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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 2-17-2004 at 4:16pm
Current mood: amused
Music: life
Subject: "woohhh oh oh oh best dayz of our lifes!!"
HEY THERE!!! I'm so incredibly happy. Not a darn clue why that is but I am... whadda' ya' gonna' do?! Last night rocked cuz I got to see all my lovely friends again when they got back from the sunshine state. Heather and I are plotting revenge for you evil people who were warm last week BTW. We are going to California together... and you evil people can't come!! j/k. you can hehe. but we will go!! I'm making it my goal for the year or maybe the next 4 years... I really don't know. Oh and guess what?! Stephy bought me the awesomest shirt in the whole wide world EVER! It says "My friends must be punished. -Lilo" on it. And it works so perfectly w/ them all going to Florida while I was freezing. lol. Rock on.

So who's going to the game tonight? I want to but I don't know who else is going... besides my pep band buddies. Cherie is either not home or on the phone, cuz no one picked up... grr. Not a really big deal though now is it? Yea, I didn't think so.

We had some really "interesting" conversations on my bus tonight. Seriously. It was scary, and yet somehow absolutely hilarious. Ya' gotta' love when that happens! :) But yea.... I think that Adam still likes me. I thought that he didn't but he told me that we should make out when we were all talking today. And he was dead serious... kinda' scary. But meh... he's my friend and we went out once, it didn't work. So yea, I'm not going there again.

Okay so, Rob. I promised that I'd talk about him since I didn't in my last update. But now I don't know what to say about him. Hmmm... okay then. He didn't go to school today, just like half of the band didn't. Why though? I mean isn't kinda' oxymoronish to take a vacation day after going on a vacation?? I just do not know what this world is coming to... not at all. lol. Whatever.

AHHHH... I'm so bored. Happy, but bored. There's a 7th Heaven on right now about some guys who listen to this music and now hate women. That's just purely sick. What'd we ever do to you?? Sheesh. anyway....

I'm debating whether or not to see Passion Of The Christ. I really wanna' see it, but I don't know if I can handle it. A lot of people who have seen it already were weeping or just in total shock after it was done. I'm a farely religious person, but some concepts of that I have a hard time with ya' know? So yea... give me your input. (especially Cherie, I know you're probably more likely to know about it or to at least have heard more about it...). Thank you and please.

Well I'll talk to all you lovlies sometime sooner or later! Mucho amor, rock on. Have the lovlies of dayz.

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02-17-04 8:37pm

when did u call me??? if no one answers at home just call my cell! if u don't have the number i'll give it to u tomorrow k? k! u should go see the passion of the christ!!! come see it with me! that would rock! i'm going the day it comes out with my youth group and it would totally rock if u came... and other people too! if u wanna go let me know!!!!

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Re:, 02-18-04 6:00pm

umm... i'll think about it. my parentals don't want me to go w/o them tho. so it could be bad!!! but yea. i think i have to go w/ my grandmama. so yea... i'll get back to you. thanks for the invite!!

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02-17-04 10:35pm

adam who? and im hurt that you couldnt think of anything to say to me!!


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Re:, 02-18-04 6:03pm

i give that information only on a need to know basis. ;) and i could think of things that i wanted to say... but nothing i was even close to writing on here. other people read it too ya' know!! lol j/k. u know i love you!!! oh and BTW your new nickname is Frank... I LOVE that name!! :D

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02-18-04 5:38pm

you spoiled it!! when we have an evil plot you DON"T tell people it!!! lol...and the band people can't come! :D:D:D:D lol

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Re:, 02-18-04 6:06pm

i'm sorry heather! can you ever forgive me??!! but they don't know the evil part... just the revenge part!! so it still works!!!!!! *laughs evily* pause *laughs evily* pause *laughs evily a last time* buh bye now dear

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