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spinoangel (profile) wrote, on 12-16-2002 at 6:54pm | |
Current mood: cheerful Music: aaliyah - Subject: yay! |
wow. ok nicole came over and we got all nice and ready and purty as we could for our concert and then we left with tran and christina g. we went in, our seats were incredible and RIGHT as i was walking down the steps, the people were like "and here is simple plan!" and i was like OMG and they played three songs. they played my fave, addiction. then they were all like "oh we'll be between sections 102 and 104 and you can meet us" so i was like OMG and i left tran to go see my boys! it was so fucking annoying it was like they were a boyband or something. all these bitches and hos were all like "who are theses guys?!" and "oh oh oh i want their autograph" when they didnt even know who the fuck they were. i had to buy to cd to get in line for their autograph!! but me and nicole thought it was worth it. we met them, and we had our simple plan tee's on. they were cool and we took a pic with them. i got a hug from the lead singer and i was tellin them how they should have more shows, with LESS people. the show itself was pretty good overall. there were some disappointments but it was still worth the money [$110!!]. craig david is really talented, he sang with his guitarist. i missed angie martinez [i was waitin for simple plan] but tran said they were good. nick carter was bad :( ... thats kinda sad. i'll stick to crushin on aaron hehe. destiny's child was so beautiful and so talented. i love their performances. and they even did their little parts from bonnie and clyde and dilemma. no xmas songs tho. i really wouldve wanted that. solange performed after them too. kylie minogue was cute. her dancers just looked kinda freaky in their outfits. she sung her songs and she sung locomotion! but she made it all weird. i was ready to bust out with the 80s style locomotion but she screwed it up. p.diddy was a show stopper! he totally got the crowd into it. he brought out loon, foxy brown, pharrel [sp?], and genuwine! genuwine sung "my whole life"... he was kinda X-rated, he was all grinding the stage and touching himself down there. me and tran were just like okkaaaaay. p.diddy threw his white spino hat RIGHT TOWARDS me and tran. it was like coming directly at us. and this kid sittin in front of his jumps up and doesnt let go, all these girls are like beatin on him but he keeps it and he ruins it. he wasnt even like enjoying the show til then. ugh. when p.diddy did "every breath i take..." it was so sad! they had pictures of aaliyah, left eye, tupac, notorious b.i.g, big pun etc on the big screens. i wanted to cry. it was a good part. ja rule. man... can he be any more lame. he was disapppointing! he made the crowd sing like half the time and he didnt even bring anyone to work up the crowd. he had like 50 ppl on stage with him just doing nothing. then it was really really late and my parents had already waited in the car for like a hour and avril and mariah still hadnt performed. my mom was all like "u betta come out at 12 i dont care whos singing". so me and tran were all like "should we go up and find nicole and christina to tell them" cuz they didnt answer their phone [we had diff seats]. so we went up there and a lotta seats were empty there so they were suggestin we stay for mariah and then we'll leave at 12. so i was like fine ok. then... MARIAH WAS LIKE RIGHT AT WHERE OUR SEATS WERE. if me and tran had went back, we wouldve been able to see her up close and touch her and... sigh. i didnt think i'd mind such a thing but all i was doing was crying nonstop with tranny. i had no idea i'd be so emotional. all throughout "through the rain" i was crying. then ... she sang "all i want for xmas is you" and for some reason it made me and tranny like ecstaticly happy. only mariah can make us cry nonstop then extremely happy in less than 10 minutes lol. and then we missed avril. she was VERY last so we didn't get to see her. but there'll always be other times. i'm happy i saw mariah :) anyways i can't remember anything else that happend. today was chill. the odyssey is funny. algebra 2 exam tomorrow. wish me luck! |
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kickass1157 | 12-17-02 8:52pm woah! simple plan kicks ass! agh! i'm jealous... hehe. i hate those people who dont know who they are and they're like who the hell are they and then they want autographs. i mean, don't judge before they play. christina, you dont need luck for exams. you're smart as hell! |
spinoangel | Re:, 12-18-02 6:29pm i know! it totally made my night! i love them. those girls were sooo annoying as hell it aint even funny. me and nicole wanted to kick them, but we held ourselves back lol. thanx! you're smart too!!! |