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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-3-2003 at 9:52pm
My bestfriend Tal from elementary school is here now Weee! Spent the whole day w/him in the bay area = lots of fun! Now hes playing video games w/my lil bro. Tomorrow ehh 4:30am we leave for Kirkwood to go skiing!!!! ehh snowboarding? heh should be loads of fun. The next day we're going to Heavenly which is supposed to be the best ski place around soo yay! then Vivi returns on the 5th & stupid school starts again.

so far an excellent break :0)
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01-03-03 12:00pm

snowboarding is hard :0\ have fun skiing! :0) see you back at school (ugh)

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01-03-03 2:32pm

i went snoboarding at night in north carolina like 2 years ago. it was soooo nice. and very pretty. and very fun. but my knees hurt really bad. anyway. have fun. cant wait to see you again. :)

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Hey, 01-04-03 12:08am

Good Stuff Viv! Hope you're having lots of fun. And good luck on your skiing trip ;)
<3the twins

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01-04-03 2:20pm

Snowboarding = kickass (skiing? wth is that?), with the exception of today which included me skidding across an ice patch into a mud puddle, flipping headfirst over my cousin, and finally landing buttfirst on more ice.

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