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WhitePony (profile) wrote,
on 3-29-2004 at 2:45pm
Music: U2 - Sunday Bloody Sunday
Subject: (none)
1) Using band names, spell out your name:
Juliana Theory (The)
Pink Floyd

Rage Against The Machine
At The Drive-In
Lacuna Coil
Lost Prophets

Avenged Sevenfold
Nine Inch Nails
Hot Hot Heat
Open Hand
No Doubt

One Side Zero
Reggie & The Full Effect
Abandoned Pools

2) Have you ever had a song written about you?
Jimi Hendrix wrote “Hey Joe” about me cuz we were good buds back in the day and I was known to constantly have a gun on me. Y’see, I am a very angry person so when someone pisses me off I’m apt to pull my gun out without a second thought, so you best watch your ass. I’ve killed before and I WILL do it again.

3) What song makes you cry?
haha long ago a Hootie and the Blowfish song made me cry cuz it reminded me of a girl… this was back in like 6th grade I think.

4) What song makes you happy?
Deftones – Be Quiet and Drive (Far Away) It just has such a summer time with my cousins feeling to it. Driving around the town late at night looking for adventures.

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
my inner thoughts telling me how much of a wuss I am for not asking girls out. Have you ever noticed how much confidence you have when you’re laying in bed imagining the conversation you could be having and you build up your confidence and you KNOW that you’re going to do it, then you wake up and say, “ehh not today.”

r i g h t n o w

WHAT SONG ARE YOU LISTENING TO?: Abandoned Pools – The Remedy
WHAT TASTE IS IN YOUR MOUTH?: Saliva… not that stupid band, I mean the real thing
WHAT'S THE WEATHER LIKE?: sunny and breezy but not hot, the perfect combination. I’m so happy I could shit
HOW ARE YOU? *see above
WHAT IS WRITTEN ON YOUR HAND IN PINK SHARPIE?: over lapping phone numbers from countless women from today.

d o y o u

GET MOTION SICKNESS?: only in cars. I get a cold sweat going and very nauseous.
HAVE A BAD HABIT?: I have a tendency to shoot people when they piss me off, and I grind my teeth when I play with a cat’s or dog’s ear
GET ALONG WITH YOUR PARENTS?: Yeah, I’ve waved my gun around enough so they know not to fuck around.
LIKE TO DRIVE?: I’d rather be the passenger so that I can have a clearer shot

h a v e y o u

BROKEN THE LAW: broken? More like obliterated
RAN AWAY FROM HOME: no need to run when you pack heat
SNUCK OUT OF THE HOUSE: only to sit out on the front porch to avoid talking to people early in the morning and have them question why I’m going outside and blah blah
EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING: I never go swimming unless that’s the case
MADE A PRANK PHONE CALL: I’d rather go to their house and threaten them with my .22
EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA-POTTY: yeah, then rolled around in the excrement afterwards and had people take pictures
USED YOUR PARENTS' CREDIT CARD BEFORE: My mom has me buy my online Christmas presents with her credit card
SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: I missed over 19 days in the last quarter of high school in my English class only and I ended up getting an A+ in the class. That’s how much of an English stud I was/am.
FALLEN ASLEEP IN THE SHOWER/BATH: no, but sometimes there will be water left over from the bath as its draining and I’ll turn on the shower and pretend I’m back at ‘Nam in the rainy, muddy trenches clutching Charlie’s shrapnel wound crying out over the mortar blasts. Then my mom bangs on the door and asks what the hell I'm yelling for.
BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: I had to do a ridiculous amount in Elementary school. I was a background dancer in a musical of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in 4th grade I remember.
LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER: Like Laura said, I’m usually the one crying.

r a n d o m

DO YOU HAVE A JOB: yes, but its hard to get work done when my two female co-workers are constantly hitting on me and actually started mildly fighting over me (I’ll tell you about it later Moob).
WHAT DOES YOUR CD PLAYER HAVE IN IT RIGHT NOW: I don’t listen to cd’s at home, but in my car is the glorious Glassjaw – Worship And Tribute
IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE?: I’d the the stubby one at the bottom that everyone used to use like crazy, but now is just shunned
HOW MANY SCARS DO YOU HAVE?: I have a “bob” wire (barbed wire) scar from hoping fences in my hick town “YEEHAAA lets go rape that goat!”
WHAT'S THE NEXT CD YOU'RE GONNA GET?: I’ll probably replace some of the cd’s that were stolen, possibly The Juliana Theory - Love.
WHO DO YOU CONSIDER GOOD FRIENDS?: Moob, V, “the band” “the cousins” B-Rey, Zach, Jimmy (Tim), T-Bone

