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innocence (profile) wrote,
on 2-21-2004 at 6:03pm
Music: greenday - when i come around
Subject: much thanks to x_carine_x!! xo
**much credit to x_carine_x on blurty for personalizing my icon for me! xox**

this weekends turning out gay, i have a huuge spanish project to do, and im not wanting to do it. other than that, i have to clean because my grandma's coming down in a few days. basically weekend = shit. but whatever...

i made jen her journal today, it's nice. i dont really like it so i might just change it and surprise her lol.

i just finished watching save the last dance with my mom, and i dont understand it. this white girl goes to a brand new town that is mostly african americans. she fits in [except for that bitch nikki] and gets a guy right away, falls in love with him, and then gets into one of the best schools. i wish movies were realistic. lol

i need to get my hair cut. seriously, i really need to. i have the money and everything, i just can't find the motivation and time to go. which brings me to my next predicament. i need to get my permit, i'm of age, and i just really need to. But a 4hr drug and alcohol test just doesnt appeal to me, so i haven't been motivated to go. but i want a car. i want to be able to go where i want to go when i want to go. i want a car!

other than that, im just gonna quit raging, and continue on that spanish project! ill write if something funny or interesting happens. lates. xox

-thanks again carine! she does great icons at blurty on x_carine_x -

by the way whitney, i got an icon made for us, with our quote and our names, i wanna show you, but im not sure if i send it in an email if it will fade like its supposed to lol! bye!

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i kno how u feel, 02-22-04 3:25pm

dont feel bad my weekend sucked 2! I wish life was like movies...either that or Dawsons creek. I kno how u feel about the permit, im turning 16 in march and i still havent gotten it!

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