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kobler (profile) wrote,
on 2-3-2004 at 5:29pm
Current mood: tired
Music: This Love- Maroon 5
hey all! whats up?!?! i am bored and i dont want to study soo i did this! lol! hope u like it! ttyl


x. [Wallet] a black one
x. [Hairbrush] the one in my room lol
x. [Toothbrush] Oral-B
x. [Jewelry worn daily] stud earrings, class ring, and my cross
x. [Blanket] 5... my fav is my orange one! lol
x. [Facewash] neutrogena
x. [Coffee cup] a pretty STARBUCKS one! lol
x. [Sunglasses] black oakleys
x. [Underwear] victorias secret
x. [Shoes] my BIRKENSTOCK clogs, my norte dame/ adidas sandals and pumas
x. [Favorite shirt] my bucknell shirt i bought this weekend or one of my many polos! lol
x. [Favorite pants] my yale sweatpants and abercrombie jeans
x. [CD in stereo right now] a mix from brie.. it is amazing!
x. [Tattoos] nope.. i want one though!
x. [Piercings] ears
x. [What you are wearing now:] bucknell sweats and a montclair y sweatshirt
x. [Hair] pony tail thing.. idk its up
x. [Do you like candles] yeah i do!! lol
x. [Do you believe in love] YES
x. [Do you believe in soul mates] YES
x. [Do you believe in love at first sight] sure.. why not?
x. [What do you want done with your body when you die] the normal
x. [What are you gonna do when you're older?] i wanna be a lawyer
x. [How many songs do you have on your computer?] like 100 idk?
x. [What band are you listening to now?] with you- jessica simpson!
x. [Look out your window...tell me what you see] snow a house the street trees a car
x. [If you could have any animal for a pet?] a golden retriever
x. [What is the longest you've ever stayed up?] 30 hours i think?

[ When was the last time you ... ]
x. [Smiled?] today but.. last night.. i always smile when i think of ....
x. [Laughed?] today in gym
x. [Cried?] yesterday
x. [Bought something?] today @ lunch
x. [Danced?] today @ school lol!
x. [Were sarcastic?] probably today
x. [Had a nightmare?] i dont know lol
x. [Last book you read] gossip girls
x. [Last movie you saw] Pirates of the Caribbean
x. [Last thing you had to drink?] pepsi
x. [Last thing you had to eat] a sandwich

[ Body ]
x. [What do you most like about your body?] i guess my legs? haha
x. [And least?] my stomach
x. [How many fillings do you have?] maybe 2?
x. [Do you think you're good looking?] sure sometimes...
x. [Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?] yeah sometimes lol
x. [Do you look like any celebrities?] everyone says i look a lot like Cameron Diaz

[ Fashion ]
x. [Do you wear a watch?] no i have my cell phone lol
x. [How many coats and jackets do you own?] like 4 or 5
x. [Favorite pants/skirt colour?] denim for pants
x. [Most expensive item of clothing?] idk maybe my green juicy pants lol
x. [Describe your style in one word.] preppy

[Your Friends ]
x. [Do your friends know you?] haha DUH!
x. [Are there traits in you that are universally liked?] lol idk... probably?
x. [How many people do you tell everything to?] umm idk maybe like 3

[ Music/TV/Books ]
x. [Favorite band ever?] ever? o man i was a nsync lover back in the days! haha... but i really like maroon 5 right now! they r amazing!
x. [Most listened to bands?] maroon 5 and outkast
x. [Do you find any musicians good-looking?] yup!
x. [Type of music most listened to?] pop i guess?
x. [Type never listened to?] nothing. i listen to everything
x. [Favorite book?] Catcher in the Rye, Harry Potter and Gossip Girl Series are the only books i read! lol

[ General Questions ]
x. [What do you prefer, a sunny or rainy day?] in the summer sunny days.. unless i want a day off so rain.. but i like it when it rains duing school it makes the day go by faster
x. [Do you consider yourself lucky?] yes
x. [Do you feel pity for people who commit suicide?] not really
x. [Choose one word to describe how you feel most often] tired
x. [Do you own any plaid clothing?] yes my lovely MSD skirt haha! jk!
x. [Is there more than one zipper in your pants?] haha no?
x. [Do you own braces?] i had them
x. [Does your hairstyle exceed a height of 3 inches?] lol no!
x. [Would you classify your hair as a deadly weapon?] haha no
x. [Do you have a favorite brand of hair dye?] i dont dye
x. [Do you own a bandana?] own them.
x. [Are you amused by safety pins] no
x. [Have you ever used duct tape as a sewing substitute?] no

[Habits/beliefs ]
x. [Are you disgruntled (having a general hate for everything)?] sometimes
x. [Are you an anarchist?] no
x. [Do you smoke cigarettes?] no
x. [Are you vegan/vegetarian?] no
x. [Do you think meat is murder?] no
x. [Have you ever slept in an alley or park?] no i dont think so?
x. [Do you wash your hair less than once a week?] ew no i have to wash my hair haha
x. [Have you ever gone a week without a shower?] no lol
x. [Age] 16
x. [Birthday] april 16
x. [Location] caldwell nj
x. [Status] single.. for now lol
x. [Crush] yup =)
x. [Natural hair colour] blonde
x. [Current hair colour] blonde
x. [Eye colour] idk a mixture of green and blue.. they r werid lol
x. [Height] 5'8"
x. [Shoe size] 10
x. [Parents] jane and jay
x. [Siblings] john
x. [Live with] my mom dad and brother

x. [Number] 15
x. [Color] green and red but not together! lol and pink
x. [Day] saturday
x. [Month] april and june
x. [Song] That Thing You Do- Wonders but i like a lot of other songs
x. [Movie] Goonies, Ferris Bullers Day Off, Pirates of the Caribbean, Nemo!
x. [Food] forte's pizza! like penne vodka and chicken ceaser salad
x. [Season] spring
x. [Class] history
x. [Teacher(s)] minish hirce holleran!
x. [Drink] umm gatorade! lol
x. [Veggie] peppers
x. [TV Show] will and grace + the real world
x. [Radio] z100
x. [Store] abercrombie and bloomingdales lol
x. [Word] love!
x. [Animal] dogs
x. [Flower] ROSES! i love red roses!

[this or that]
x. [Me/You] you
x. [Coke/Pepsi] coke
x. [Day/night] day
x. [CD/cassette] cd
x. [DVD/VHS] dvd
x. [Jeans/khakis] jeans
x. [Car/truck] car
x. [Tall/short] tall
x. [NSYNC/BSB] nsync
Post A Comment


02-03-04 5:47pm

haha kait i love your FLOWER response. ;) haha ily!
<3 Brie

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02-06-04 2:55pm

You are defintly one in a million. I loved reading about you what you like I feel like I know you so much better now! By the way who is this secret crush of yours? Surely you can tell your avid journal reader Mr. Anonymous right?

- Mr. A

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Re:, 02-06-04 3:55pm

umm ok... i can only tell u if u tell me ur true identity first! lol.. ps where have u been?

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