SEE THAT FREIS!!! bwahahahahahaha. yea, so i looked and i think i only got 1 wrong, so 95 baby!!! woo hoo hoo!!! i rock! :D :D :D well now! 6th period we had an open book quiz and i got to see my grade for the short story i wrote. A+!!! and, she wants to put it in a literary magazine called Expose (with a little dash thing over the last 'e') because she liked my irony so much. whoa. seventh period - the only word to descibe it is lame. lame lame lame lame lame.
Yay!! i get to leave in 10 minutes!! wh00p wh00p! im so happy! the whiteness here is giving me a headache. it needs paint! lots of paint! i cant stand the whiteness! ahhh!!!
ok, im better now. i finished my bio homework :D now i get to go home and upload some more pictures :) wooo 4 minutes! tra la la. i shall waste away the minutes by humming so i wont go completly insane. hmm mmm mmm..hmmm mm mmmmmmmmmmm
look it works! 3 minutes! i will continue. la te da te daaa. dum da dummm... [pause]
2 minutes! yay!! *stares at clock*

1 minute!!!! im almost home free!!! ah hahahahahaa! 'you are squishy. you will be forever mine and i shall name you squishy.'
ahhl! 4:00!!!
so long, suckers
~*laughs evilly*
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11-17-03 6:47pm

house!!!! i am so sorry i left you guys, my friend and i are sorta in a bad way right now :(. fear not! i shall be a mad tile cleaning machine tomorrow! i swear!!!!

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haha, 11-17-03 7:18pm

stubs!! its ok dude! me and jesenia had a grand 'ol time. ;D a mad tile cleaning machine, eh? hmmm.. ;D

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