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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 1-23-2004 at 4:18pm
Music: 7th Heaven (the show not the song)
Subject: "I'll be there for you... when the rain starts to fall"
Okay lovelies, I wrote a poem a while ago when I was deeply pissed off at the world and in the very scary and deep portion of my soul. So here it is... if you don't promise not to laugh then you're not aloud to read it!

...deadly poison...

Dislike builds up inside of me
hatred seeps out through my words
you don't know me... but we're the same
two people trapped in a world where no one cares
no one understands the anger
they blame music or not enough sleep
I blame them
the drama queens
the snobs
the "too good for this" types
They call me a poser
an angry soul
they don't know me
they can't see themselves as I see them
I see sad people
people who drag others down in order to get up
And the hatred continues to poison me
it seeps into my soul
and I am lost.

Thank you... Thank you very much.

So did you hate it? Was it really bad or good?

Anyway... I met my goal of the week! It was to meet at least two people and I did it. I met a sophmore who's name is Eric and the new girl, Katie Link.

Okay so ya' know that surveyish thing that the freshmen class gave today where they'll match you up with those people of the opposite sex who are most compatible w/ you? Yea it was silly, but so fun!! The only question that I deeply didn't like was the kissing one. When they asked if you kissed w/ your eyes closed, opened, peeking at times, or didn't pay attention. I hated that... I've only ever kissed one guy (yea yea wipe the shocked look off your face... it is possible) and that guy I kissed because we were dared to do so. Not that either of us disliked it in anyway but that's not the point! The point is... how the hell am I suppose to know how I kiss when I've only done so once!!?? Agh. But anyway, just thought I'd mention that.
People can be really stupid... they think they own the world and everyone in it. I really don't like that but I don't know cuz sometimes people are completely awesome! I just don't know... but I suppose if I did life would be boring! Well ttyl, buh bye.
Mucho amor Rock on
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01-23-04 5:40pm

Too bad we didn't kiss that one time at michigans adventure...

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Re:, 01-23-04 6:24pm

yea jeezz... ya' regret those times when it's all over but when it's there ya' just don't see it. *smirks*

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01-23-04 6:19pm

i think its good yet totally not you which makes it totally you... that makes any sense at all....

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Re:, 01-23-04 6:22pm

u r insane but i guess it kinda' makes sense if you think about it oddly!

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01-23-04 8:33pm

It explains a lot of emotion.

I liked it.

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01-24-04 11:59am

When the opportunity arises, I suggest kissing with your eyes closed. It's really kind of awkward if you open your eyes for a second, and they're looking back.

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Re:, 01-24-04 10:27pm

Plus, it's rude to stare.

But, heh, manners aren't required in kissing.

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