w h e n / w h a t w a s t h e l a s t

TIME YOU CRIED?: “What is this salty discharge?!”
YOU GOT A REAL LETTER?: Brandy sent me a letter with a Deftones Hexagram promo. She’s so sweet. Where the hell are the rest of you suckas at?
YOU GOT E-MAIL: I got one from Marcus suggesting I “give it to her good with Male Enhancement pills”
THING YOU PURCHASED: a one day parking permit. I think my permanent flew out the window.
TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: The Ellen Degeneres Show, I love that show, I watch it every chance I get, no joke.
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what the hell's with you and guns lately, you crazy mofo?, 03-29-04 10:49pm

5) What do you like to listen to before bed?
my inner thoughts telling me how much of a wuss I am for not asking girls out. Have you ever noticed how much confidence you have when you’re laying in bed imagining the conversation you could be having and you build up your confidence and you KNOW that you’re going to do it, then you wake up and say, “ehh not today.”

i burst out in the heartiest laugh ever after this one! i know that "sound" of inner thoughts and pre-planned dialogues that never happen all too well, my friend. haha

WHAT IS WRITTEN ON YOUR HAND IN PINK SHARPIE?: over lapping phone numbers from countless women from today.


GET MOTION SICKNESS?: only in cars. I get a cold sweat going and very nauseous.

you forgot to mention that you always start crying too. geez, pansy.

EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING: I never go swimming unless that’s the case

with.... michelle, tiffany, katie, melissa, allison, salma... did i mention tiffany?

EVER TIPPED OVER A PORTA-POTTY: yeah, then rolled around in the excrement afterwards and had people take pictures

"people" = me. you oughta add those shots to your portfolio... i think the g-string layout needs something new and fresh added to it. what are your thoughts on it? we really should get to work on that idea you proposed the last time we spoke - about you dressing up in fuzzy leopard corsets and posing with baby monkeys... it'll really capture your dynamic personality.

SKIPPED SCHOOL BEFORE: I missed over 19 days in the last quarter of high school in my English class only and I ended up getting an A+ in the class. That’s how much of an English stud I was/am.

oh, get off it jr.! we all know the real reason as to why mr. joe fio-pimpmaster got an A+ in that class... you sure did spend a lot of time after class with your english teacher. let's not kid around here bro ;-)

BEEN IN A SCHOOL PLAY: I had to do a ridiculous amount in Elementary school. I was a background dancer in a musical of “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” in 4th grade I remember.


DO YOU HAVE A JOB: yes, but its hard to get work done when my two female co-workers are constantly hitting on me and actually started mildly fighting over me (I’ll tell you about it later Moob).

OH MAN! how about you send me some of your leftover smoothness eh? have you been taking classes on how to pick up chicks and not been sharing the goods with mr. moob??

TIME YOU CRIED?: “What is this salty discharge?!”

that is no way to treat our favorite friend! poor teardrops!

TV PROGRAM YOU WATCHED: The Ellen Degeneres Show, I love that show, I watch it every chance I get, no joke.

i can't believe we haven't discussed this before. she is my all-time favorite comedian. when you come visit me this summer (nudge nudge, wink wink), i have to show you this dvd i have of ellen doing live stand-up.... you will cry from laughing so hard.... ask versexy.

great fill-in survey, man. i miss you.... and we still have stories to catch up on! as soon as i have the time, i'm sending you a novel of an e-mail!

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Re: what the hell's with you and guns lately, you crazy mofo?, 03-30-04 10:05pm

TIME YOU CRIED?: “What is this salty discharge?!”

that is no way to treat our favorite friend! poor teardrops!

Thats from Seinfeld of course, when Jerry finally starts showing emotion.

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Re: Re: what the hell's with you and guns lately, you crazy mofo?, 03-31-04 1:50pm

lmao i know, it's great!

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Re: Re: Re: what the hell's with you and guns lately, you crazy mofo?, 03-31-04 7:55pm

And the whole gun thing... I dunno. It started out with just the 'Hey Joe' thing, then I just went with it.

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03-29-04 11:02pm

Thanks chico

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Re:, 03-30-04 10:06pm

De Nada chica bonita

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03-30-04 11:23am

that was hilarious and made my day (nevermind that it's 8am), thanks! ;o)

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