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Lizzy (profile) wrote,
on 11-23-2003 at 9:15am
Current mood: content
Music: American Hi-Fi "Flavor of the week"
Hey...let's see, what has been happening the past few days? Friday, rach came to my house for a couple hours then I went to a sweet 16 with bryan. Not the most pleasant experience- we knew practically no one, and it was full of boca people who didn't have any ghetto in them, ie, can't dance to rap. lol. I was pretty bored. At least bryan and i stuck togetha.

Saturday i was going out of my mind with boredom when christini rang (a britism) and asked if i wanted to see elf. I was like yessssss! It was a cute movie. After the movie we went to bostom market where we had interesting, ahem convos and dissed ms. pissy pants lol. Then we went to borders and read more interesting books for like an hour or so. We wandered to bed, bath, and beyond then best buy then my mom came and got us. It was a fun night- thanks christini :)

Today i'm doing hw and going to the mall with mommy. Adios, kadosh kadosh. (hehe amy)
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11-23-03 9:39am

gosh. no one can dance! i should have a 16 and a half bday party. and invite twice as many people as last time.

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Re:, 11-23-03 10:24am

that'd be awesome! hey, we have 2 weeks of winterbreak- we could make it a non-stop dance thatd be insane

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Re: Re:, 11-23-03 10:32am

aw, liz, we should SO do it!!

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11-23-03 9:55am

cute icon lol

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Re:, 11-23-03 10:23am

lol no its not! its just a filler icon before i get a goood icon

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Heh, 11-23-03 7:50pm

Those preppy girls were so hilarious. They're dancing made mine actually look good. When they tried to get down, they would waddle, then drop to their knees and act like the were scrubbing the floor....I mean..what the hell? But for the most part it was fun, regardless of all lizzy's complainin :).

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