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daisymae (profile) wrote,
on 12-22-2003 at 5:48pm
Current mood: scared

Which Personality Disorder Do You Have?
brought to you by Quizilla

scary huh?
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12-22-03 6:21pm

uh im trying to be nice and comment but thats not really something i can comment on heh. so uh happy day for you! and uh errrrrr

*Trails off*


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Re:, 12-22-03 7:39pm

lol lol i like you your so silly!!! haha well its a very nice comment even though it doesnt really say anythign lol

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Re: Re:, 12-22-03 7:45pm

at least he tried.

shalom muthafuckka!


be safe in Shick-ah-go.

<33 Michelle

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look at what i got!, 12-22-03 9:13pm

Yes a bit scary indeed. I dont like what i got either, i think they are all negative... DAMN ADDICTIVE QUIZES....evil...evil!!! dont worry friend ur not like that ALLLLL the time. haha jk my love. Have a good day SHMILE...yesh...SHMILE.


I bet that made yah smile... :)


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Re: look at what i got!, 12-23-03 9:17pm

aw lou is so damn sexy...i mean no lou is cute..i mean..DAMMIT. lol i love your vagina, ahhh not your vagina but THE vagina...ew okay im going to stop. haha woo i definitley am making myself smile right now...wait..not like that...oh my goodness....HAVE A GOOD CHRISTMAS

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