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spoiled-kisses (profile) wrote, on 11-23-2003 at 1:37am | |
Current mood: peaceful Music: ..FeeLiN tHiS--bLiNk 182.. Subject: . i'Ll LeAvE wEn i WaNa . |
Holy shyt!! Was last nite the best fuckin nyte ever!! Me nd SheA went h0me wit JacKi. We chylled at the h0use nd then HaRRiSoN came over. He t00k us t0 the CIGAR FACT0RY..AhH, best place ever!! Nd he b0ught me a BLACK nd JacKi a pack 0f ReDz. Nd then we b0ught sum beerz nd drank nd he dr0ve us back nd left. So0o we g0t readii f0r the f00tball game ((We didnt win StaTeS!!)). We went t0 din din first nd then me nd JaCk sm0ked 0ur black. LoLz! Nd then JoN picked us up nd we went t0 the game nd me nd JaX payed him t0 get us an eighth 0f weed. Wen we g0t t0 the game, SheA did her 0wn thing nd me nd JaCki chylled wit FaN, LucHi, J wEiNeR, NiCk, DeMaRc0, JeNkZ, ViNceNt, ToM, ViC, KeiTh, ChRiStiE, CeFaLi, LaUrA M, nd StePh. We sm0ked a b0wl nd me nd JaX g0t s0o0o fucked up..hahaz. Then we juss chylled nd after the game we g0t 0ur weed nd JoN t00k me t0 the st0re f0r a pack of BLACKZ. Then we g0t back t0 the h0use nd HaRRiSoN came over nd me, him, JaX, nd JoN did thiz fuckin 4 FOOT bong!! LoLz, then me nd JaCki drank sum m0re nd did sum 0ther stuff..LoL nd m0s DEF passed 0ut! WoW, last nyte was s0o much fun..sm0ked 0ut twice, drank twice, sm0ked 3 blackz ((Nd i still g0t 2)), nd then i sm0ke a wh0le pack 0f cigz, which aint g00d. Then t0daii, me nd EriN went t0 the mall t0 buii l0tz 0f was s0o much fuckin funn!! LoL, o0o0o 35!!! HaHa, then my sis g0t me ar0und 6.3o nd we sm0ked 0ut nd sm0ked a black nd i sm0ked a c0uple DEF gettin addicted! That sux but newaiiz then we went t0 the SJS carnival which DEF sucked..till LuBz came, even th0 it still sucked maj0r ass. UgH, i hate the carnivalz..there s0o lame! It w0ulda benn awesum if JacKi came but her dad w0uldnt let my sis c0me pick her up, but iz all g00d. Yupp, i saw RiCkY MiRaNdA..LoL, he used t0 lyke g0 everiwhere wit me till my sis nd him br0ke it up but iz all g00d..hez married n0w. Yea, s0o then RiA, the babii, LuBz, MaNda, TaBiTha, nd AnDrEw came 0ver nd chylled. LoLz, my m0m luvz AnDrEw cuz MiSs BoBbiE used t0 babysit him. Yea, s0o n0w theii all left. My sis relle wanted me t0 spend the nite but i seri0uslii g0t n0 fuckin sleep last nite! It was great th0. LoLz, we g0tta d0 it again. I l0ve u JaCkz!! Ur my besti f0r lyfe gurl! x0x. HeHe, well i'm actuallii prettii tired..DuRr..s0o i think imma g0 t0 sleep. Iighty, im 0utt. (( oNe )) | |
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Anonymous | 11-23-03 10:38am how cum i dint c u at da game?????? -joey |
spoiled-kisses | Re:, 11-23-03 4:53pm J0EY!! Wutz g0in 0n?! I dunn0..maybe u werent where i was..DuRr! HaHa, u shulda called me u m0f0! LoLz, damn i havent talked t0 u since ThUrSdAii! Newh0, i'll u t0m0rr0w c0nd0m b0i. HeHe, x0x. -->ShAwNa<-- |