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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-12-2004 at 4:18pm
Current mood: indescribable
Music: WOW 2004 (the gold cd)
Today was a lot better than yesterday. Except that those stupid bastards that are stealing shit out of peoples lockers got it so the locker rooms aren't open w/o a coach or teacher. That is so annoying. I was gonna' run after school today w/ Banana and M-dawg but since that happened I couldn't get to my stuff. Oy, dumb people... all of them.

Anyway. Steven is my favorite person right now!! (not literally but yea, whatever.) He's gonna' burn me the Relient K cd that has all my favorite songs on it that I couldn't find at the store. I so deeply love him right now!!! But yea, that is awesome. I'm so excited... can ya' tell? lol.

So umm... Adam's not mad at me anymore. Good thing too, cuz I can't not talk to him... it doesn't work. I tell him pretty much everything... but not everything . There are some things that I just don't want him to know. But anyway, I'm glad he's over it. Deeply glad.

Okay so on the bus this lovely afternoon, a couple of my semi-friends that are in like, 7th grade said that they asked *insert name here* out for me today. But they couldn't prove it because Audrie (the one I trust) wasn't there and the only other person in band w/ them wasn't paying attention. So I don't know if I believe them, but if they did they're SO dead. Like mucho dead. Ugh. They always say that they're going to, but I really don't want them to. At all. It's just not right with the world when other people ask someone out for you, ya' know? It's just not.

Anyway. So I guess I'm going to the play tonight and tomorrow... maybe. I'm giving Zac a ride tomorrow I believe. He and I are becoming such good friends. It's kinda' scary. But yea. I saw Amy and Jake during lunch while they were in partial makeup. It was quite funny... but w/ the eyeliner Jake's eyes were so awesome. They normally are but that just accented it, and he looked hot. lol. He gave me a hug though and almost made me fall over backwards... pretty funny after the fact, but kinda' scary when it happened! Oy, something "bad" always happens when I hug him though... lol it's gotta' be a curse.

Well I suppose I should fly. There's gotta' be something that I need to do today. There always is. Much love guys, rock.

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03-12-04 4:50pm

ask how out for ya jay...... i wanted to ask u today if u have asked caleb if he likes me yet.... if not maybe u should.... lol hes sooo awesome.. ok lylas mucho grande


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Re:, 03-12-04 7:30pm

who will not be revealed to you through woohu. but i didn't ask him... and i don't want to ask him because it's too creepy. when i asked him about sam, well, you saw how uncomfortable it was. but i'll try to find out for you okay? okay. adios mi amiga.
rock on. mucho amor.


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Re: Re:, 03-12-04 8:20pm

i dont get it.... im confused. its creepy when u ask him?...... u r gonna tell me thou? (the guy that those people asked out for u or whatever)


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Re: Re:, 03-12-04 8:38pm

u asked caleb if he like me? or was that sam h? cause if it was me, u never told me and i want to know what he said, even if its bad.

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Re: Re: Re:, 03-12-04 8:45pm

i asked him about sammye. ya' know earlier this week while we were all suppose to be working on that worksheet thingy?! and it was acward. but no i didn't ask him about you. I'll find out... but i'm not gonna' flat out ask him that k? okay.


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Re: Re: Re:, 03-12-04 8:47pm

okay half of that reply was for allie, because i'm blind and can't see usernames. but yea i'll find out for you too if ya' want.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 03-12-04 8:53pm

no, its okay cause a while ago josh asked him and he said he did, but like didnt wanna go out w/ me and stuff. He can be so confusing tho because that same night at one of the dances he was hanging out w/ me and i got to wear his hoodie and keep it for the weekend yep. okay im drifting. well basically im saying, dont worry about asking him for me, he'll say no, and it seems like he likes allison and i'd hate to ruin her happiness.

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03-12-04 11:53pm

yeah you think your mad so far those bastards have stolen 90$ from me i'm gonna start bustin heads when i find out who it was

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03-13-04 3:11pm

Is your *insert name here* possibly my *insert name here*? Just wondering...
So, you're going to the play tonight? If you want a really really good seat, sit in the center section right in front of the stage, or on a major aisle way. Trust me on this one.

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Re:, 03-14-04 1:27pm

i don't know... who's your *insert name here*?? and i'm very glad that i didn't sit on an isle or in the front. lol. thanks.


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03-13-04 4:32pm

u think he looks hot when he has make up on? it scares the crap out of me!!! i hate talking to him when hes in full make up!

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Re:, 03-14-04 2:28pm

lol, yea. i think jake always looks hot hehe. but i wasn't gonna' admit that part in my journal

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