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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 12-25-2002 at 9:23am
and the xmas recap :0P actually we cheated and opened our presents last night lol wow i just realized the times still in eastern time and i'm in western time... so excluding this one all of the other entries i've made here in Cali are supposed to be 3hours earlier :0P
~ gold watch (because I never wore silver jewelry but now everyone got that 4 me sooo i may reevaluate lol)
~ skirt
~ lots of ca$h :0)
~ about $5000 i can't get my hands on
~ ipod <- someone please enlighten me lol

about the whole ipod deal.. my uncle had me guessing all day what he had gotten me telling me that it started w/an "i" and was related to music... of course i'm living in the damn stone ages so i had no idea what a freaking ipod was... so yeah. before my brother opened up his last gift he was already willing to trade with me. Now, what the hell do you do with it!

hope everyone had a great day <3
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12-25-02 4:14pm

vivi got an ipod vivi got an ipod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what the hell is an ipod???

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12-25-02 6:23pm

haha. alex can tell you what to do with an ipod. he was drooling over getting one a few months ago

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12-25-02 10:59pm

im jelous. ipod is a badass MP3 player/storage device. you can hold about 1000-2000 CD's on an ipod, depending on which model you got. enjoy.

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spiffy, 12-28-02 4:23pm

maybe i should get off my lazy ass and do my recap? eh ok. well vivi i miss you be online more! lol

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