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spoiled-kisses (profile) wrote, on 11-25-2003 at 7:12pm | |
Current mood: blah Music: ..GeT DoWn--BoW WoW.. Subject: . GuYz SuCk!! . |
So0o i still feel relle fuckin hurt b0ut everythin but i guess i g0tta get 0ver it nd m0ve 0n but w0w, that was relle hard f0r me last nyte..i didnt relle have a v0ice t0dai cuz i was yellin at him s0o fuckin much last nyte. Newaiiz, 0nt0 the g00d stuff..CoLLiN was bein relle sweet t0daii nd he gave me a hug nd t0ld me t0 feel better..i relle lyke him. Neb0dii readin thiz, PLZ dun saii nethin t0 ne0ne, even th0 every0ne prettii much kn0z. I'll tell him eventualli..LoL! But seri0uslii, he'z alwaiiz makin me laugh 0r makin me feel better nd he never putz me d0wn. But yea, then i had a detenti0n nd it was s0o fuckin c0ld. But sidez that it was packed az hell! Newaiiz, t0daii was als0 kinda shyttii cuz ALL i c0uld think b0ut was last nyte nd i cried in Bi0, LiT, nd SpAniSh. But i relle needa get 0ver it. UgH, i dunn0. Well AnGeL w0nt leave me al0ne nd i talked t0 AnDy b0ut it nd hez lyke damn, hez guna have hiz kneez br0ke if he dun fuckin quit..LoLz, ur the greatest!! But i sm0ked a black wit him nd a c0uple 0f lyke fuckin cravin the shyt n0w! Well, 0ne m0re daii 0f sk00l. T0daii was s0o great wit ChRiStiE..LoL, u made me laugh crazii l0ud! HaHaZ, thatz s0o funnii..yea, in UR dreamz. LoLz, im s0o happii we're cl0se thiz yr. Newaiiz, i relle lyke sk00l n0w. I l0ve ALL my friendz nd i met s0o manii m0re ppl thiz yr..iz crazii. Well, i talked t0 ChRiS b0ut LuChi nd JaX nd als0 b0ut EdDy nd he gave me sum relle g00d advice. Hez seri0uslii lyke 0ne 0f my cl0sest friendz thiz yr. But newaiiz, thiz yr'z benn relle g00d f0r me. HaHa, im tryin t0 think b0ut all the g00d shyt nd f0rget b0ut all the fucked up shyt b0ut EdDy that i'll type wen im in the m00d but i dun feel lyke it n0w..i t0ld enuf fuckin pplz..damn, i even t0ld JoEy s0o he w0nt feel badd thiz tyme..HeHe! 0k, well i need an0ther cig s0o ill write sum 0ther tyme. (( oNe )) | |
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xSwtLilAngel666x | 11-25-03 10:06pm bah the comment didn't come out x.x;;
spoiled-kisses | Re:, 11-26-03 3:17pm Hey! Thanx. I h0pe u feelin better t00.