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Jacqui-Chan (profile) wrote,
on 3-18-2004 at 3:32pm
Current mood: meh
Music: I'm just a kid. -Simple Plan
Subject: Ahh the life of a teenager. How deeply dramatic.
Mmkay. So. Today wasn't a bad day. Not a wonderful day by any means, but still not a bad one. I got a 100% on my math test that I thought for sure I'd fail. It was great! I even beat Dustin and Kate. Which just does not happen. Ever. This makes me VERY happy!!

Do you know how insanely fun my biology class is. Katie and Allie I believe would totally back me on this, it's great! Most of the time we just sit there and make fun of eachother. A lot of times it gets somewhat perverted, probably because of Josh and Tyler, but it's still hilarious. The best part is that McD just laughs at it, sometimes he even comments or we say something about him and then he'll join our conversation. Awesomeness I tell you. lol.

Yea so, softball. It is seriously starting to piss me off. Like majorly. I don't think I'm playing next year. Steph wants to play golf next year so I think I'll do that. Then I can do something with her for once in my life. And Katie's been trying to get me to play golf and not softball for a while anyway. So hey, why not?! But I'm gonna' miss softball so much if I don't play anymore. Ugh. Stupid petty problems.

I had such fun last night after school. Seriously tons of fun. Right after school I got to hang out with Rob, which is somewhat rare so that was cool. But that also helped me meet Emily. I knew her, because of Brittany and Jake, but I didn't know her, ya' know? So it was cool to actually meet her. She's cool. But anyway. After a while I also got to talk to Jake, who is also a person I rarely get to see anymore. It was fun, except the whole bracelet breaking and sitting on my things... but hey can't win 'em all! And to top it all of I got to talk to Michelle... a little. But I don't get to talk to her that often either, so that was cool. Great fun I tell you. I didn't get much reading done though... hmm. Oh well, I'm ahead. Oh and FYI, all of you Fahrenheit 451 haters. Dustin agrees with me about it being a good book. Thank you very much. I win. lol, well kinda'.


My birthday is tomorrow!!!! I'm so imensly happy about that. Ahh!! yay! Sorry, but this year's gone REALLY slow. 15 seems so old to me. Heather said the same thing. Her birthday is tomorrow as well in case you didn't already know that, which most of you probably did but oh well, if you didn't then you just learned something new!! Lalala. So happy. Sorry I'll stop.

Okay to Rob right here: I do NOT like Zac. Not the way you keep saying I do. You are just so darn stubburn sometimes. lol. Oy. Just thought I'd mention that so that you might just decide not to say that I do anymore! Especially around him... like at lunch. That was evil. Funny, but evil. Okay I'm done now. But it doesn't hurt to tell ya'.

Mmkay. I believe I'm done now. Mucho amor. Rock on.

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03-18-04 6:32pm

omg i sooooo agree and its not just josh and tyler u know that caleb and chad have to do with it so.... omg i love bio. soooooooooo soo mucho mucho much hehehehe ok im done
love always and forever

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03-19-04 8:47pm


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03-20-04 11:35am

Happy Birthday birth buddy!!!
why is softball making you mad? ?? don't leave me!!!

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Re:, 03-20-04 10:19pm

it doesn't matter anymore. don't worry i won't leave you. much love chicita.

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03-20-04 2:44pm

Happy late Birthday, mi amiga.

Take care.

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