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candysweet14 (profile) wrote,
on 1-5-2004 at 8:01am
Current mood: whatever
Music: hit the little brat with a baseball bat, yeah, oh yeah!
Subject: um..whatever
Hey, today was a good day. This one girl wants me to bring my book of shadows but *whispers* i dont want to.
anyway, green butterflys are very green...just thought I'd share that. *does the happy dance* Lol, can you tell Im angry but im just holding in with well-practiced self-control? no? well guess what... *shouts angrily* I AM!!!!!!. *crosses arms* *points at random people* I hate you and you and y-wait..your cool...and I hate you and you and you. *kicks computer* well later "people". I say "people" because nobody but air and maybe casper *freakin* reads this *freakin* journal. The forces of evil and ku-something has moved against me but thats not exactly what im mad about. But i do hate it. so....yeah....later "peoples" *gives flip off sign*

*anime smile* sorry about not being myself today but i guess im not anymore. *sticks tongue out* Ya ruined me...ya happy now? I bet you are. I bet your sitting there with your eyes glued to your screen with a wide grin on your face thinking "how pathetic"
well Im gonna play some temple of Ap-shi. forget you guys. *resumes playing videogames with a completely cheerful expression*
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01-06-04 9:59am

hellow.....sry i havent talked sooner. i was barely able to post my journal. im banned from internet at home so i can only get on at school.....i dont think im a being of evil but more of a being a shithead, jackass, can add your own curse words whenever you feel like...cause i know i deserve every bad thing that ever happens...and some. so yeah ....anyways...ill get to pathetic , your not. thats the bottom line. you might already think that so in that case ill support you. well then i said more than my share. i doubt you wanted, of all people, for ME to comment...sooo..ill hang myself right about now...hope you get some kicks out of it.*rope tugs* have good dreams if possible.*throat closes*

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Re:, 01-07-04 9:29am

*cuts down rope from the top, letting him fall onto a pile of cusions.* *grabs the end of the rope tied to his neck and losens it just enough for him to breath and slowly pushes him up against a wall, level with her, so that she can talk to him*

Don't hurt yourself on my fault. If anyone should be hurting themselfs, it ought to be me.
I'm the one who is sad and complaining about it. Your probably just relieved as well as secretly happy about it. And for all reasons, you should be happy.

*unties rope from his throat*

"It's over" <--I don't want this statement to be true. not one ounce. But obviously, to you, it is. isnt it?

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